>"We should let Yukinoshita solve her own problems." >Saves Yukinoshita once again Fuck dude. What was even the point then? If you wanted her to be strong, you have to stop babying her.
I mean, even Yui has to hold back to not let Yukinon's feelings be hurt.
Henry Thompson
I still want to kill this fucking cunt.
I'm surprised this pic survived
Isaac Cooper
People still watch this?
Nolan Thomas
Read the light novels faggot.
Alexander Garcia
Should I start from volume 1? Or can I skip to wherever the anime ended off?
Jordan Lopez
Start from the beginning. Lots of good bants and monologues that aren't shown in the anime.
William Young
Oh wow, some things never change.
Wyatt Price
Iroha or death!
Connor Martin
the last chapter(translated) is literally where the anime left off, also the second season is missing like half the material it needed to make proper sense since most of were internal monologues in the novels. though they did their best considering the time restrictions
Logan Howard
I just want the last volume to come out. We got meme'd so hard on vol 12 some months back.
Jackson Morris
Saki best girl whatever happened to that shouldn't it have come out like april something?
Nathan Edwards
It got listed for April, everyone got hyped, then they pulled the plug and announced an indefinite delay.
I am starting to agree with the people who think WW doesn't know how to finish it.
Charles Rodriguez
wataru had a hayama/yukino end planned but had to backpedal to avoid outlash
Ryan Flores
it should end with 8man crashing an arranged marriage between yukino and hayama
Nathan Sanders
At least the announcement/cancellation tells us that some sort of progress is being made on vol 12. Even if it was just his editor texting him "Is Oregairu ready?" and he texted back "yes" instead of "no".
It'll come eventually. I want to believe.
Alexander Reyes
>they pulled the plug and announced an indefinite delay God damn. Even if it does finished, everyone who wants to see the end of this probably needs to wait for Vol. 12.5 in another 1 1/2 years, and then Vol. 13 at some unknown point in the future.
Kevin Miller
>reading the novel >8man can see past haruno's mask cause his dad taught him how to avoid scams from shady vendors >this dominoes into the big bad drama from vol11 eyy fucking lmao nah nigga, its all on making jokes about the va industry and fucking his seyuu friend now
Angel Nelson
you reminded is 6.75 translated? i was actually really interested in that whole redemption arc
Josiah Lee
Yuifags got their ending in ANOTHER, why can the rest of the fandom get theirs?
Julian Lewis
Maybe because WW wants some kind of stable money stream before he pisses off a ton of fans with vol 12. I don't know how popular Girlish Number has turned out to be.
At least that's what I've been telling myself all this time. But it's starting to feel like he just doesn't give a shit now like says.
Nathan Ross
i always felt that she pushing 8man to do something to yukinoshita's benefit but she can only do in the worst way possible due to her destructive personality
Jaxson Parker
Watari was a hipster, yahari was his weapon to bash the culture around light novels and their fans, but that got an anime adaptation, and worse it got famous enough to be top 4 in the ranks together with the very thing he hated the most.
No wonder he dropped it, its the same fate haganai had, which is ironic since he started writing yahari because haganai went to shit.
Jeremiah Kelly
Someone post the Mad Max edit
Daniel White
What is 'genuine'?
Samuel Allen
this one?
Jackson Carter
Nathan Mitchell
a copout, stalling for time and going back to the status quo because he in all of his selfishness doesn't want to lose these 2 friends he has, which as we all know, it won't happen and sooner or later reality or in this case yui being thirsty for his dick will force them back into the fray.
Jose Allen
I dunnow.
From what I understand, she just want Yukino to stop being a baby and start standing up for herself.
She was sorta okay with 8man but when she saw that 8man was just enabling her babying by always rescuing her she started disliking it.
For me, the reason she found them "boring" back in the choco making class was because Yukino and Yui weren't trying to fight for 8man and were just trying to pretend they were all friends.
Basically, she just wants Yukino to grow some balls.
Josiah Ward
There's no such thing, the way he means it. Man is a social animal, all of our social graces and pretensions are natural. Obsession with being 'genuine' is a way for objectively undersocialized and underperforming humans to claim high status and assuage their insecurities.
Carson Bailey
I hoping for either a 3P end or a loner end. I just couldn't stand seeing Yui getting heartbroken, she's too good for that.
Joseph Ross
that's what i thought at first but the way she's escalating the process of breaking her down tells me that there is something else happening an she's probably running out of time. the way watar writes these characters are written everybody has sometype of flaw, so expressing concern in straightforward manner is probably hers. if that;s not the case then she probably would care if she was emulating anybody and probably would have called her out on emulating her a long time ago
Grayson Reyes
Very simply put he wants to have a relationship free of all the fears and facades involved in normal relationships.
In reality I think he just wants someone who can understand him that he can talk frankly with without fear of repercussion.
Owen Parker
I think its pretty much this and a bit of thisThe thing though is what he wants is what everyone else in the world would want. Why shit self-insert MCs with waifus who fully love them are so popular.
However, I don't think that's something he needs just like Yukinoshita. They both need to grow out of their shells.
That kind of no fear relationship shouldn't be something that's natural. It should be something that's built over trust and other stuff like that.
Instead of finding something genuine, he should be the one to try to make it himself.
I think it's more that Haruno doesn't want 8man to be Yukinoshita's enabler and that if they do end up together it wouldn't end up being this cycle of dependency.
Like, if they got together, she wouln't want their relationship to be toxic at least. The escalaltion may be from Yukino falling further and further fro Hikigaya so there's a need to rush.
John Richardson
Saki is shit
Blake Edwards
I mean, I could sorta see it.
Seemed like Hayama misunderstood he liked someone like 8man when he was younger as well.
I'd say it was probably Yukino then when Haruno found out and started messing with them he backed off or such.
Justin Anderson
read ANOTHER and get out
Brody Ross
i bet he likes haruno
James Price
I mean, it's possible as well. He either fell for Haruno's act or even Yukino just being nice to him or such.
But the way he mentioned how Haruno would would go out of her way to destroy things she hated sounded like it was from experience.
For me, it would go like he and Yukino were pals before Haruno fucked them up and so he decided to distance himself from her.
Or possibly rejected Yukino when he was into Haruno who then revealed the person he liked was actually just a fake.
Really seems to go anywhere.
Grayson Anderson
James Brown
It's got to be Haruno. And Haruno knows it and uses it to control him.
Daniel Hernandez
No. He's admitted that he's never liked anyone although the context implies that he liked someone in the same way 8man liked Orimoto, which was fake.
So he may have used to like her but I think Yukino used to like him, well, the him that she could be dependent on much like the way she is now with Hikki.
Asher Flores
>what was even the point then? autism
Christian Reyes
Haruno was right. What Yukino feels for Hachiman is far more cruel that he could have imagined.
Jaxson Murphy
well yukino has a habit of simply copying what she admires, what i think haruno wants is for her to find her own "self" if i'm making any sense
Levi Brooks
This is how I see it. >The 'Y' Hayato liked is Yukinoshita Haruno >Yukino and Hayama are childhood friends, Yukino being really fond of Hayato that she can closely confide to >Their family being close, Yukimom decides her spare tire daughter should be used to secure the wealth and friendship to a wealthier family of Hayama >betrothal between Hayato and Yukino was agreed >Yukino, being an obedient daughter until now, is sick of not being able to make a decision for herself >Wanting to break off the betrothal, Yukino seek Hayato for support >Hayato too wants to break the betrothal, but chose not to support her because their families would clearly be against it, especially Haruno who is the heir of the Yukinoshitas >Yukino went for it anyway, straining the relationship between Yukino and Hayato Thus, Yukino's frosty attitude on Hayato, and everyone else. Then, to the present day. Haruno, being an oneechan and all, wants to help what Yukino wanted to achieve, though her methods are inconvenient. Guess who else's methods are inconvenient? Hachiman. Because of this, Haruno found Hachiman interesting, unlike Hayato, who always have his nice guy persona, which Haruno considered "boring". Hayato isn't even slightly pleased with that, so he took matters to himself and "helped" Hachiman for a problem Hachiman didn't ask Hayato to solve. Now, for Yukino, the Service Club pretty much tore down her anti-social protective barrier and she's now too attached to them. she sees Yui as a bestfriend she can do girly things with and Hachiman as someone like her, even though their methods are opposite. Throughout the series, Yukino is a driving force behind Hachiman's change and same goes for Hachiman to Yukino, they're basically made for each other. Something happened to both of them in the past that made what they are now, and with their time together they slowly changed each other to become true to their feelings so their relationship can be something genuine. (1/2)
Matthew Davis
hello watari when are you gonna release the final volume
Adam Reed
god dammit you slashed eyed monkey, give us final volume already instead of posting on a vietnamese cat skin-knitting forum
Colton Reed
Good Irohasu, everyone!
Brayden Hernandez
Watari want to write BL but his editor won't allow him.
Landon Campbell
by >Their family being close, Yukimom decides her spare tire daughter should be used to secure the wealth and friendship to a wealthier family of Hayama
did you mean yukino with hayashit or oder sister with hayashit?
Also, what was the problem hayato tried to help 8man with? Anime only fag here, but it's been too long since I watched it. gonna rewatch it tho
Daniel Brown
yukino was the spare tire nigga
Parker Nelson
HayatoxYukino will never be a thing, cause that will just waste what Yukino went through until the present. How can she love someone who broke her trust, willingly sacrificed their relationship just to please their families? Picking Hachiman is the obvious choice, since by doing that she finally made a decision that she, herself, chose to what to become of her future. This is also what Haruno trying to achieve, though she may come off and evil bitch she's just forcing the Service Club to notice the elephant in the room, aka the obvious love triangle that they're all trying to avoid. This is a situation Haruno made to happen sooner than later, in which Yukino can finally decide for herself, fulfilling what Yukino wanted and accomplishing Haruno's goal. Picking Hayato would put all these to waste, not to mention it would not make sense, because she went all her way to break the betrothal and alienate herself from the rest of the family. Picking Hayato would mean following a future that someone else laid out for her. Whicj is the opposite of what she's trying to do all along. For Yui, as sad it might seem, she's a tragic character. She's been rejected before even confessing for how many times and I doubt she'll get Hachiman at the end. Yui deserved better. (2/2) Yukino, since Haruno is the heir, so Yukino would be the spare tire. Hachiman's "problem" is that Kaori and co. basically treats him like shit, like what they're used to do in middle school. Hachiman seems not really bothered with it but Hayato thought it was the right thing to do, also I'd like to think that he did it to get Haruno's attention, cause his method of solving the "problem" is out of character on what Hayato he's doing so far. But that seems ineffective.
Isaiah Foster
ah fuck, thanks
Why yukino didn't just accept? she was in good terms, friendship and shit with hayacuck. Is it just for the mere reason of muh freedom of choice?
Austin Carter
yui got a happy ending in another, its AU sure, but still canon since watari made it.
Christian Young
>AU Garbage.
Nicholas Rivera
Would that really please her? Think about it. She's doing everything what her parents are telling her. She's just following in her sister's footsteps. She's no individual, she's just a robot who do what's told. Then, at a critical point of deciding who will she spend the rest of her life with, she decided to refuse, because it's not a choice she made but rather her parents. You can say it's muh freedom of choice, but she decided on what she thinks will make her happy, a decision she will not regret in the future. A decision she made herself.
Daniel Fisher
That's nice, but that just confirmed that Yui will never get a happy ending. Honestly, memes aside, Oregairu is great. There's no other series that made me think and write lots of stuff about than this show. Shame that there's no ending yet to answer all the questions
Dominic Cox
Andrew James
what's AU? Amish United?
then It's the parents' fault for reveling the intention. Going with the flow of yukino and hayacuck relationship without interfering would have been better, I guess.
Jeremiah Cook
Alternate Universe, I think. That's the thing. Even though Yukino was fond of him and maybe or maybe not like him romantically, Hayato was never interested in Yukino. He treats her as any other close friend of his, but who he likes is her sister, Haruno. Seriously, who can call a popular boy like Hayato and show up in a second besides Haruno? Even Yukino can't do that, given their current state of relationship, unless it's their parents' wishes.
Grayson Brooks
mind: >blown
what happened to my boy zaimozuka, in case you follow the LN
Nolan Butler
Sorry, I don't follow the LN. But I second this request, if there's any LNfag here I also would like to know, Zaimozuka's character is really interesting
Daniel Mitchell
Is Girlish Number any good? That shit's better be a masterpiece if it means vol12 isn't getting released
Mason Myers
Komachi endgame fucking confirmed
Sebastian Collins
But not interfering means Yukino just agreeing with Yui, which is the point on why Hachiman interfered
Jace Smith
Why is Iroha literally perfect?
Kayden Mitchell
No. Watari had planned HachimanxYukino ending as I said here but he had to make adjustments cause obviously it would divide the fanbase and Yuifags like you wouldn't like it. Regardless of that, YukinoxHayato just doesn't make sense.
Luke Howard
Honestly I am 90% of the recent (past two years) HayamaxYukino posts and even I don't think it could happen in normal circumstances. The story isn't going in that direction at all if you just read the story. The problem is the delay, the publishers are delaying it because WW won't make a Yukino end, probably because there is a loner end or a Yui end. WW will either rebel and put a HayamaxYukino to salt the earth for them rejecting his end or he actually wants to end it with HayamaxYukino and we aren't seeing it. My impression was that HayamaxYukino was put to bed in vol 10 and that Hayama's current self was no longer a major player in the story but I could be wrong.
Though I completely disagree with most posts on the issue of Hachiman. I don't think for a second Yukino likes him and vice versa.
Zachary Perry
fucking yuifags. They already got their happy ending in the AU, what else do they want? official ending?
Blake Barnes
God, I miss those threads.
Colton Thompson
Just make 8man and pink panties hatefuck each other until they like it
Chase Moore
How has he had to make adjustments? A normal Yukino ending would not cause a delay. Take your head out of your ass.
I don't think a Yukino end is happening. If it was going to happen it would have.
ANOTHER was great and I liked it. I want more though. It was a nice tease but the main course is usually the tastiest.
Kayden White
the only solution I can think of is
Nolan Rodriguez
Fuck Yukinoshitfags and their damsel in distress. I'd rather go watch a Korea drama then to watch her go on about muh family issues. She is the reason why Yahari gone to shit.
Charles Evans
>But that seems ineffective. Because it was self serving and dickish for no reason. >you guys are cunts and here are two girls way hotter than you two who like Hachiman Hachiman has a slight of hand or goes big game when it is time for him to do that sort of thing.
>For Yui, as sad it might seem, she's a tragic character. She's been rejected before even confessing for how many times and I doubt she'll get Hachiman at the end. Yui deserved better. She does deserve better. I am hoping however this ends she will come out a winner. She might lose the game of Hachiman but win the game of life. She learns some stuff, fixes herself, and is finally able to become both of their trues friends.
Xavier Perez
Nah Watari wants to make a Yui end. He's being held back by editor because Yukino is the most popular girl in Japan and they are afraid of the backlash.
As a protest, Watari wrote ANOTHER.
Lucas Turner
>A normal Yukino ending would not cause a delay There's possibility that Watari had planned a controversial ending, but YukinoxHayato, of all controversial endings, is just fucking retarded. If Yukino loved Hayato all along then why would she break off the hypothetical betrothal? She should've went with the flow, but she didn't. You're just spouting "muh Watari planned a YukinoxHayato ending" with no actual argument on why would Watari would want that. Please, enlighten me. >ANOTHER was great and I liked it. I want more though Typical Yuifag everyone If he does, then making Hachiman hold off her confessionS.
Speaking of the ending, if it wouldn't be a YukinoxHachiman then the most sensible ending would be a loner ending. Think about it. >Yui obviously like Hachiman >Yukino, though subtly, also likes Hachiman, though her feelings are still unsure (proof: the whole zoku OVA/vol 10.5 aka jealousy when she saw Iroha and Hachiman's pic, the shopping scene, etc., also the bag's content, which is obviously a valentines present for Hachiman) >Hachiman clearly don't like Yui because of he doesn't want her to confess, but Hachiman's feelings for Yukino is unclear So I see two possibility of an ending with these circumstances, Yukino confess to Hachiman and he accepts, which I think will be the ending, or Yukino confess to Hachiman and he rejects her, which I think is the cause of the delay. There's really no concrete evidence that Hachiman likes Yukino romantically, so the loner ending is not impossible. Though I can't think of anything on how Watari would pull that off
Bentley Young
>*If he does, then making Hachiman hold off her confessionS is just pointless, unnecessary, and useless.
Lincoln Martinez
I wouldn't say they're pointless, I think it is hilarious everytime he does it and you can see Yui dying inside.
Eli Wood
They're not pointless if you put it that way, but in regards to the conclusion of the series, if it'll be a Yui ending, then it'll be indeed pointless.
Ryan Thomas
I'd like to think that if the delays aren't just caused by his other works/editor disapproval, then maybe it would come out along with a movie. Watari has been noticeably making works with the intent to be adapt into anime, so it isn't far-fetched to think that he's been in collaboration with feel or whatever studio so volume 12 would come out along with an anime adaption, to please both fanbase and maximize the profit.
Ryder Campbell
Zachary Ramirez
That is just the most controversial ending possible. I have already stated that just d ok the story it shouldn't happen.
>go with the flow That is her problem. If she wanted Hayama but only went with the flow she would still have her problems. Even if she got with Hayama nothing would be fixed. By being her own person but getting with Hayama without the family shit attached by her own means would show she came a long way. Your reasoning behind there being no HayamaxYukino end is flawed.
Mason Richardson
I confirm loner ending >8man becomes a NEET, but functional. Probably a housekeeper, or scammer
>Yukino goes to murica and becomes a scientist or some shit
>Yui becomes a cat lady
screencap this
Ryder Jenkins
>Saves Yukinoshita once again Did the next volume come out already or did you just reinterpreting shit that's over a year old?
Ryan Rogers
He saved her from Yui in that scene.
Logan Barnes
It seems like Yukinofags don't even understand the story and Hachiman's character. Figures.
Sebastian Hernandez
Well, on the confession thing, some of it is on Yui's court after all as she's never upfront about it. The whole thing was, as Yui described, dirty.
Besides that, I can't see a Yuino/8man end happening as they honestly are way too much alike.
It'd honestly just best to wrap up the whole Hayama/Yukinoshita stuff first whatever it is even if I don't really know how to do so without turning into something immensely generic.
The only way I personally see a Yui end happening is if she just upfronts and confesses to him at the end. My preference is to have him confess to her but, due to the circumstances, maybe needing to save Yukino, has to reject him which gives a finality to their stuff.
Bentley Garcia
An open relationship with no pretense. AKA 8man when he's with Komachi, Hayama, and Iroha.
Sebastian Williams
>jealousy when she saw Iroha and Hachiman's pic, the shopping scene, etc. Anime only.
>which is obviously a valentines present for Hachiman That is anime only too. All we saw in the LN is Yui looking in her bag and acting weird.
>Hachiman clearly don't like Yui He can't trust her feelings are real. He was really disappointed when Yui gave him cookies out of thanks and not love.
Yui was helping her out.
Parker Gonzalez
>May 2017 >he still thinks 8man likes Yui romantically
Nathan Wright
The worst part is that he really shouldn't have because Yukino needs to learn to stand up for herself.
I mean, he did sorta give her a chance, and she failed miserably. If she can't stand up to frikkin Yui over her future then what chance would Yukino have over someone like her mother or sister?
Owen James
Yui hasn't been dirty.
Yukino is her own person and doesn't need saving anymore. That is the way the story is closing, her being her own person. Yui wouldn't say no to dating 8man.
Nice memes.
Jace Davis
Shh, you'll trigger the Yuifags. But.. Christ, even though I'm an Irohafag I can feel Yui's suffering in that bottom mid pic. Yes, someone will decide of her future. But what does it matter if you love the person you'll be getting betrothed, anyway? It'll be hitting two birds with one stone to Yukino, marrying someone you love and obeying your parents. But of course, she didn't really love him, that's why she broke off the betrothal. Watari have influence on the adaptions, right? They won't make anime-only scenes without the approval of Watari, especially if it would drastically affect the ending, how minor it might be. >Yui hasn't been dirty. >Yui said it herself that she fights dirty
Jeremiah Johnson
Friends can still support eachother without resorting to the kinds of manipulation that 8man has been doing throughout the story. All he did was voice his opinion and give Yukino a chance to act on her own accord, which she did. Just because he thinks Yukino needs to self-actualize doesn't mean he needs to leave her high and dry.
Parker Brooks
I was talking about the final scene with forcing Yukino to bend over and such. it was roundabout and very much described as dirty.
While it would be nice to think that, Yukino just giving in to Yui's rape stare and thus had to be saved again.
My interpretation of the finale was actually that Yui basically wants that both of them to not confess and keep the status quo as, even when it's clear she's thirsty as fuck, she described the cookies as "Just gratitude".
Because, it's obvious that if either of them confess, things would not be the same.
In the end, Yuigahama Yui is just too nice for her own good.
Jackson Young
Getting head in a swimming pool
Christopher Diaz
Lucas Scott
Obligatory reminder that Yukino is heavily implied gay for Yui and that the delays are probably because Watari is doing something completely out of the ordinary that can't be executed with simple tropes and old development patterns.
Obligatory reminder that Yukino's cookies weren't even made for 8man, that he was treated like an afterthought in her recipe, and that was the reason she was so reluctant to give them to him.
Obligatory reminder that these threads are still a complete fucking waste of time because this series is never going to finish, and that everyone is going to argue about the exact same shit they already have dozens of times.
Jaxon Baker
>Yes, someone will decide of her future. But what does it matter if you love the person you'll be getting betrothed, anyway? It'll be hitting two birds with one stone to Yukino, marrying someone you love and obeying your parents. But of course, she didn't really love him, that's why she broke off the betrothal. But you don't understand, to be a better person she needs to not go with the flow. Hayama won't truly love her too knowing if she has this problem. I don't think she likes Hayama, I think that is a flawed way of thinking she doesn't.
>>Yui said it herself that she fights dirty She doesn't even know what dirty is. If she was dirty she would have manipulated Yukino into accepting her dating Hachiman and getting Hachiman to agree. She wants his genuine love.
>They won't make anime-only scenes without the approval of Watari, especially if it would drastically affect the ending, how minor it might be. Feel has been fucking everything up.
Yui was trying to motivate Yukjino into solving her own problems, letting things settle, and then getting her Hikki.