Calling all oldfags! Watching Bush vs Gore debate in October 2000, Gore is 6 points ahead...

Calling all oldfags! Watching Bush vs Gore debate in October 2000, Gore is 6 points ahead. What swung it late and gave Bush the win?

Other urls found in this thread:,_2000 This is such a weird time in American politics. Everything seems so calm and inconsequential. No evil empire, no terrorism. Must have been a happy time.

>no terrorism
First WTC had happened, terrorism was brewing but yeah you could get on an airplane no trouble it was amazing

>What swung it late and gave Bush the win?
Jeb Bush was govenor.
Read "Best Democracy Money Can Buy" Greg Palast.
(((They))) have been controlling elections for decades.
Trump was never expected to win.

Bush stole Florida, everyone knows that.

What swung it?

8 years of Billy Bob and Hildabeast.

And Gore was a fucking pussy cunt. In his speech at the DNC convention, he actually said: "I stand here, my own man." Meaning he was stepping out from the shadow of Bill.

Fucking cunt.

I still thank God he was not POTUS on 9-11-2001.

the supreme court

Gore was never 6 points ahead, Zogby was one of the pioneers of poll faking and that's why his company faded into obscurity after that election.

God what a time to be alive, when it didn't fucking matter who won. If my memory serves me correct, the big debate was over social security. Bush wanted to allow workers to control a portion of their SS contributions and invest them in the markets, Gore opposed any changes and talked about a social security "lock box"

history repeats
we went from hanging chads
hanging chads

>what swung it late and gave Bush the win?
pic rel

I remember massive butthurt from liberals when the SC ruled in Bush's favor. There were huge riots at his inauguration although he was still generally well liked in his first year and beloved after 9/11
Its hard to imagine 16 years ago everyone was bowing down to the U.S president.

>Zogby Poll

They didn't even try to hide it

How about you stop obsessing over some fake ass staged polls

Literal chads lol

Based Florida Chad saved America from Algore.

>What swung it late and gave Bush the win?
Russian hacking obviously

>implying that anything would have happened differently on 9/11 if Gore was president instead of Bush jr

war on terrorism

Gore would have sent a sternly worded letter through the UN and apologized for global warming forcing the hijackers into a life of terrorism.

Is it possible for votes to be manipulated? How would you know?

Cheating/voter suppression

Gore was never ahead by six points, i remember every pink cardigan wearing faggot back then lecturing solid blue collar workers on how their anointed Gore was going to solve all the peasants problems. Real sense of left wing entitlement.

Come to think about it 16 years ago they were crying that the sea level would raise from melted ice caps and drown us all by now, Leftshits, not even once.

Big difference between terrorism pre and post 9/11 and its influence on public psyche



Precisely. I'm watching this and it all seems end of history type conversations, feels so much less consequential then other times. 2000 must have been so /comfy/

Rigged voting machines. Look into Diebold and this if you're lazy

Shut up illiterate leaf

Cheney and the other PNAC traitors would have been in a less powerful position for starters.

>Diebold voting machines
>Florida recount circus
>Lies in action

it was actually faster to fly from philly to boston then to drive. good times


And this

Go home michael moore your drunk

Nader took votes from Democrats

>What swung it late and gave Bush the win?

The many loyal republican voters from the state of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Yep, it really was a different time. The world had its problems but nothing like now, things really went to shit in the 2000s.

bush lost. gore conceded. the end

This seems so tame, scripted, and boring in comparison to the blood bath of 2016

>Florida called for Gore by all networks
>Bush goes live on TV, says wait a minute
>Calls Jeb (Governor of Florida)
>Jeb does his magic
>Networks switch Florida to undecided shortly after
>Around 2am Networks call Florida for Bush

You're kidding right? Cheney owned the machines. They were 100% hackable.

That's absolutely not true at all, were you a toddler in the Bush years or something, because there was massive opposition to his presidency, especially around 2003 when he invaded Iraq. People were protesting the Afghanistan intervention.

and to think Trump did more than all these moron talkers in 1 week of office

For those saying Florida, whilst I recognise it had a big impact with such a razor thin result but Bush clearly climbs back in the polls in the month leading up. so was just wondering what happened to bring Bush more support late and support for Gore to drop. I've been watching the debates and whilst Gore is a little dry and Bush performs well I wouldn't say there is any knockout blow there.,_2000

>What swung it late and gave Bush the win?

Nothing. He lost the popular vote but won because of a broken system.

Wow they used to even put their title of ZOG up at the top back then.

There were quite a few people protesting the result too though I recall? I was young at the time but I seem to remember his reputation brought some concern for an aggressive foreign policy being speculated in the media and by my hippy parents.

One thing that killed Gore was the fact that he tried so hard to distance himself from the Clinton scandal, but he knew too much and voters were skeptical of another scandal. HE didn't seem trustworthy, while Dubya came off as friendly, folksy, and "compassionate", I remember that word being thrown around a lot. Gore was very robotic, cold, distant.

Sigh. Must I post this...

This is our reality. Very hard to break it now.

The New World Order.

It was the first election I really remember caring about. Just too young to vote, myself. I remember the Dole race as a child, too, but not as vividly.

It's crazy to see Chris Matthews looking that young.

The Supreme Court gave Bush the win for some reason.

I personally think everything went to shit with Abh Ghraib. That's when America started getting attacked morally. Now our country and ideals are equivalent to being "literally a Nazi omg."

KGB won the Cold War.

like what?

Remember when Jeb! told Trump he wasn’t going to win with a twinkle in his eye? He was channeling that ancient shit. “Remember 2000, you geriatric cumwhore bitches?!”

Anonymous sources tell CNN Jeb fucks headless chickens.

That is how it played out on TV. Bush bros delayed results so more overseas ballots could be counted, so more ballots in general could be counted. I could take this opportunity to post a realclearpolitics link without making a joke but the green party went out of its way to in 2003 to try and discredit the fact that Nader stole votes disproportionately from Democratic candidate in the election.

Oh yeah was thinking the same thing. So tame and civil.

This. This makes a lot of sense. Clinton sleaze must have been bad and I remember the democrats of that era coming off as so elitist. Dubya wasn't as well known at that point so carrying himself to election day without scandal must have been fairly charming to a lot of people.

>well hung Chad

It was pretty blatant. And>

Without the internet* (in the way we have it and use it now).. there were no "playing along at home" autists able to network (easily) like here on Sup Forums.
Those that knew it was bullshit, and tried to call it, just got drowned out.
CNN and MSM are struggling to adjust as Sup Forums and other sites analyse faster, and more expertly, than they do.. And Sup Forums shouts out the bullshit.
That is the difference between 2000 and 2016... The HRC team and MSM had to compete with Sup Forums to control the narrative. (And similar)

Your sisters ass.

he won because his dad could literally vote for him as a delegate and his dad kepts saying if some faggot doesnt vote for my son im going to have them killed and im going to check every ones vote they wrote down (FYI they write a name on a scrap of paper and hand it to the person collecting them)

This is the same anywhere though isn't it? Basic pendulum effect between left and right to keep society somewhat in the centre.

Abu Ghraib? Prison in Iraq didn't become a scandal until 2003 when the US abused prisoners after the invasion

Bush won the election not on his credentials (Since everyone knew he had none) nor his speeches (since everyone knew he could barely string together a sentence without making up a word) but because everyone thought of him as a "guy you could have a beer with" He basically trademarked the phrase.

He came off like a faggot. That’s putting it mildly.

In 2000, I did NOT care.
I voted Libertarian.

During the campaign, he was "against" nation building and foreign intervention. One of the few things that separated him from Gore. A lot of people don't remember this but the big joke from that election was that they were basically the same candidate.

user pls.....

Remember when Gore kept sperging out about the social security "lock box" thing during the debates? What the fuck was he even talking about?

The Bush/Clinton machine is one machine.
It blew their minds when they lost.

I definitely remember that.
Very boring election.

I feel like if gore won Hillary would have been given a major position and we'd all be dead by now

> What swung it late and gave Bush the win?

Soros voting machines

The Florida Supreme Court rewrote the law extending the deadline for a recount. Of course courts can only interpret not write law so this was clearly unconstitutional. The democrats launched a massive telecommunications project with a company called Telequest who robo-called voters before 7:00 pm urging them to complain about the confusing Butterfly Ballot. That ballot was designed by a democrat, Theresa Lepore, it was published in the local newspaper, a copy with instructions were mailed to every registered voter in the county and there was a fuckin arrow pointing to the check box next to the candidate that you wanted to vote for. The Democrats tried to steal the election!

Yeah this is the explanation I buy as well. At that era too personality and likability could play a big part in swinging I mean Howard Dean screaming killed his candidacy dead so Gore seeming like a weirdo and Dubya being likable played such a key role over a constant news cycle when there wasn't much in regards to divisive policy. Plus Bush was pretty well liked as Governor whilst Gore had served in a sleazy as fuck administration

I remember the Rage Against the Machine video on the subject. That's interesting he made a point of that pre-election, my parents where pretty typical "anticolonialist" British leftists and remember them being butthurt at his victory because he is a "warmongerer". Guess that came from Bush Sr having such a foreign policy focus.

That and the fact he said he invented the internet. Even back then liberals were insufferable faggots that everyone hated

Yea, and they somehow sold the story that "Voter error" occurred on the grandest scale imaginable in a state governed by a running presidential candidate

This. At the start of the debate they seem to make a point of associating Bush with Reagan. I can imagine that is a dignified Presidency that people were nostalgic for after such a sleazebag like Clinton.

Ralph Nader ran 3rd party and split the democrat vote. None of what you wrote had much effect. Ultimately the Supreme court chose Bush


As we discussed earlier we aren't just talking about Florida here. We're talking about the fact he closed an 8% deficit in a month leading up to polling day.

>Al gore said he invented the internet

This. Back then I was a libtard and when I would debate my conservative roommate about Bush he would always pull the "you could have a beer with him" card.


Is he wrong though? If I could have a beer with any President it'd probably be him, the stories he could tell once he got a bit tipsy would be juicy af.

rural and suburban retards


Oh FFS - how young are you?

> is he wrong though?
Was not meant literally

Fucking KEK. I thank you and your dad for the contribution.

how come whenever I hear Bush talk, I want to punch that fucker in the face

My sides hurt that one got me

Because he basically stole from you

What part of the country are you from out of curiousity? I mean just imagining you are not a Texan

This. His brother helped him out getting the Florida win since he was governor.

Question, how much different would the US would've been if Al Gore was President instead of Bush Jr?

What would America be like now if Gore had won that election in 2000?

It's going to come down to Florida guys. I feel like it's going to be close.

It was so bad Rolling Stone had to airbrush a hawg in his pants just to pick up votes from dizzy whores and assorted cumdrunks that wouldn’t normally vote.

You want weird? Watch Clinton, Bush, Perot debates.

Weird only because a third candidate managed to make it to that debate stage -- and Perot was pretty good. Right about NAFTA.


I fucking LOVED those. Bush checking his watch annoyed and "its the economy stupid" were hilarious.

>Watching Bush vs Gore

Gore will win, because Bush is a racist.
Bush is also stupid.
Bush is just a rich guy who doesn't care about normal people.
He is homopobic too
So was McCain.
Mitt was too.
And Trump.

Hmm......seems like anyone that runs against a dem, is racist/sexist/homophobic/and rich.