>Cape Town Is 90 Days Away From Running Out of Water
>Cape Town Is 90 Days Away From Running Out of Water
three months? order some water. get a bunch of jugs of sea water and distill it. purify urine. stop crying.
Why would I care about Africa?
for 4 million people?
south africa needs the help, support and aid of the international community
>all these white people ideas
You know they can't make that happen.
OMG, White people help!
Lake Powell in 5 years
no, they need to die. so do you.
fpbp, won't happen though as the niggers can't comprehend these methods.
I bet the Russians are responsible
pretty much this
Die white people!
Omg help us white people
we shouldn't hate. they are suffering from a 3 year drought thanks to climate change. And there are a lot of whites in south africa as well you racists
blacks need gibs? shocking
Couldn't give less of a shit desu m90.
>Directly connected to the ocean
>Running out of water.
Niggers, I swear.
blacks need whiteys help again? im so fucking shocked. perpetual children
Whites need to fuck off from SA immediately. Why there still are whites in SA I will never know. As soon as SA is 100%, I strongly recommend we starve the abomination of a country and refuse ALL rapefugees.
Israel has no water issues.
it's the one part of South Africa not run by complete numpties, plenty of cape coloureds and whites in cape town
No, this is how you learn.
Black Africans only make up approx 15% of the population.
it is like 40-something% white and 40-something% coloured...
not far off the US's white %
im willing to bet this problem didnt spring up overnight. surely they had more than ample time to prepare for this obvious inevitability.
>turn country over to niggers
>entire cities crumble around them
>multiple urban environments completly evacuated due to nog hoards
>apocalypse level shit about to start happening due to mismanagment of literally every aspect of what remained of their society
>we have to bail them out and help prove that their system "works"
>after its proven their system "works" we will be further forced to remodel our society after theirs
yea, dont this so lad.
What a shithole
>tfw nogs turn a lovely white settlement into a shithole country
Cape Town is white
This wasn’t nigs
>international community
No such thing.
just drink the ocean water
Sounds like we need to evacuate the whites before the water runs out. They're being systematically murdered by niggers anyhow
Fuck off, NIDF
42.4% "Coloured"
38.6% "Black African"
15.7% "White"
1.4% "Asian or Indian"
1.9% other
They have 3 months. they should prove they don't belong on the shithole list and sort themselves out.
Actually it was the coons.
The city knew about the drought for years. However, the way the law is setup in this country makes all water infrastructure the provision of national government. Which means that the city of Cape town would not have been legally allowed to procure water desalination plants without the ANC minister of water affairs giving the green light.
Since the ANC wants the Western Cape and City of Cape town to fail because they are run by the opposition party, they simply didn't sign off on any desalination plants until very recently.
You think they might go so far and give the poor whites less water then the poor blacks?
maybe it will finally get the racewar started over there.
I hope those Nig-Nogs dry up like raisins.