Same island, same resources. How is this even possible?
Other urls found in this thread:
top one appears to have been shopped a bit
>White mans fault
>(((Pure coincidence)))
Honestly the DR/Haiti example is my favorite way to subtle talk about race realism desu. They literally split an island in half and put the whites on one side and the darkies on the other. The result is OPs picture.
Top picture is British niggers
Bottom picture is French niggers
Look at world colonisation the British were far superior at colonising than those cheese eating surrending monkeys
This is actually a great point. France had no reason to be mucking around where they were. Once naval supremacy slid slowly towards Britain, it's no surprise that French colonies received shit all for support.
Just more evidence of racism. Maybe if the entire earth is 99.99999999% mulatto el abominacions, and 0.00000001% jewish, we will finally end racism.
dominicans are based mestizos like white people
haitians are negroids who hate white people so much they even killed their mulatto elite
But DR is a black nation user, one side speak Spanish and the other french.
yeah its totally because of race. Not because Haiti has no natural area for tourism resorts, little to no natural resources, and very little cultivable land.
DR strives to be white.
Haiti is founded on destroying anything white about it, including economic prosperity.
yeah i think it has something to do with how the empires treated their colonies when they got independence not really as a result of the people there
Dominican Republic has white people who run the show.
If niggers had any sense they'd push for a few whites to come to their nation and run it for them.
trips confim english superiority. this is now a commonewealth appriciation thread. say something nice about our empire
True, the DR is multi-ethnic nation and has diverse population while Haiti is like 99% nigger. In DR the niggers comprise the under-class and are the poorest segment of the population, of course, while the whites and mestizo/native types make the bulk of the middle and upper classes. DR's politicians look like this, notice there's not a single Obama looking type there.
WE WHITE PEOPLE are oppressing them. We need to crawl on the ground to kiss their kang feet before we can even begin to have a "real dialogue".
These niggers are so retarded they can't even farm, so they literally eat dirt and shit.
>Top picture is British niggers
If anything we are spanish niggers, fag and no, not all dominicans are niggers.
>dominicans are based mestizos like white people
We aren't mestizo either, we are majority mulattoes.
No you ignorant faggot.
All you need to know really
Dominican Republic
>Mixed 73%
>White 16%
>Black 11%
>Black 95%
>Mixed race and White 5%
Anyone who still denies blacks are dumb is probably as dumb as a black
Why don't you guys invade and take over that shithole.
Why suddenly nonstop Haiti threads? All of the sudden, Sup Forums became desperately fixated on the theme of "Haiti: such niggers there". What happened Sup Forums? Did inspiration come down from heaven?
I heard it was a shithole
So you became obsessed?
mercy kill these poor creatures. no one should suffer like this.
Dominicans are the worst hispanics
Don’t watch tv or listen to radio but my mate told me the gay cunts on triple J aren’t doing the hottest 100 countdown this year so some conservative has made his own and all the lefty musicians are triggered little Poofta cunts
Why dont you annex mexico and incorporate it into america?
Why would we do that? what do we gain by doing so? we just want a BBW in the border, and all the haitians deported back to their shithole.
>t. salty haitian
even moar worst than el peruano?
>here'a a comparison of capitals DR and haiti
Haiti was just a regular shithole, then the haitians expelled and killed their educated mixed-race elites, and the nation became a shithole among shitholes.
Why do many latinos hate peruanos?
Nignogs went full retard and made a massacre where they killed all whites and indios on their side in 1804.
Now they get their El Bombazo from the UN.
Mexico has an actual military, while Haiti just has a bunch of low IQ niggers with rocks and sticks.
the peruano thing is a Sup Forums meme, mexicans are moar disliked by latinos
When shit got real for the niggers they tried to massacre their neighbours and got massacred themselves.
Top pic is quadroon meaning only 25% black the bottom is 100%. Haitians are also the purest natural born niggers in the western hemisphere since they slaughtered all of their mixed breeds 200 years ago. So they are the perfect example of a nigger civilization.
Former French colonies in Africa are far worse shitholes than former British ones too. South Africa excepted but only the past 20 years or so.
any hatians for sale?
One thing I'll never understand about people in shithole countries is how there are SO FUCKING MANY OF THEM! Why would you ever have a baby in such a disgusting miserable place?
What are economic sanctions and global/political repercusions?
The second we try that, your military would intervene immediately to "stabilize" the island. idiot, also we gain nothing by going west,
Presidente Rafael Trujillo didn't want all the haitian niggers on his side of the border and he sent out his soldiers.
"If they could pronounce it the Spanish way the soldiers considered them Dominican and let them live, but if they pronounced it the French or Creole way they considered them Haitian and executed them."
What a hero.
Basic human instinct is to survive/reproduce. This is why nigger and shitskin countries have so many people. They literally just survive and reproduce because they are the basic form of a human being. This is why predominantly white countries are all advanced and civilized. We were smart enough to find a life that afforded us the oppurtunity to have recreational activities. We don't wake up everyday with one thing on our mind - survival and reproduction of humanity.
Nigger and shitskin countries are less advanced because they simply haven't evolved. This is why Africa fuckers live in tents and we get mad when our heater goes out in the winter.
We've evolved to the point of intellect where we exist on a higher level of humanity. The reason niggers in America are so shitty is because they have the best of both worlds, which is naivety and white culture(freedom of everything, entry to wealth, etc)
They will continue to act out until they evolve. Until they've proven their reason for contributing to Euro-American(White) culture, they have no place in the modern world. Only a VERY small handful will make it. The rest will end up in jail, or victims of a savage society in which engulfs the black community.
Haitian niggers genocided the whites and promptly became an African-tier society because it was full of Africans.
>economic global collapse and the UN falls apart
under these circumstances we will cleanse this island
"Haitian President Élie Lescot put the death toll at 12,168; in 1953, the Haitian historian Jean Price-Mars cited 12,136 deaths and 2,419 injuries"
Other say it was up to 35 000 macacos.
It's the same reason an increase in (((leftist welfare))) without accountability had the effect of pouring gasoline on the fire of shitholes in the United States. Foreign aid dumped on low IQ people eager to fuck. US (((media))) has also glorified single mother households as empowering and noble for decades completely destroying all notions of strong families but that's another story.
Niggers can't civilization
Dominicans are more based than I thought. Holy shit.
Clinton robbed haiti. sage
The French side of St.Martin is pretty nice but the Dutch side does see more tourists... Maybe the vast importation of African slaves is the difference?
then to make amends with the UN for killing thousands of haitians, trujillo agreed to allow european jews fleeing nazi germany to resettle in DR (in order to whiten DR) only a few came and settled in Sosua which coincidentally now happens to be the hub of prostitution in DR including child prostitution
only 50 family's came, 50 too many
>Only the Dominican Republic, led by dictator Rafael Trujillo, expressed a willingness to accept a significant number - between 50,000 and 100,000 Jews
>26,000 acres in the Dominican town of Sosua, which had previously been developed as a banana plantation
(((sosua))) now nothing but prostitutes
>Three days earlier Matt, a former CIA agent and United States diplomat, had been posing with an undercover team as tourists looking to buy sex with children in the Dominican Republic's northern beach town of Sosua.
desu it took me a while to realize it but Dominicans actually generally fetishize white people and as a result are pretty based, all other Hispanics have a tendency to go full blown niggerdom but Dominicans are different
IIRC, the capital of Haiti is the largest city without central sewers.
haitians only understand and respect violence
>haitian thief caught by locals
to be fair Major League Baseball holds up the Dominican Republic a bit.
except DR was settled by Spain....
You're cursed now for mis-using trips
Dominicans are the niggers of hispanic people.
They are pretty much amerindian/spanish/black mutts like Cuba.
t. Puerto Rican
the ""whites"" from dominican republic for generations have ran the show from biz to gov
>only 50 family's came, 50 too many
50 jew families less in Germany is something good
Could be more tho ...
As I said ... what a hero!
mfw when the Dominican Republic will be the go-to dream family vacation hotspot instead of Paris in 10 years.
Nah we wish baseball niggers would invest in the country but for the most part, a lot of them just take their family to live with them in the US, a few others have charity programs here in the country, but even them that is insignificant and certainly doesn't even represent 1% of the gdp,
Sex is a drug for the underclass, and the cheapest one at that. You know how heroin addicts never think about tomorrow? Same thing
I like how he walks through the sewage and then stands on the tarp they dry the dirt cakes on.
Why can’t black people farm? Ffs you’d think they’d learn something from being slaves on a farm.
Jared Diamond has a good chapter in this book explaining the divergence.
>In 1960 the two countries (haiti and DR) were equally impoverished. The Dominican Republic pulled ahead in part because it was luckier in its dictators. Rafael Trujillo, who ruled for 31 years until 1961, was a brute but at least encouraged the development of industry.
a hero indeed also this article is good it explains a lot the difference between haiti and DR in a non bias way
Leftist talking points when confronted about Haiti:
>but the French made them pay back loans for more than 200 years!
Yeah that's because the Haitians paid so little of the principal that it rolled over for a long time. The Japanese were forced to pay 550M+ after the war in addition to losing all of their overseas wartime assets, and they did so AFTER Haiti did, yet Haiti is just as bad before paying off their balance as afterward, so why is that?
>Haiti was the first slave country to rise up against its colonial overlords
lol who cares
>look at these beautiful photos of Haiti beaches and mountains
Yeah, show something that people (not the French) actually built
>The Americans colonized Haiti in the early 20th century
We were there for such a short period of time that this excuse is laughable
>but there are bad parts of America!
The difference is that in America you have to go searching for a place that is as bad as the average place in Haiti. In Haiti you have to go searching for the rare place that is as good as the average place in America
Haitians are proof of the maxim that Africans create Africas.
>Jared Diamond
Guns, Germs and Steel was a very influential theory
Probably because the Dominican was a colony under the Spanish Empire which got funded heavily to create a surge of power in the Carribean.
>but the French made them pay back loans for more than 200 years!
the debt was paid by 1947 and (haiti and DR) were economically equal until 1960
> In 1960, the Dominican Republic and Haiti had the same per capita real GDP
>The Americans colonized Haiti in the early 20th century
United States conducted military interventions in Cuba, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. all part of the "banana wars". it wasn't just haiti
>Richest colony in the caribbean for several hundred years
>No natural resources
Let me guess, you're a nigger.
This post is total blatant lies, you are either full retarded or just pretending.
Haiti was the "jewel of the Antilles". It went from being the richest colony in the region to being the worst shitholes on earth, only comparable to the worst countries of Africa.