Thoughts on climate change/global warming...

Thoughts on climate change/global warming? I'm right wing on most issues and global warming is one of those things where I feel the right is being contrarian just for the sake of it.

I'm open to other opinions though.

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I will destroy your atmosphere puny human.

muh environment

Sure. My opinion is that Op is a faggot.
Prove me wrong.

I don't think government regulation is the solution, but I see it as a real issue that the people (not the government) should be striving to fix

you're probably a nigger that just cares for short term monetary objectives over long term survival

Know why this is a faggot post? Any post that has a "I'm one of you bros" and then does a "but muh global warming" and does the idiot Titanic meme is obviously faggot level posting.
If you're an alarmist, just say so and don't be a pussy about it with this bullshit "I'm right wing". Gawd, we've all read the Saul Alinsky book on how to be a deceitful asshole.

Global warming is mostly natural but everybody is exaggerating it and making it seem like humans cause all of it

blackpill for the faggot OP
you better hope the conservatives are right because even by you own estimates it is unstoppable unless 90% of the human populations dies off in a way that their rotting corpses do not cause a glut of methane.
You should be working on how to suck CO2 out of the air but then you won't be able to control people then and that would miss the point of this shit.

There's no argument for it other than a bunch of graphs with lines on it that you don't understand.

People just believe in global warming because they don't think the status quo could be that wrong about something. Or they don't think that they themselves could be that wrong about something.

If climate change truly becomes a problem, we'll solve it with technology ("necessity is the mother of invention"). The real problem for me is that global warming activists are not focusing on tech that will solve the supposed problem (existing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere), they're focusing on two things: tech that delays the supposed problem (like solar panels, etc.. and don't forget we're already "past the point of no return" anyway) and globalist politics which they're sneaking in by using climate change as an excuse.

Here are some quotes from an article written by one of the most famous climate change activists, titled "What is Blocking Sustainability?"
>The required unprecedented level of mutual trust among nations and the loss of some national sovereignty represents two such major stumbling blocks...
In other words, a global government is their solution to climate change.
>One probably necessary sustainability tool ・a global system of ecological tax reform (e.g., global carbon taxation)...
As if taxing people will make existing carbon dioxide disappear?

Meanwhile, all of the research $$$ (from government and private funding) is granted to climate change affirmative studies.

Then the private entities make a lot of money making solar panels, wind farms, etc. and selling it to the government (after making sure the politicians get their cut), then the politicians raise taxes (carbon taxes and so forth) in order to fund more research and buy more shit, and the cycle continues while all of these people (academics, corporations, politicans) line their pockets on the public dime.

They couldn't care less about the planet.

Agreed. People love to blame corporations, but the general public is literally throwing cash at these corporations day by day. We don't need better corporations. We need better consumers.

I definitely think humans are having a negative influence on the environment, but not reproducing like rabbits is the best first step possible.

My advisor had this plan on detonating a bunch of garbage at the L1 Lagrange point to block sunlight from reaching earth.
The problem I saw - what if the AGW shills are lying? You kill everything by creating Snowball earth.

I guarantee that you nor almost anyone weighing in on this topic are even close to being an expert on the topic. It is so insanely complex that anyone simplifying it or making broad generic claims is 100% wrong. This is not a binary topic with two simple sides as the media, politicians, and so many morons want to believe.

>anyone simplifying it or making broad generic claims is 100% wrong
Do you not see the irony in this statement?

All the hypothesis failed.

Literally the only reason I vote Democrat is because they give a shit about the environment, while Republicunts deny climate change. Fuck them.


Climate change is real.
Human activities do affect it.
But not a lot.
Garbage is a way more important issue, but kikes don't want to talk about it because muh consumerism.

In real science, if a hypothesis fails, it's rejected. Not these assholes. AGW is a realigious belief with them. "Muh science! I be smart because I mindlessly agree with muh scientist!"

Why is it that the only "acceptable" solutions to global warming are about curtailing industry and energy usage?
It's a fucking anti-energy breathing tax scam.

Climate change is real obviously. Are we in an ice age now? Scientists can't even predict the weather accurately yet they think they can predict the climate years in advance?

Ah, the Appeal to complexity fallacy.
It's easy.
If their hypothesis didn't predict, IT'S WRONG.
Stop being a retard. This is junior high school level.

The Sun impacts the climate more than anything else. People actually think that statement is insane.

i love to put
in my options field soup

All that shit was made up by oil companies after Hitler ruined the eugenics brand.
Conservation pushes the idea that PEOPLE are a CANCER on the planet, slowly warming people up to population control.

Why do people hate humanity so much they have to make it seem we are evil towards everything on the earth

This is how greenie communists think.

>Top 10 things scientist still cant explain

Their solutions are usually shit.
We are in a millenial warming trend like the past 3000 years. Greek/Minoan/Egypt (1300-900ish BC), Rome, Medieval Europe, Now. The northern hemisphere warms up and life thrives for 300-400 years and then mid millennial it gets cold and bad stuff happens again.

They decided to kill off most of humanity. That's a goal carved in stone, literally.
Need a reason. "Man Made Climate Change" will do. Look at Op, he's ready to kill us all for it.

Look up Svensmark. He's explained climate change and it has nothing to do with man made CO2.

>Are we in an ice age now?

Thoughts on [thread topic]? I'm right wing on most issues and [thread topic] is one of those things where I feel the right is being contrarian just for the sake of it.

Man-made climate change / global warming is a means of forcing otherwise untenable technologies into existence. Electric cars, solar & wind power, recycling... none of them can stand on their own merits, but thanks to Obama era subsidies these technologies were advanced by decades.

My advisor... epic. This would work. He did the math.
Trouble is, what if the warming data is faked? And we KNOW that they faked the data from the Climate gate e-mails.

We aren't allowed to exist. Other animals can make larger environmental impact and it's okay because it's "natural".

Exactly. Right out of the Antifa terrorist commie trolling guide. #1 "Double Agent".

CO2 can only absorb energy at set wavelengths.
If those wavelengths as measured from space exiting the planet are near zero then that means CO2 has no more absorption left to do.
Think of it like making fog thicker. A light in the fog gets dimmer and dimmer at a set distance until you can't see it anymore. Adding more fog doesn't absorb more energy because it's already totally absorbed.

At the start of the turn of the last century our planet was damn near starved for CO2 as is common in ice ages. (and yes we are in an ice age now because we have polar ice caps). But the first amount of absorbing gas is the most effective. That is the first 10ppm absorbs more energy than the next 500ppm for example.

We had about 1C of warming left for CO2 to absorb in 1900. We capped out our CO2 absorption in about 2000. This is why we have had a long pause in temperature rises and only a 1C rise in measured temperature.

As we raise in temperature ever so slightly the amount of radiated energy goes up. That is hot bodies radiate more energy than cooler ones. Sure it's only 1C but that is over the whole surface of the planet. Most climate models not only do not predict warming above 1C without other gasses (like methane) they don't account for a raising in radiated energy by the warmer planet or a change in the abode by increased cloud formation (caused by more water vapor in the air).

In short CO2 is plant food, which is animal food which is people food. CO2 physically can't cause more warming without massively raising the mass of the atmosphere.
CO2 is taxed because it's a by product of most energy production. Energy is the largest sector of the economy of the planet.

lol are you literally accusing me of being an antifa double agent just because i believe in climate change?

Yeah, that reminds me
>bacteria release poisonous gas in such quantity it becomes over 20% of the atmosphere
>humans release a gas that is needed by plants to survive in quantities that raised the concentration in a few parts per million
>"REEEEE!!! it's the end of the world! shut down all the industry!!!"

>Ant builds colony using the materials in its surroundings

That’s ok it natural

>Humans make cities


yes, that is exactly what he is doing
people are stupid, get over it

We know it is faked. They make adjustments to the earlier temperatures to make them colder so they can get the graph they want.
Mann used on dataset until if did not show what he wanted. He just stopped using the numbers when they did not agree with his hypothosis. WTF!! It was medevial tree rings or something its been years since I saw the graph.

Riddle me this. Why does every climate change start out as, or ultimately become, a blatent cash grab that does nothing more then move money into state coffers?

>Thoughts on climate change/global warming?
1. Climate change is inevitable.
2. Climate change is the standard.
3. Climate often changes very rapidly in Earth's history.
4. Climate change drives genetic diversity and evolution.

As an aside, the Earth was crafted through violence. All life on the earth was crafted through violence. To expect life without violence(in this case climate changes) means to deny the very driving force of life. Utopia is impossible, and an easy life for all would end up destroying life for all.


Explain to me how you are going to get people to stop buying IPhones. Oh wait that's literally impossible.

No climate change is natural. The thing is that we have been pumping a ton of carbon in our air that is compared to the rate the climate uses naturally, this creates an excess amount of carbon which causes warmer temperatures. This can lead to all kinds of things.

Exactly. BUT it isn't up to us to prove their fake science is wrong (and this shows it is wrong) It's up to them to prove their theory predicts. They will debate this and bog you down with their latest paper full of lies. It will be another year to debunk their lies, and they'll say they're right again until proven wrong.
Make them show the proof they were right. Ask for the photos of the north pole without ice. Ask for the children who won't know what snow is. They failed.

They only way we are going to solve it through technology is with early terraforming technology. Specifically technology that allows us to subtract huge amounts of CO2 out of the atmosphere. We don't have that technology. Fucks sake we haven't even built a self sufficient colony off planet already.

Did you read the description of Double Agent? Did you LARP as one of us, and then do the "but muh {insert globalist issue here}" trick.

I know, I didn't say otherwise. I just suggest that we start researching this field more seriously rather than focusing on making solar panels more efficient, coming up with wind farm designs, and creating feminist interpretive dances of how this is impacting Africa -- none of these things help to solve the problem.

We pump 6 GtC into a system of thousands of GtC, and what excess there is precipitates out. That's simple chemistry.

Go back and watch Al Gore’s first gay porn, An Inconvenient Truth. Take notice of how he trains people to deal with global warming skeptics and the way he weaves a family tragedy into the presentation. And it only gets worse from there.


Shit the fuck up niggerlover.

Our long term survival depends on our industry staying ahead of our enemies. Destroying our energy for a made up problem guaranties our inevitable destruction by our enemies.

Are you this stupid?

Because it's easier to pass a bill then to make every person, especially the poor and uneducated stop support and industry.

Yes climate change is real but it happens over 10000s of years not in 2-4 centuries. For the weather thing:


>ad hominem
>low reading comprehension
>implied superiority

No thanks.

Bad things stick in your mind more than good things. That's literally why. Also because we weren't as intelligent 200 years ago and before.

the science actually doesn't add up. what they never tell you is that the "38000 Climate Scientists" who all agree on global warming are 100% political appointees- the whole field of "Climate Science" is brand-new and total bullshit.

There is no direct evidence for the AGW via CO2 hypothesis (inb4 "Inconvenient Truth" - Gore was just straight up wrong). The whole theory rests on sketchy computer models cribbed from the Econ department.

It's literally total horse shit.

Global warming is real, but it's not nearly as apocalyptic as people think it will be. We know the temperatures are rising, but jumping to the polar caps are gonna raise see levels by a foot based off of that is a stretch.

Our intelligence has not increased. Only knowledge and technology.

Yeah I agree. If people really care about the environment and think their carbon emissions are hurting it they should do something themselves, but people seldom do that. There are people who claim to be environmental activists, but they love traveling on planes for vacations, and planes cause cause way more carbon emissions than cars. But if everyone stopped traveling the airline companies would bitch and try to lobby or do other bullshit politicing to get people to use their services cause the airline companies want to keep their profits up. Some people can't just not drive to work either unless they want to change their career to something within walking distance, basically restructuring their whole life. That's a lot to ask someone, especially when their one sacrifice would hardly mean anything if no one else was following suit. The entire infrastructure of some places, many places, requires oil powered machinery to function as well. Trucks delivering things, certain factory machinery to make things a lot of people use, etc. It's a complicated situation.
Agreed. It's ridiculous to think a carbon tax is gonna do anything except impoverish ordinary people who need to drive places to support themselves and enrich politicians, research groups, and others you mentioned who would rake in the tax money. What really irritates me is the hypocrisy of these individuals who already have more than enough condemning ordinary folks for their emissions. Meanwhile they fly around and emit a shit ton of carbon to give condemning speeches, then eat at a fancy restaurant in the whatever city they flew to that night. The carbon tax is complete bullshit.

Intelligence literally has increased though.

WTF are you talking about? The reason why climate change is such an issues is not because we aren't allowed to exist but because we are effecting the environment in a way that is negative for us, not just other species.

Where is one place where plastic occurs naturally

oh, and one more thing - meteorologists (which is an actual science) basically can't predict shit more than a week out... meteorology is hundreds of years old, and they use state-of-the-art radar and satellite equipment.

and here these dipshit "climate scientists" are out here telling everyone they know what the weather's going to be like in 50 years.

you've got to be a special type of stupid...

Yep. It's pretty much fact that the Earth is warming, but the predictions of apocalyptic tsunamis and massive hurricanes are pretty much guesses. They're really stretching it.

Well, I kinda agree. The internet is a huge place filled with knowledge but no one uses it correctly. The fact is though that the internet exist at all, would a unintelligent species invent this?

>8 replies
All bullshit
Everyone filter this ID. Low tier trolling from low testosterone soyboi.
Enjoy crying yourself to sleep for the next 8 years while Americans rediscover their roots.

That's funny

Expect the opposite. Not global warming, not climate change. But an ice age. And nothing will change after that because it’ll be permanent.

It’s all Jews being Jews.

Hopefully all the niggers will die because they can’t ski. Mother Nature to the rescue, proving black lives don’t matter.

Seek help ASAP

Man up and say what you mean and mean what you say. The whole "I'm one of you" is stinkin' bullshit.
it's up to you guys to show your hypothesis predicts before you exterminate 7 billion people.


Are you this stupid? I have to be trolling to support climate change even though the majority of the people in the world do.

Was taught in public high school (1989) that the ozone was being destroyed by hair spray, and by 2010 all the glaciers would melt and flood the coasts.

Glaciers still intact, unfortunately LA and Jew York still intact.

Never buying these government funded dicks again. They blew their credibility too many times.

Weather and climate aren't the same thing.

There's so many questions that can't be answered.

No. The scientist aren't it's mainly people who don't understand what they are being told from scientist. Like AI Gore.

The incalculable amount of variables which factor into climate are impossible for us to comprehend much less measure, disseminate and discern each influence with every other corresponding variable affected. It is closer to chaos than picking out a handful of environmental flags and stating such a blanket explanation as fact.

Even the simplest of processes become near chaotic when examined in ever increasingly smaller scale much less planetary. Improvements in data collection with disregard to localized environmental and topographic variables (changed or underreported), coupled with the sheer amount of data collected for comparison antiquates previous data in scope and methodology.

Climatology is political party, which explains the wildly unreasonable reaction to qualified dissension in peer review, refusal of data sharing and dismissal of the need for reproduction when errors and falsifications are present. If it had remained in the scientific realm, it would still be called Meteorology. That every climatologist concurs, what they were taught and are now teaching is fact, means nothing. Experimenter bias can be attributed to much more than a salary in the prestige of fronting humanity saving research in our dire final hour, receiving awards and accolades and earning a prominent place in the regulatory behemoth established to counter the contrived results before they show no fruition. It might just focus data gathering at predetermined locations of concentrated production of the conformational data required.

The embedded politics are on display when all importance is placed on halting progress and limiting freedoms instead of countering the perceived effects through their own means of collection, disposal, or production of whatever they imagine will balance things out.

If man's influence on climate change was correctly represented as a hypothesis, it would not currently be the basis for the regulatory systems being devised, causing apoplectic opposition to the devastating economic ramifications and repression of civil liberties. Then research with the removal of politics being of foremost prominence in the exclusion of experimental bias would ensure the integrity of the studies and true consensus can be found.

I remember when Miami was supposed to be underwater by now.


yeah. weather's much easier (shorter timespan, fewer variables), and we still suck at predicting it. that's the whole point, numbnuts.

tough task but I'm up for the challenge

It certainly possible but not in 10 years but a century or 2.

We don't have to tract everything because majority of it recycles back into the environment their was no excess before the Industrial Revolution.

>If you're an alarmist
Says the faggot who legitimately thinks any post that even remotely challenges your exact worldview is a shill.

No it's not. We can't predict small variables that happen out of nowhere in a short amount of time. Weather is harder to predict than climate.

The planet has been 20C warmer and 1200PPM CO2 (we're at MOST projected for a 4C warming, more likely 2 and at 380PPM CO2) and that was when there was the most biomass density on earth, plants flourished, life fourished, deserts shrunk or vanished, icecaps were gone and the world ha far more oxygen and fresh water.

CO2 always lags climate change, thus it does not cause it but is a symptom of it. Climate change has always been driven by changes in solar cycles.

We are living in the most stable climatic period in the last 10,000 years. We have seen at least 3 spikes in temperature in recent history GREATER than our spike today. We are in a solar maxima till around 2007 and saw a warming event, exactly as we should have.

By 2019 we will be going into a grand solar minimum which will cause a massive drop in temps as well as an increase in cloud cover causing an additional drop in temp potentially leading to a mini ice age of 50+ years.

>Weather is harder to predict than climate.
you're just fucking wrong mate.

>Don't say he's a shill for using shill shit tactics.
seems kinda butt hurt.
Don't wanna be accused of being a shill, don't act just like a shill.

How? I literally explained it.