Fake News Awards? It is a fucking short text list with twitter inserts. Niggers were going off like Assange would "be there," as if there would be a televised event exposing some of the shit that needs to be exposed. The larping here is getting fucking insane. Congrats kikes I think you finally found a way to fracture Trump with nothing but retard babble tier hype
lol u mad?
No but I'm not a big fan of the psyop. I think I'm just going to grip my hair firmly and pull my entire scalp and face off the next time I see a middle aged facebook game playing cat woman mention Sup Forums or Q Clearance user
Then don't use facebook
At least Q faggot just got BTFO by having this fall flat on its face.
Sup Forums is always wrong
nothing ever happens
know how i know yer faggotcess?
I've never used Facebook. You don't get it, it's everywhere
No it isn't. I've never seen this shit mentioned outside of Sup Forums.
How are you not a blackpill shill?
It is everywhere tho. I found out about it on Twitter
>how are you not a blackpill shill
I'm sorry I cant be blowing flowers up your ass every day my dude but I am sick and tired of this larp bullshit. If you haven't seen it outside of Sup Forums then you don't leave your fucking house or this board you cunt. I've had people at work approach me and ask me if I've heard of Q. The shit is all over YouTube. Twitter. Facebook. I dont appreciate you minimizing the damaging effects of runaway retards playing up people's hopes. It's malicious and might make people lose faith in the president to some degree.
I think its easy for people to sometimes get carried away in flights of fantasy when you want to believe something you're passionte about. That's why it happens over and over. This is why I also think places like Infowars picked up on Q user that fast. They are disinfo shills. All we can agree on is (((they))) are paying attention to Sup Forums and whoever (((they))) are want to discredit it.
So what? If you're so demoralized, why don't you kill yourself?
If anything I'm moralized and have the impetus to stomp the undersized skull of an ignorant brainlet such as yourself
>I think I'm just going to grip my hair firmly and pull my entire scalp and face off
t. moralized user
It's the crowd source the truth niggers, George Webb, Jason Goodman, April Lajoone snd Defango running cointelpro on the cointelpro. They try so hard and it's hard to watch how easily we see through it.
I feel you user, I'm fucking pissed too. The POTUS himself hyped the fuck out of this event by delaying and delaying what essentially could've been written by anyone of us in under 25 minutes. Im fucking pissed. This doesn't help /pol, this doesn't help anything. I started to hate Trump after he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of (((Israel))) and this is just another nail in the coffin.
I think this is you guys' problem. You have too much faith in Trump, so you get too disappointed. How do you know that Trump wasn't ZOG's plan A?
>kikes finally found a way to hit trump
yeah, jews hate him
I never thought i would say these words but
Thank you for your extremely well timed, accurate and fucking perfectly on point comment
I dont know who it is but its pissing me off. I have a masters degree in psychology and spent years figuring out half the shit peterson figured out on the link between post modernism and marxism.
All its philosophical roots and connections, implications and everything else.
I felt my brain swell, then came to this shit hole, learned everyhting i realized is common fucking knowledge.
Now years pass and i gain everything i need from here. go out, do more independent research at a distance.
Then come back to find everyone is a fucking retard peddling dumbass conspiracy theories that are beyond too far from reality.
Pizzagate i thought would be the limit since that was already too far. At the very least there was some believable pressups and skeptical rationale.
But everything right now is just brain dead Q hype or total mindless hysteria over literally nothing that even alex jones wouldnt touch with a 50 m pole.
>I've had people at work approach me and ask me if I've heard of Q
my dad is heavy into this stuff. He does not believe but the story has him hooked either way.
God man its like when normie parents start using facebook. It immediately becomes shit.
My whole thing is if they are going to larp. At least fucking larp better. How are people being tricked by this shit?
You should see an autism doctor
You hate him because of Jewrusalem? He has done so much to shift the narrative to the right that I hope he is blessed with never having to take a painful shit again in his life, regardless of his jewry and tick tock nonsense. It's this disingenuous hype being designed to make people lose hope that I hate.
Rare thank yous. I dont know why it's working so well. It's the ultimate larp I guess. Normies get to trip out on tbe zog pill, dabble in race-realism and economics, get all jagged up in the head like they are the ones making these connections, and make everyone within a half mile of them seem like a retard by association. The hype train gets bigger and bigger until the normie hype levels become uncontainable and Trump disappoints them one too many times. Boom, public perception shift, Trump becomes a loser. I can't see it working in the long run.
>how do you know he wasn't ZOGs plan A?
I will believe when he names them, as their plans almost always backfire in awesome ways
This entire Q movement and the "Flipped Mueller" conspiracy are just unconscious backlashes to the fact that Trump isn't really changing anything and governs like most of the presidents before him. In other words, people are making up dumb larps because they're in denial of the fact that Trump was lying when he said he would lock up Hillary. The moment they have to come to terms with the fact that Trump is a normal president who has no intentions of overthrowing the corrupt system, they will probably off themselves.