What makes Sup Forums rage?
They should be arrested and then shot, all of them
Shouldn't Halloween costumes be creepy?
That I was born at the point where human civilisation stagnated
It's a Halloween costume, nothing wrong with that. If he starts wearing his Halloween costume on days other than Halloween, that would be a problem.
That is creepy
You don't find that creepy?
Rejoice! Pretty soon you'll be able to fucc 12 year old boipucci in public, and if anyone tries to stop you, THEY'LL be in the wrong!
>What makes Sup Forums rage?
americans need fruit to have star wars on it so kids will actually buy it
I can't wait until these kiddie "drag queens" come of age and sue their parents for abuse.
I have transcended anger. It's just morbid voyeurism at this point.
>all the people on the tube going to work are white men
really pickles my pistachios
I don't rage anymore. I'm simply sad.
That is pretty fucking incredible.
20, 10, even five years ago I never imagined myself agreeing with this kind of sentiment.
Stop makin fun of us
There's creepy as in haunted theme park and creepy as in a car driving just a little behind you at the same pace that you're walking. This is the latter.
We merely give the human animal what it desires.
Sperm donor kids tried that. Didn't work out so good. Trans may have more of a case tho
If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love anyone else OP
The wogs invading the West. I genuinely don't care if some twerp faggot wants to be a full-fledged faggot once he grows up, but I am mightily angered by the rise of Islam in our countries.
I consider myself a Centrist, being socially liberal but fiscally conservative, which according to the current Overton window makes me a nazi. Unbelievable.
The Greatest U.S. Presidents of All Time
Pedos raising children = 9 year old sex toy in drag
Lol. The parents are the ones buying it, so it's worse than what you're saying. Adults need to be advertised StarWars to buy fruit. Or maybe not, because bottled water come in packs covered with Avengers, Frozen, and Star Wars too.
So other countries don't plaster Star Wars on every product possible? Sounds nice.
Anything involving hate speech.
in 2004/2004 when Shrek 2 came out pretty much everything had Shrek on it, including ketchup
but produce never was
on the other the good thing is that "nazi" is the worst badge they can give you, so you can become a literal nazi right away and your social status won't change. when you're at the bottom there's nothing more to lose.
Seems like industry regulations. Still nice. I get tired of seeing movie ads on everything.
Whoa you bigot! "Way down" is way more intense than "down", so obviously Trump is a complete liar!
Have things gotten worse, or are we just now seeing the world for what it is? It feels like blatant anti-white sentiment along with faggotry has been normalized for the past decade or so, but shit's gone full degenerate for only the past few years.
Rage thread you say??
Your sisters ass.
Lets all rage
Thanks for the nostalgia user, those were good times
I bet a mosque will be put up in its place
Minions were on banana's though and now Elsa and Anna are on healthy snacks like peanut butter.
Link to this so i can read that guys answer?
one time i dressed up like a girl for Halloween...
i thought it would be really funny..
because of medea goes to jail...
and norbit...
and every other tyler perry movie....
i............... regret nothing
that shit was hilarious i put washclothes in my bra and it was funny as shit to me in the 5th grade and that shit is still funny to me today just that people do it all the time now and call it a progressive movement
I fucking hate marijuana users so much
Honestly, the smallness of my white cock keeps making me so mad. Why can't I just have a massive big cock so I can be popular with the pretty girls??
That was your choice, you didn't advertise it and it was for shits and giggles.
This shit is because parents want a special snowflake
>he will be jewed
yo you remember when people used to dress up their little brothers like girls and make them play teaparty and the mom would get a pic and the guy would never live this down, when the brainwash wears off America (or the nukes kill us all) how are any of these guys going to live this down this was like a big part of their lives and they advertised it everywhere
This man is a literal child abuser. This poor kid is going to be a fucking disaster his entire life.
now this is consumerism!
Here we consult some experts.
and yea people just want to feel like they are special, why do you think people used to be emo?
>no one understands me
>im an outsider lookin in
>the world is fucked
>golly gee wilikers batman my butt can't take anymore
>maybe if i dye my hair jet black jessica the other hot emo will notice me
(im not even going to lie to you when I see a goth girl my dick gets kinda hard for some reason)
and they advertised all this shit on social media because it was the first time that they could stand out.
this is just a phase (i hope)
and hopefully we can all get out of this with some shits and giggles
This is the reward for winning a contest. I have no ill will
I'm white and I have a pretty big cock. If I learned anything, there's one truth in life: females talk.
There's nothing like fucking a girl well with my bigger than average cock then banging all her friends in the same month because she couldn't keep her mouth shut about it.
Going to imageboards and entering threads that are designed to make me feel angry.
If you don't have a big dick, date a short girl
It makes me rage that hot women aren't attracted to me.
Read 'em and weep, fucker
I already have
Is being Chinked that bad? I would trade any paki to chink.
>there are going to be tranny kids prostitues in the near future
what time to be alive boys
I can't fucking take this Huff post shit any longer. I go into a spastic mental rage even when I see the letter "H" capitalised.
Will somebody PLEASE locate the FATHERS of the huffpost staff and legitimately do in depth interview to find out WHY their offspring are so fucked up that they are trying to Fuck up the entire next generation because of their failed childhoods .
What did huff posts daddies do them ??
I'll bet there is something there to make this group of people so fucked in the head.
Huff Post what did your daddies do to YOU ??
Maybe dads in the future can refrain from whatever it was, so that huff postisms never ever happen in the future
>proper spending of taxpayer money
The faggot-ass brits did it to themselves. You reap what you sow.
Girl with tiny hands like doll size
That'll even the score