Trump was fucking a pornstar. Obama is faithful.
At least they are in love
jewnald disgusts me and is a disgrace
Trump was fucking a pornstar. Obama gets fucked by a gorilla.
post webm of trump schlonging pornstars
Fucking a porn star while married is degenerate
so is marrying a tranny
respect and dignity vs. being an arrogant ape
Calling God Emperor degenerate
peterson was a tranny. you fucking invented them
mazel tov
Mail order vs. man order
It's always best to meet your wife before you become settled in life. That way you guys can come up together. At least that's my opinion on it.
I was engaged and was fucking backpage hookers.
still the same. day of the stormy. fuck this. you adulterous slime
ook ook ook
i'm not talking about obama though
>God Emperor
go back
Obama has 2 kids from one women. Trump has several kids from several women and three failed marriages. TRY ME TRUMP CULTISTS
Sad that Trump, the man obsessed with green & money, and who has had three wives (all disgusting women) with different children from each as touted as the good conservative "Christian", while the faithful Obama who has gone to church more times than Trump is hated by a great deal of Christians. I guess politics is much more important to these people than actual religion.
Whats your point?
I've seen the left's definition of "love".. They can keep it.
Slide thread, move on
Trump has been married 3 times and had several affairs. So it fits with the degenerate white niggers that live out here on /pol.
They worship him. They suck his cock in their dreams and beg him to stick his dick in their ass.
They want his wife. His daughters. Everything he's got. Because all they have is their computer and their waifus they fap to 10 times a day.
Blast out another meme for us boys.
We love it.
why is there a double standard?
So much for Sup Forums's family values
No red pill, I suppose your just trying to Correct The Record this time huh?
Obama is a pedo cannibal and his “wife” is a tranny
I still get laughs and still love my life a little more ever since Trump has done what he's done to you people. Every other thread is some hippie thinking this will be his way of getting back at Trump and "those mean r-r-wacists" but it just makes me happier.
Remember, if anybody else does what Trump does, then they're a lowlife degenerate, but when Trump himself does it, he's awesome because he's the ""gOd eMpErAh"" like this stupid goy This is how retarded Trump supporters are, there's no redemption for them, this cult of personality is pathetic.
Couldn't just be nerves, eh.
It's an insult to the Gods.
I don't understand Americans. They say they're Christian, they go to Church every Sunday, but on the other side they worship the worst and most degenerate scum.
ill give obama that, assuming theres not a scandal coming out tomorrow. i dont think we've had many divorced presidents. regardless,
When society denies you the right to fuck your own daughter you need to find a pornstar look-alike.
top lel, whered you just come from nosebook? neck yourself normal scum, you'll get the rope when the day comes. obama is a literal flaming homosexual. he sucks actual cock
Also i'll point out, trump is allegedly 6'3 in his medical, standing next to a 6'1 Obama in this and other photos its clear he isn't anymore (you shrink as you age an inch or 2).
He fibbed and the doctor let him to improve his BMI number. If CNN figures this out, we'll be treated to a whole news cycle about his obesity.
Sucking cock is better than fantasizing about fucking your married daughter and compensating for it by having multiple marriages to fix your sexual deviancy. But he's the gawd emprah so it's okay for him huh?
LOL - these urchins are Sup Forums, aren't they? Where else to you see this type of banter?
All I see are a man and woman with discipline and two niggers with lack of impulse control at displays of public affection.
makes sense justin cuckadeau runs your pathetic country
>criticize Trump's every move
>maintains poise
>Look at how awkward he is!
Just can't win with these assholes
Porn star? She's a PROSTITUTE
Which one are you?? Come on faggots, reveal yourselves
>most intelligent first lady since Eleanor
>speaks 7 languages
>begged Trump to run
>is a bit shy in front of a crowd of tens of thousands and worried about being assassinated with all the violent rhetoric from leftist brown shirts
>compared to a pot smoking heavy drinking communist kenyan nigger who likes to have gay sex parties, terrorists, and anarchist rappers over to the white house who was married to a butch marxist woman who gets her rocks off making kids eat 2 apple slices and a sprig of broccoli for lunch and a kid who can't stop dry humping, smoking pot, and chimping out
Really makes me think
Porn star>Chimpanzee
Oh, and Obama is a fucking nigger.
Nah I fucking despise Trump as an individual, but since Rand never had a shot he was the closest thing to office that might not have cucked on domestic issues like Bush would've. It's just a situation where I have to look the other way because any realistic alternative was worse.
Certainly can't be that one couple is relieved to go elsewhere after 8 years and the other is nervous about a huge change in their lives taking place at that very moment... nope. Definitely not that
Homo-sex is Sin.
Nope, Couldn't be.
But the left is convinced.
Faithful to a homo
But he did live life vicariously, with old men...
Are they? Barack Obama wrote in his book that marrying a Black woman was a political decision.
That people in relationships do stupid shit for sex.
checkmate libtards
>he wants to be relevant so bad!
What the fuck did you think? Of course it's Sup Forums. Do you think any decent looking person with a good family and a happy life would unironically support Trump and call him "gawd emprah" on the Internet?
Sup Forums and r/the_donald are the only two real places you'll see this type of banter, plus on some Youtube videos as well. Not a whole lot, but still sad.
>Stupid uni drop-out whore who prostituted herself and left her country
>Smarter than a Princeton graduate who attended Harvard Law school and was much more engaged in her husband's election
Yeah, really makes you think, especially when there is no proof of Melania speaking any other language other than Slovenian or English (yep, nothing showing her "fluency" in the other supposed 3 languages, and not 5 you retarded ape)
Face it, Donald Trump is a disgusting degenerate, and married to a degenerate whore with naked pictures of herself online. Obama is married to a faithful woman and has two kids with her.
Straight up alpha right there.
Obama was fucking a man.
>lol, i totally never do shit to these kids
>fake Q
Trump always looks so adorably miserable in public events where he isn't the center of attention.
at least one fucks women lol, Obama has stories about his gay sex shit going all the way back to college
Nope, I’m the real deal.
Storm comes July 22.
Have you even read Michael Obama's thesis? It's crackpot conspiracy nonsense. She was an affirmative action graduate.
you know that's a reversed video, right?
just making sure.
>Obama is faithful
to crack and getting his dick sucked by fags
No, but it's undoubtedly better than the non-existent thesis written up by Melania since she dropped out of her first year of university and prostituted herself to survive. The only aspect of Melania that makes her seem somewhat intelligent is her supposed ability to speak 5 languages, but we've never seen her even speak those 3 other languages other than English or Slovenian, let alone confirm her supposed fluency.
How the fuck can you compare a woman like that to Michelle? She's a degenerate who married a man as degenerate as she is. One who's married other women and has had children with those other women as well.
If his non-existent family values were not bad enough, there's also his unending green and absolute obsession with money (which let's be honest is a good thing for the economy, but is a grave sin according to Christianity). So let me know, why is Trump touted as a great Christian while Obama is accused of being a satanist?
he fucking goes on vacations alone
love of what?
>gay liberal pretends he cares about values
>Love vs. male order
You know, Hillary lost that election, right?
These tears of yours are hilarious.
Bongo is a communist faggot who got elected on white guilt and his "wife" is an angry, transgender wookie. Nobody gives a fuck about what Trump is doing in his private life. He was elected to deport wetbacks.
Besides you wish you had his life faggot. You're just butt hurt cause you're fapping alone to trap porn and will never be remotely as successful or fuck a woman light years away as hot as his stable of bitches.
Another bitter, leaf, dickmunching chump cheering for the displacement of your own people unless you're a fucking nigger too. BTW Trudeau is a dick munching, cuck, pinko, sandnigger lover.
Now go gas yourself.
black woman has the pants in the relationship
Post the pix of Bushs on their last day and Obummers on tgeir first and you will see exact same shit.
This is about the 5th or 6th Zero bred you've posted today, A.I.
Might want to back off a bit.
Makes me wonder just how worried for his legacy your master really is.
Replace Obama with Bush
Find a photo of a pregnant Michelle obama.
I'll wait
Left : Going to work face Right : Leaving work face
>but its milf, the most patrician of porn star tastes
>literal gorilla
Bush and his wife look qt.
>Obama is faithful
Gay nigger is loyal to his tranny husband
Obama is faithful to his gay tranny. What a great step forward. Fuck off faggot.
Melania is very smart, Michelle or whatever her name is, is not
Post the webm of obongo and his kids sucking on the same icy pole
agreed. i had two serious girls before i started doing anything with myself and they both left me and went for guys 5+ years older who were already establishing themselves in their fields.
>tfw missed the boat, i only care sometimes
>Obama loves his gay lover
Ironically named Reggie Love.
Mail order vs male order
Trump is sexy and any woman that she wouldn't be with him is lying.
which was is about to be inaugurated in that picture?
that's relief being expressed, not necessarily love.
Order vs Chaos
Republicaans surrendered any claim to morality with Trump. The days of rightwing lecturing are long gone.
Is there anyway to confirm this gif? It's making me really nervous
All Republicans are closeted gays that want Obama's dick. You fags prove it.