the man is a living train wreck

I bet he's happier than 99% of Sup Forums.

Well this is unexpected.


is chris getting better?

t. literally put concentration camps into his comics and a final solution allusion
do you need to ask?

Christina Channel is becoming Oprah Winfrey
and it's a wonder to behold

unfortunately this

>Chris-chan is happier than you lol checkmate racists
This man is easily a candidate for most miserable person alive. He is without genuine friends, any who are his friends are so out of pity, and then, they never stay long. He has no family, the only person in his family willing to be near with him is his psychologically damaged/manipulative mother, and she's on the fast track to becoming a dust-covered urn, forgotten and buried amongst Chris' toys. Once she goes, he will no longer be able to file for SSI because he doensn't know how, his parents debt will crush him, and because he overspends credit cards on legos and plastic jewelery, he will forever be in crushing debt, with no way to even break the waterline and gasp for air, because he alienates everyone around him with his selfish narcissim
One could argue ignorance is bliss, but I've never been a believer of that theory.
t. autist who researches christory for scientific purposes
1/10 bait, only because I responded.

i know i don't believe in mental health and that it is all a fraud to sell you valuable medications but i would rather have some people drugged out of their mind so my kids will never have to see something like this

All the alt-right neo nazi troll jerks have been executed under the rule of god emperor Christine Weston Chandler.

>chris is still surrounded by cheap plastic toys

Anyone got the webm that is reportedly CWC fapping out of the taint hole and goo comes out of it?

Every year I forget this man exists only to be reminded he is still alive. I wonder how many years left before we see him dead on the news in his own piss, there is no way a disease won't get this guy first.

that was on Sup Forums and /r9k/ last year. that was one of those post-operation confused folk.
cwc's wound healed without him having septic shock

You thought he would change?

Will Chris Chan be allowed in the ethno- state?

fuck off cwc predates that meme

Isn't this the same guy that made a piece of clay art that resembles both sonic and pikachu, and then shoved it up his own ass? Is this the guy I'm thinking of?


I think he also cut his own dick off too. What a mess.

I don't know that he cut it off, exactly, but he did make a slit in his perineum and called it his neo vagina and said he grew it by listening to hypnotism videos on YouTube

he also claimed a doctor inspected it and called it 'perfectly healthy'

>I bet he's happier than 99% of Sup Forums

You've.... never watched him before have you?

>he did make a slit in his perineum and called it his neo vagina
I think I saw a webm of this on Sup Forums like a year ago, but there was jizz coming out of it. It also didn't look very far down there, and so I assumed that this was where the base of his penis once was.

>and said he grew it by listening to hypnotism videos on YouTube
Lmao, I missed that part.

yes that video was 100% someone else, not cwc

The "clay art" is his Sonichu medallion, a symbol of his power. A troll named bluespike pretended to be a girl (is actually a 12 year old boy, at the time) and tricked Chris into an online relationship. He got a hold of his PSN password, and threatened to release their cybersex logs to the police because CP (nevermind entrapment laws, Chris doesn't understand how the law works, like so much else) and delete everything on his PSN (~$3,000 worth of games and DLC, even if he doesn't own the game to which the DLC is meant for) unless he shoved the medallion up his ass. And the madman actually did it.
He didn't. He is, however, extremely ashamed of it, partially because it's wildly bent and deformed, partially because (presumably) it's a reminder of his failure as a man. Then happened.
Funniest thing out of all this, is after years of denying Rosechu has a "pickle" he officially retconned her to have had one all along about 6 months ago.

Not really,he is on the exact same position as a 3yo roastie, having fucked up her life with her decisions and simply mantaining the facade.
You can easily argue that about niggers,how niggers are on are ver age happier than whites and i would have to are ver age green, they literally are so retarded and so unable to think about the future that the mother fuckers can't into human worrying.
I dont know the suicide rate of the niggers but I bet is low since they absolutely lack the fucking grasp of the situation nor the inner world to develop and brew such a take on life.
They simply go into muh dick,gibsmedat me that or chimp out modes by instinct.
Pic related

i wouldn't doubt this one bit, (((doctors))) enable this shit

also bump

No, what?

cwc was lying about the doctor saying his "vagina" was real or healthy.

How the fuck did he age so rapidly? He's only 35, yet easily looks twice that.

Also, R.I.P Bob. The only good Chandler.

I will never not click a Chris Chan thread

Get away from that damn internet i'm cuttin it down

Hormone replacement therapy, bad diet, stress.

He never actually did HRT, right? I follow him semi-closely and I've never read that he did anywhere.

Sauce on this roastie

He was taking some kind of herbal supplement that was not prescribed to him by a doctor, and also rubbing some kind of estrogen gel on himself. I think that was the extent of it.

well that's because he's a fucking retard, ivan. retards tend to be happy all the time. have you ever seen a sad retard before? doubt it, though you could try looking in the mirror

Apparently that supplement has no actual effects and cwc is just an idiot

He rubs his mom's estrogen cream all over himself thinking it'll turn him into a girl. He listened to youtube binaural beats thinking it made him grow a vagina. He has no idea how to take care of himself.

Whatever happened to Liquid Chris?


Last i heard he finished his doctorate, and hooked up with that grill who was trolling cwc. Apparently their relationship is a flop though because she's a landwhale and kind of a cunt.

Oh yeah. That should be obvious to just about anybody that watches Chris' videos. He lies about almost everything and anything, and when he does tell the truth, it's usually after "close personal friends" (see. White knight ex-trolls and "gal-pals" that hang around because they genuinely pity him) goad him into admitting something, and even then, it's almost always completely disingenuous. Like how a child apologizes because he was told to, and doesn't mean it.
F. Cole (Chris' half brother) could have been a good one, be he isn't a Chandler, technically. So, make of that what you will, I guess.
Same. Autism compels me.
He is indeed taking snake oil and doing hypnotic binural subsound in order to "grow" a new vagina.


Now that she considers herself a woman, you'd think she's try to get some fashion sense.

>still with that fuckng pendant

if there's one thing mentally ill degenerate leftists are, it's happy...

I miss the old days when Chris was a neocon normie that watched Glenn Beck and called his trolls dirty pickle suited niggers
Lurk more Ruskie

Same. Gone are the halcyon days of him urging people to stay straight, but boys should play with MLP toys and girls should play with transformers to "better understand the opposite gender", not drink or smoke, the antics of Clyde Cash, Liquid Chris, the feats of strength, all the lulz is gone.
A testament to what happens when a totally socially isolated autist is bombarded with trolls for the better part of 10 years.

No. I can almost guarantee he'd have ended up the same way no matter what.
Cwc was about the single most stubborn person imaginable and it wasn't like there wasn't people trying to help him among all the rabble.
He never really stood a chance. The trolls didn't make him into what he ultimately became, they just kept him company during his transformation.

Which one of you faggots is filling CWC with Nazi stuff and trolling chris?

Have you ever watched him? He was a funny lolcow autist before but now its just soul crashing to look at him.

lol no

>He is without genuine friends, any who are his friends are so out of pity, and then, they never stay long. He has no family, the only person in his family willing to be near with him is his psychologically damaged/manipulative mother, and she's on the fast track to becoming a dust-covered urn, forgotten and buried amongst Chris' toys. Once she goes, he will no longer be able to file for SSI because he doensn't know how, his parents debt will crush him

Sounds like most of Sup Forums.

What a lot of people don't know is that Bob had two kids in another marriage before CWC was born. He left his old family for CWC's mother. In the end, both of his old kids became doctors,while Chris turned into an absolute train wreck. Look it up if you don't believe me.

>what was your intent by creating an artistic expression of grace, beauty, and family, and how does it all relate to femininity?
How do your beliefs get so twisted and confused that you can't recognize why this picture is so appealing? It shows skill, grace, beauty, and motherhood all in one simple photo. Modern women have been told that these values are bad and "chains" to be broken, but can't comprehend why they might still want them after all. It'd be sad if it wasn't so damn funny.

This fucking waste of oxygen. Have we really been watching his shitshow for almost 17 motherfucking years now?

Why is that lady breaking her toy?


Sad, chris-chan isn't funny anymore, it's just sad and makes me feel old

I'll bet you're wrong

Watching the antics of the mentally disabled has only ever really been funny for those who are mentally ill themselves, really. Intelligent people watch satire and comedy shows.

WHat happens to him when his mom dies?
I just realized that there are thousands of these broken humans walking around getting empowered by activist groups. The future is going to get really bad unless this gets turned around.

Probably not because he still wants sex with women.

>making a cake is impossible to attain


like Rick and Morty.

He's happy because of the beautiful art he creates. If I was a talented artist I'd be happy too

No, that's watching the antics of the mentally disabled still.

Someone on the internet should adopt him when his mom dies

I kinda hoped he would live his entire life as a sheltered autist. But yeah, he's fucked in the long-term.

>im so happy i changed my gender

i aint buying

What you don’t grasp is the he doesn’t mind all those things. He is unable to learn and is a able to plan ahead. He is a person that totally lives in the now and can’t be assed to think about the future or past mistakes. He will get angry when things turn shit, but will he learn? Hardly. He is ignorance is bliss Times ten.

I feel bad for him. I hate to say that I pity anyone, because I hate when others feel pity for me, but I hope Chris finds the fulfillment he's after. If not, I hope he finds it in his next life.

The internet probably played a role in where he has ended up so let us know how that works out for you
State mental facility for him. I used to bring AA meetings to one of those places, just hell on earth. Like a fucking horror movie.

He's autistic. That's why he's like this

so now he's threatening people on youtube?