Sweden is being fear mongered into war with russia


Other urls found in this thread:

google.se/search?q=sverige ryssland&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi40rGws-DYAhViYZoKHUC8CiEQ_AUICygC&biw=1280&bih=660

Swedish source or GTFO you Slavshit living in Sweden




Ok so here's the lowdown secret:

The current government KNOW they are SMOKED because of their piss-poor performance.
People are getting more and more angrier and fed up, I notice this every day, even on the fucking
swedish reddit people are getting more nationalistic. The economy is going to hit the shitter big times,
like worst crisis Sweden has had since 1718. The people are in debt, the chaos is rising and costs are escalating.

So what does this have to do with the Social democrats and their coalition government? It's fucking election year
and Sweden is craving a strong leader, an ancient king, fucking Wotan, to come and lead us out of this misery.
And the Sossarna in their panic wants to capitalize on this and they believe they can plant this idea that the Russians
are coming any day... and I mean, would you really want to switch government in the middle of an armed conflict?
This is the fear they want to capture, they are doing EVERYTHING to win during 2018, EVERYTHING.

TO STRENGTHEN US. They just want our shekels and our votes by any
means neccessary that won't get them sanctioned internationally or replaced by rebels.

google.se/search?q=sverige ryssland&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi40rGws-DYAhViYZoKHUC8CiEQ_AUICygC&biw=1280&bih=660
vakna retards, kolla vad politikerna håller på med förfan.


shit sources
di.se publishes unverified clickbait garbage and they're just citing (((aftonbladet)))

ok Wolodarski


if war breaks out in sweden, how do i acquire qt swedish refugee gf?

are we being raided?

How could they just 'convince you guys the Russians are coming' ? Are they bold enough to stage some sort of false flag ? Or are they just going to spam every media outlet with fake Russian aggression stories ? Also will the pro migrant feminist tumblrinas go along with this narrative as long as it comes from the mouth of the government ?

So you're denying that fear mongering is going on?
I provided the link so you can research the topic yourself. Not screencap the top headlines, but you do you.

post some direct links retard, "sweden russia" is too vague, how am i supposed to know what you're reading/hallucinating

Here you go. Look at the recent ones ignore the top one. :)

ctrl+f "broschyr" 0 results



i used google translate so burger anons would understand

Sweden has always had some military beef with Russia, ramping up even more in the Empire days.
Also after WW2 and everyone witnessing the might of the Soviet Union, Sweden put their armies into high readiness and trained soldiers like crazy.
Yes once upon a time the government of Sweden was genuinely concerned about the sovereignty of Sweden.

Where was the government several years ago, or their party decades ago when the common
attitude was that defense and military was, paraphrased, "A relic of the past".

The tumblrinas will agree with it because "Russia is evil against da gays, omg it's 2018"

Literally Fake News, no source. Why start a thread with no sources?


What the fuck is wrong with you, THEY ARE sending out the brochure. It's been on SVT nyheter but I can't find it for some reason..
I'm sure if you watch the videos I linked in their entirety you'll understand what I'm talking about.

anyone over there setting up right wing death squad volunteer group when the war breaks out? with all the commies and muslims it's gonna get messy

Yes some are. They aren't respectable though. I'm happy they exist though, might evolve into something useful.

here you go i found it for you you lazy fuck

Maybe your government can somehow convince you guys to fuck with the Russian navy in your waters once they completely take over Ukraine in a few years


yes they are fear mongering just like i stated in the thread.
what is your point?

Why did you not include this when you made the thread? Why do you think people are interested in your words?

I fucking started this thread because it was a shill in the previous one! I referred to that thread.
He posted endless pointless replies to fuck it up.

And your article mostly mentions it's the same old brochure. Except this time they include how to act in case of terror attacks.

"Samtidigt har nya hot som terrorism tillkommit. Därför blir det ett bredare innehåll i den kommande broschyren.

– Då var fokus bara på krig, i dag ser samhället totalt annorlunda ut. Det finns en betydligt mer komplex hotbild med klimatförändringar, terrorattacker, pandemier och informationspåverkan, säger Christina Andersson på Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap, som fått regeringens uppdrag att ta fram skriften, till Aftonbladet."

Don't you think this text would've been better as a start?

aftonbladet has about as much influence as wapo or huffpo. it doesn't really mean anything it's just a circlejerk for foreigners to laugh at sweden

Maybe a winter in Russia will be enough for you to grow some balls and take back the country on arrival

hi swegen :DDDDD can you really be invaded do you need a burgr?

Wow you guys. Dont you realize every newspaper except a few right ones are like Aftonbladet? Even SVT? And yes they ARE fear mongering, they try to deflect the attention from the moselems to RUSSIA.
And yes people are laughing at Sweden.
Margot Wallström was asked about the accusation from Russia that Sweden among other countries was conducting hybrid war against Russia. Guess what our ladys' response to this severe accusation was?

We don't need the burger unless you'll kill the invaders. Otherwise we'd prefer Russia taking over.
And the mighty EU will of course help us in this useless conflict.

A royal marriage should distract the plebs. Pic related.

>Sweden becomes militarized to defend its queers and Muslims
>queers and Muslims don't make good soldiers
>right wing swedes make up the military
>initiate coup
>huge military to remove non-whites
>Swedish Hitler arrives

It says nothing about Russia except some reference to the old Soviet in the context "the threat has changed since those days and the brochure now includes content how to act in case of terrorism".

Nothing about Russia, NOTHING.


You are the only one injecting Russia into everything regarding the slightest mention of military. GO. BACK. HOME. SLAVSHIT. Stop playing the victim Slavshit.

Watch the videos on SVT forum if you want to know what's going on. I can't help you much more, I guess you'll die like an ignorant piece of shit.

>Swedish Hitler arrives

I'm half Swedish half Norwegian, I love this country that's why I'm questioning our government. But you can keep listening to the jews, they have your best interests at heart I'm sure.

Gubbar vad fan gör vi uppe kl 03.30 mitt i veckan på Sup Forums?

I can’t imagine Sweden putting up any fight whatsoever. If they're content sitting quietly back and watching their country devolve I to an Islamo-fascist grenade party\rape den without putting up a fight what match would they be for the Russian Army?

We have a sneaky Hitler. But he's playing the jew game, I'll guess we'll see where that takes us. Put on english subtitles.

The Russians aren't interested in your Muslim shithole, Bjorn.

So they're giving out some brochures, WOW.

But you don't mention the real News that they will send military INTO immigrant suburban areas to combat the rising criminal activity.


I oktober skrev BotkyrkaDirekt om förslaget att låta militären gå in som stöd åt polisen i kriminellt utsatta förorter. Då var det 20 moderater som tillsammans la förslaget, som fick hård kritik från moderaterna i Botkyrka och på regeringsnivå. I dagens riksdagsdebatt la SD samma förslag - och fick stöd av Stefan Löfven.

– Det är inte min första åtgärd att sätta in militär, men jag är beredd att göra vad som behövs för att se till att den grova organiserade brottsligheten ska bort, sade han till TT efter partiledardebatten i riksdagen.

Även Moderaternas partiledare Ulf Kristersson tog upp förra årets många skjutningar, kriminella som slänger handgranater "som om det vore krig" och sjukhuspersonal som hotas.

– Det här är inte manus till en dystopisk kriminalhistoria. Det här är Sverige 2018, sade Kristersson.

Moderatledaren nobbar dock Sverigedemokraternas och partikamraternas förslag om att sätta in militär i förorten.

– Militären har en uppgift och polisen har en uppgift. Vi ska låta polisen sköta sitt arbete och ge dem förutsättningar för det, säger han till Aftonbladet.

I augusti förra året beslutade den danska regeringen efter en rad gängrelaterade skjutningar att militären skulle gå in för att avlasta polisen. Där handlade det dock om att ta över vissa av polisens uppgifter, som gränskontroll, för att frigöra polisresurser för att bekämpa gängkriminaliteten.

När BotkyrkaDirekt tog upp Moderaternas förslag med Norsborgsbon Hussein Amar, 21, som bott i området sen han var liten, avfärdade han inte idén. Det bränns bilar i området ibland och det kan vara otryggt att gå ut på kvällarna, tycker han.

– Om det är för allas säkerhet så kan det kanske vara bra. Om polisen vill det. Men det är väl bättre om de kan fixa mer poliser istället?

Hallundabon Solveig Nilsson kände sig kluven till tanken på att ha militärer runt knuten.

– Det skulle kännas suspekt, men det är ju otryggt här. Det pågår narkotikahandel och rätt som det är kommer någon körandes med bil på en gångväg. Något måste göras. Men det skulle kännas hemskt att ha det så i Sverige.

what was the outcome of the danish military intervention? did they go through with it?

Japp det är det dem "säger att dem ska göra". Jag tror det när jag ser det. Har inget förtroende för vare sig sossarna eller moderaterna. Dem har tagit in dem vedervärdigaste människorna i landet och nu leker dem "hjältar".
Det här säger inget om dem och om du kollar på klipen så inser du att invandrar gängen inte står högst på deras agenda, det gör Ryssland och omvärlden. Dem förbereder oss även för klimatflyktingar och den hord av människor som kommer dra sig till Europa i framtiden.

No idea, ask a Dane

I don't think so either. It's a distraction operation by the government and the media.

Swedish women aren’t that tough. They’re going to lose.

>Russia would start a war with Sweden while the US is still around

i think the women have more balls than the majority of the men do.

Which makes you think, what kind of shit would Russia and other countries do once the US is gone. I bet Iran would invade Israel

nah it's not russia starting it, it's the west provoking it. and no i'm not a slav.

A really good question Micke. Keeping track of current events like sexbots and Fake News Awards I guess.
Also being awake during the daytime is too painful, I see them everywhere..

Absolutely they would. I'm willing to bet they would try to form a coalition with other Arab states as well like they did the first time.

Sorry but nobody ever runs half the world away in European wars. They just go to next country at best. It is only niggers and arabs looking for gibs that need to run far

Fuck yeah. Pewdiepie has already declared his intentions and he got a huge following worldwide


>Pewdiepie has already declared his intentions

Why would the west want that though?

Pewdiepie, the memes won't cut it. We need a speech regarding the Swedish situation.


One thing's for sure, they are not fear mongered because war is imminent.
Probably just a move to give Swedes a change from the daily life in gay communist dystopia

Russia has a lot of power. They purged a bunch of jews. They also have big claims on the north pole which has a lot of valuable resources now that the ice is melting. I won't claim to know the intentions of the west. All I know is "we" hate Russia.


Nice. Did he promise to declare race war further up in the comments? But yeah of course he would be woke, he has been targetted for a year due to telling a joke



Haha doing it by proxy, but nice

look at what happened in ukraine. the west staged a coup and then russia had to "invade" them to save them

The reporter was referring to this statement by a "russian spy boss". I don't know the validity of it but she ended the interview without answering the question. Use google translate I couldn't find an English source.
Margot Wallström basically said "don't take it seriously the russians are constantly mocking us".

Russians always attack by surprise. They would never try to kick shit up by provocations, that is not how they do it. They do provocations for domestic reasons rather. So yeah doesn't mean anything.

here's another source I realized the other one was restricted by subscription

And if they'd want something for Sweden it would be Gotland, and I don't see that being valuable enough for them.

Of course not. They would only attack it as part of a general attack on NATO, but then we would not have warnings in advance

I am getting pretty pissed by the media. Why aren't they naming the moselem? They are reaaally comfortable with naming the evil Russians? I really wish I was an insider so I could figure out how all of this works.

"The scope of West's work allows us to speak of an undeclared hybrid war, which the United States is conducting against our states," said Naryshkin, according to Tass.

Sweden, together with Great Britain, Poland and the Baltic states are at the forefront of the hybrid war, the SVR chief claims.

They have always named to russians so that they can pass shit here at home, we need to name the juice and then we need this.

He doesn't say anything about your countries ("Sweden, together with Great Britain, Poland and the Baltic states") other than that said states somehow "influence/indoctrinate russian emigres to become revolutionaries", he doesn't say how exactly you do that (thru NGO funding/Soros brochures/etc I think).

Russia + Turkey vs Europe World War 3

Time to get comfy brothers