Can you give us a hint here.... so disappointed..... Wanted a happening, didn’t get it. :(. When are we getting our happening???

Other urls found in this thread:

We were so convinced....

Just wait™

Sooooo disappointed

For? Nigger it’s almosr 9pm EST

Megs never promised us a happening today, and I kind of think you know that.

Nooooo but when???

Tired of no justice... tired of losing seats.... :( summoning Megs....

Q is leading us to the truth. We must follow because more is coming....

Man you guys are complete faggots.

Nice triple 9’s. I’m NOT a Q fan.

I’m not a Q fag

Your upsidedown satanic trips will show that you are wrong. There is some happening coming ...

Hey y'all y'ally'ally'all

Sup donkey Kong

Something is always happening, MegaLARP is irrelevant to that.

it will happen soon


Check. Yeah I’m done believing that.

The pigeon blood drinking maniac claiming that he is a vampire and biting off the heads of those birds is connected to Anderson Cooper it is discussed three minutes in here Listen...

She's fake and went full schizo a couple days ago. Disappeared.

What’s that got to do with justice?

She’s not fake dude

>CBTD is a shit
>Megan user is our only hope

Neither of the above are useless. But one of the above made a point to be jealous of not being the only darling insider on the board.

There is code in that broadcast. Listen closely....

Ok Andith

OP is a fucking fag

She's full of shit, I'm sorry, I wanted to believe too. Bye guys, enjoy the LARP.

Night desu.

She had comfy things to say. And it aided our collective cognitive bias. Some of her forecasts.planned out even.

Feeling utterly defeated and disgusted honestly

What does that pic even mean ?
I see it everywhere.
What the Fuck is it.
Sorry I'm just not very smucken fart

I refuse to believe this is what was planned. Something must have gone wrong.


That Bob Mueller was going to give his findings


Why be disappointed by clear misinformation about Assange? The fake news awards were dead on!
Trump made it possible for Assange to be a free man. Why not celebrate that?

Because I’m tired of losing seats, cheating, media hating assholes.

> Trump is going to jail. Pence is going to jail. Most of the current administration is going to jail. Hillary, Huma the Podestas all will be vindicated. Chelsea Manning will win her campaign. Anthony Weiner will be pardoned by President Clinton. The Saudis that have been imprisoned will be released and restored to their positions and have their hard earned money returned to them. CNN & NPR will become the two state sponsored news sources. America will be respected again and this will all be just a short lived painful memory --- soon.

It will happen when the gifts are chocolate.
That's when they'll reclaim the throne.
The plans ruined won't remain so.
They're bringing on the ayylmao.

Wacth for these signs:

Three genders become one.
The Giant splits in two.
A hot coffee pot will fall but not spill.
The star will come out as gay.
Winos will slur and speak real loud.
The Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac will become a deadhead.
The Nelly, In Here, will be Hotter.
The Robinsons will return.
A Rock will Rampage.
The Three-Eyed Raven sees all.
The bear will do favors if you shave his back hair.
The Hammer and Sickle will cry.

Ha ha ha?

Bumping to summon the notorious but silent tiled feet of justice - where are you? Hoping for your safety and that your rolling VPN connection joins us here for an explanation of your recent bout of explosive verbal diarrhea

What did she say? I must’ve missed it. I haven’t read her archives in a few days

With her being as close to Bannon as I think she might be, she's probably insanely busy at the moment given the recent news. Maybe waiting til after Bannons testimony is done?

Meh, I triggered her a few weeks back for asking about something she had said previously, she thought I was some jewtuber, and sperged out at him in response to me. unexpected and breddy funny, desu.

Could be.


You get a warm glass of whisky instead

waz up?

You got #LARPed

Just saying, Meg, Award, x

Lol. Just want some encouragement???

You were convinced by... a posting by another 4 Chan user.

This is the opposite of weaponized autism.

I know. I just want to know when...

Did you just say

Triples. No had that

But have you Donated money to the Clinton foundation to get away with criminal activity?

Check. No. Never will


A better foundation exists?

Check. Yes. Pick one.

meh, maybe later

Beer Me!

Lol. Margarita me nigggggga lol

On another note....


wat u want?

If someone says something, have them show proof.
If they don't have proof, they're full of shit.
If they're full of shit, and you believe it, then you're fucking retarded.

Don't instantly believe shit just because someone said it.
That makes you a Democrat.

To hear that soon the world will know the ugly...


You must expand you're definition of an "Acceptable Outcome"


Yeah well it's your own fault for being so stupid as to expect the US justice system to come through for you.
Blacks aren't that stupid. Why are you?

That goes for all of you.

Well why don't you ponder what other groups that actually GOT SHIT DONE would have done about that kind of stuff.

Would they have sat on their hands and complained on the internet?


The shills hate her.
Shes even posted pics inside the whitehouse after hours and people still think shes LARPing lol

Check. I know they do, but I do not so they can fuck right off


I can’t bring Pizzagate to law enforcement, I’ve worked my ass off here, red pilling normies, making memes & worked with /ATG/. I’m not complicit.

You be careful. You will get what you asked for. You play games, but games come to an end. You mock, but the mockery will turn on you. These fake prophecies will start to come true. Don't fuck with Kek boy.