I hate fiat currency!

>I hate fiat currency!
>That's why I'm investing in bitcoin!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Investing in Crypto with money you can't afford to lose AND ALSO WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS TO TAKE CARE OF?
That guy is clearly mentally disabled. Not to mention he even says he TOOK SOMEONE' Advice instead of researching for himself. And that coin had a NIGGER developer. This is only nature at work. Get rid of all the stupid people.

That checks too many boxes to be real

Fed being scrutinized now and target of restructuring:
>While there were reasons that a mixed public-private central bank and regulatory system may have made sense at the start of the last century, this is no longer the case today. The United States is the only major economy with this sort of mixed approach.
Testimony of Dean Baker, Senior Economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research Before the House Financial Services Committee Subcommittee on Trade and Monetary Policy
“A Further Examination of Federal Reserve Reform Proposals”
January 10, 2018

I'm already above where I was before the "crash". Fucking tard, buy high, sell low, How hard is that?

>bitcoin is bitconnect
Fucking no coiners. Sage.

>my wife has two sons
Fake and gay

>crypto isn't fiat currency


My wife's sons can't buy soulglo!

Bitconnect was a scam and almost every crypto nerd would have told him this.

I never said that, I said you're a fucking moron for not knowing the difference between bitcoin and fucking BITCONNECT. Don't talk about shit you're to stupid to understand. You are literally just as stupid as the people who bought bitconnect.
Absolutely autistic. Sage.


>someone needs to pay for this

Yeah, that someone was you, dummy.

Here we have a guy so fucking dumb and unaware he admits he bought fake money and doesn’t realize why this makes him a fool.

>n-n-n-n-no! MY crypto is totally different and not shit like the others!

i love watching you brainlets trying to pretend that your shit is somehow better than other shit because it's the one you invested in

>investing all your money when it peaks
>not buying in when it's cheap
i dont know shit about investments but this guy has got to be retarded or fake

He didn't even buy BTC, he bought some pump and dump meme coin.

bitcoin is not fiat currency dipshit

>implying all shillcoins aren't pump and dump memes

It's bouncing back now
Idiots like this are the ones who buy high and sell low

>Middle-class millenials shafted by baby boomer architect ponzi crony-corrupt-capitalist economy.
>Much debt and QE bubble in system
>Millenials hold little capital and hardly any assets compared to previous generations.
>Start speculating on an admittedly based technology implemented in a somewhat flawed idea of BitCoin because, fuck it what do i have to lose I can't get a decent wage or house and the cost of everything continues to rise.
>Crypto price rises. More millenials pile in with whatever they have.
>Mainstream runs with this
>Speculators from everywhere pile in. Borrowing to bet big.
>The price is only as good as it's convertibility back to fiat.
>Everyone piling in wants FIAT gainz hence investing their fiat into Bitcoin.
>Much electricity is wasted.
>Asians know what they're doing. BASED. Know it's bollocks.
>Countries start clamping down on BitCoin.
Price drops.
>Crypto reaches shoe-shine moment where everyone is giving crypto tips IRL.
>BBC Radio 4 report on it and make the joke that every time they report the thing they talk about crashes
>pol consistently saying "Well done if you made your money but know it's build on speculations and it will crash but the tech is based and will be used in the future in many financial fields"
>Get called shill.
>Oh but it stops the jew they cry; Not realising that Crypto is nothing big compared Countless wars, regime change, nukes and millions dead to maintain (((Their))) system of dominance.
>Price crashes.
>Post-jizz sanity prevails and crypto-noobs have more regret than Aziz Ansari's date.
>Cry "(((They))) raped me financially"

>How much QE money is wiped out in collapsing crypto?

you retarded faggots dont understand the difference between bitconnect and bitcoin

fucking nocoiners...

Mfw I moved all my ethereum into BAT when BAT was at 0.43 and it's up 36% today.

>bouncing back now

>literally just dived again
Coin fags on suicide watch.

>n-n-n-no, MY crypto is DIFFERENT and will never crash like the OTHER ones!

the future of currency, based maga pedes

Anyone who puts all their money in one basket deserves it.

Dunno what chart you're looking at, it's currently 11650. About 1700 recovered so far.

What's the difference?

bitconnect is a scam. bitcoin is not. very complicated!

HAHAHAHAHAHHA what a dumb faggot

Try actual transactions faggot.
They are buying and selling lower than that.

>"Your fiat doesn't have the star of david on it, loser!"
>Meanwhile the US dolar lost 12% of it's purchasing power last year alone.
You're right, I should trust the federal reserve
>Fake money
>Fake money you can buy gold with
Also, take off your larp flag you fucking faggot.
Literally everyone said bitconnect was a fucking scam. You faggots are still as blasted for not buying btc early on . Now the whales dumped their bags on trend riding normal fags you get all high and mighty like you were smart for not buying. Do you even understand how utterly stupid you seem to anyone with a clue? And again: Meme flag. Pure fucking cancer.

The absolute state of:
>Western decadence
>Fiancial education
>General common sense.

Why would you put in money you can't afford to lose?
Lesson 1:
Only invest what you're safe losing. I.e. - Only put money into something that if you don't get it back it won't affect you financially. Simple. A safe gamble. Not a fucking mental gamble.

Greedy, stupid fucks.

>put all my money in BitConnect

Faggot should have read the Bible

>my wife has two sons

>My wife has 2 sons

>Meanwhile the US dolar lost 12% of it's purchasing power last year alone.
i believe that you believe this.

invest in a happy attitude!

Also guy in OP pic:


If you don't gamble like a fucking idiot you're not emotionally destroyed by the swings and you can sit long term.

The laughs are better every time this happens, too.

>my wife has two sons
audible keks

dogecoin is the superior crypto currency


>What's the difference between the gold standard of crypto and a literal ponzi scheme where you dump money in and earn interest because bots or something (don't worry, it just works)
I don't think we ever even got told what bitconnect did exactly. Like any ponzi scheme it was all fluff talk.
>It's going to be great!
>Were all going to be rich!
It capitalized on the bitcoin trend among normies, except normies don't know how to even buy bitcoins. Bitconnect allows to dump money in and suddenly get rich out of thin air. Don't worry, you don't have to understand, it just works and your rich. Bits in the name so it's the next bitcoin!!! The only people who fell for this were fucking reddit fags. I mean look at this shit. The first is a parody of an actual event. The two songs are completely 100% un-ironic.

Get in now. Buy it on the dip. All it has to do is do the same thing it did in 2017 you'll seriously make 10 times your money!

is that supposed to imply that it isn't true? cuz "I blieve u believe this" is a pretty bad argument

Lol you fucking Bitcoin kids are annoyin as fuck

It's only useful for buying dope online

I believe you believe that it's a bad argument


(You)s have more inherent value than mathbux

Hey it's ok buddy, he still has all those bitcoins!

>my wife has two sons

Got my stats wrong. 2.1% from 2016 to 2017. 12% from 2011 to 2018.

this meme will never die
it was fun during the mt gox days because no one expected the double spending bug, except the exchanges

"my wife has two sons" literally LARP