What's the current state of the Scandinavian country power rankings?
Which have the bleakest futures? I don't know how to order Denmark, Norway and Iceland, but at least (from best to worst):
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. Finland
5. Sweden
What's the current state of the Scandinavian country power rankings?
Which have the bleakest futures? I don't know how to order Denmark, Norway and Iceland, but at least (from best to worst):
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. Finland
5. Sweden
Are you retarded? Those are military allies.
If you want to compare you should do Nordic Europeans vs X
>from best to worst
1. Norbros
2. Finland
3. Iceland
4. Denmark
5. Sweden
Also Funland and Iceshit is not part of Scandinavia Leaf
Finland is not Scandinavia.
Don't talk to me or my son ever again
More like blackest futures. BLACKED
>mfw former colonies like Iceland and Norway talks to me like an equal
Denmark is the oldest and home to the true icekikes of the north
1. Romania
2. Norway
3. Farore Islands
4. Romania
5. Pakistan
138. Denmark
139. Sweden
>Probably fucked
>Build a wall around it and forget it exists
Too bad we are the only country with a weapon industry.
Still biggest per capita in the world(beating isreal and USA).
But we are still fucked nonetheless
please don't say that
or people will actually start realizing that we're not scandinavian
The Danish are drug addicts.
The Norwegians are lazy welfare niggers(would be even poorer than Finland if no oil.)
umm rude
Dirty drug addicts*
oh really, fucked in what way? it's pretty hard to immigrate here from what I know and we don't take in so many refugees, and intergrating into society is arguably harder since the language is more difficult to learn which I think(hope) discourages people from moving here.
>it's pretty hard to immigrate here from what I know
I thought 10% is polish, so I guess not.
>since the language is more difficult to learn which I think(hope) discourages people from moving here.
skiptir ekki máli held ég
við tölum öll allt of góða ensku til að láta það stoppa fólk (það getur samt verið andlega brestandi að geta ekki talað tungumál landsins sem þú býrð í)
Norwegians definitely wouldn't be poor without oil
I would rely on Finland and Maybe Iceland
Definitely not the rest though
I don't know, but I have Iceland on my countries I hate list, so your politicians must've shittalked Trump or praised shitskins or something.
Latvia and Estonia should be apart of the Nords
>#1 in promiscuity
Uh yes they would, they literally lived of off salmon fishing before they found oil.
Show your flag norrbagge.
Facts > your shitty opinion
They have higher human capital than Sw*den
I'm don't think the number of poles is high enough to be 10%, but it is true that they are the largest group of immigrants here.
Já þetta er reyndar góður punkur. En ef þú vilt ekki vera álitinn permatúristi að þá er voðalega lítið í spilinum annað en að læra málið. Mætti vera lögð aðeins meiri áhersla á að fólkið læri tungumálið ef það ætlar að vera hér til lengdar.
Er líka sammála með það síðara, mjög gott dæmi er þegar maður fer niður í bæ. Fólkið sem vinnur á mörgum af börunum er útlenskt og virðist ekki tala stakt orð í íslensku, og einnig virðist sem stór hluti fólksins inn á þeim sé venjulega útlenskt líka. Ég fór til dæmis á pubquiz á einum barnum í seinustu viku, allt fór fram á ensku.
Show me the human capital before they found oil.
That's irrelevant, what matters is now and they would be richer than Sweden without oil
I guess it depends on which countries have the most/least blacks, arabs, jews and freemasons...
My Facts > your false causation
At least the Danish we're good at shipping and trading.
The Faroese will rule the globe
ef að þú heldur að það er slæmt niðrí bæ þá skaltu bara prófa að fara í costco
það eru svo fáir íslenskir starfsmenn þar að manni líður örlitið eins og maður er í Kanalandi