If White Nationalism is all about preserving cultures by keeping them in their own designated countries...

If White Nationalism is all about preserving cultures by keeping them in their own designated countries, why do you faggots hate Israel so much?

Israel is an etho-nationalist state under which only one group is given the full rights of citizenship and all others are face institutional discrimination, should it not be praised as a model?

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true story, they pay arabs and immigrants to leave
i doubt the us will ever do this

they also put ethiopians in jail until they leave

Because Jews don't want non jews to have that. They essentially want to be the new "whites" and keep all these ideologies for themselves. They know it works, but also see it as competition.

Guaranteed all this ubermensch engineering for genes and designer babies is reserved for Jews to essentially mimic whiteness and then be total kikes in disguise. Essentially a literal hijack of the white race.

>why do you faggots hate Israel so much?
I'm pro-Israel so long as we can deport all US jews there and cut funding to the evil kikes immediately.

I don't hate Israel, I just hate the Jews inside and outside of it.

>1 post by this ID
That's why I hate jews.

>Israel is an ethnostate
>"we" want an ethnostate
>Only people stopping "us" from having an ethnostate is Israel

I'm not sure how to simplify it without drawing a picture. Why would I be happy about someone doing what I want to do and the only thing stopping me from doing that thing is the people who you're asking me to be happy about? It's the complete opposite of a cuckold lifestyle so I don't question why you have difficulty understanding it, faggot.

Becase they are an ethnostate that is activly trying to dismantel and destroy any other ethnostate.
They are hypocrites. We can have an identity, you cannot. Id say fuckem, but they are going to hell so im not as mad as others are.

Thats what the nazis did, and it made the jews even more powerful

jews would love to end immigration,
its mostly goyim who want to culturally enrich their countries the jews don't have the votes to do this its goyim

Just because they're playing the same game doesn't mean we're on their side. Jews and gentiles have been at war for millennia

Because you’re a nigg...oh yeah.

If the Jews lived in Israel they wouldn't have to destroy the white race because they wouldn't be competing with whites for dominance of the country that they live in.

The main reason there's still Jews in America is because they don't feel like Israel is safe (yet). Let's give the Arabs a few more decades to stop chomping the fuck out then there will be virtually no American Jews by the end of this century.



because they're the largest foreign lobby in the united states by a mile you fucking brainlet, i don't give a shit what they do in their own countries, they need to keep their sand people politics the fuck out of mine

It’s just too bad (((they))) meddle in others affairs going back to the Rothschilds and up to the present day. Also, they’re racist as shit.

>Don't feel safe
>Pushes for more diversity and open borders everywhere else.

not all jews are liberal im probably the most radical person here
if there was a party supporting imperialism i would support it

They won't have any reason to destroy whites if they're in a region where whites aren't their enemies.

What? They're one of the smartest and most open nations as far as free trade. The only country that would fit your description of Israel would be Best Korea.

Negro what? Jews only arrived in Europe after they got fucked up by the Romans while trying to rebel in Jerusalem. That's only 1500 years.

>why do you faggots hate Israel so much
For one thing, right off the bat, it's full of kikes. We have given them over 233,000,000,000$ dollars since 1947, even though there is only a few million people there. So that's obviously a major scam of the taxpayer. We are scheduled to give them 40,000,000,000$ over the next 10 years in military aid, when we can't even get 1.8 billion per years to build are own wall. We have spent over a trillion dollars on wars in the middle east for the purpose of remaking the ME in the way jews want it. They have been caught spying on us several times. They did the uss liberty. Plus, since they are the apple of the jew's eye, I wish harm upon them just for revenge sake for what jews have done to white people, such as funding both sides of wars in the US and europe for centuries.
>The United States has provided Israel with $233.7 billion in aid (after adjusting for inflation) since the state was formed in 1948 through the end of last year, research by TheMarker has found.
U.S. Aid to Israel Totals $233.7b Over Six Decades

What point are you trying to make. I don't understand the connection between those two

233B isn't that much. Obummercare was like 3 trillion. Although I appreciate your attempts to conflate that number by actually typing it out, I've won arguments the same way and it's a pretty good tactic.

Obamacare is actually for citizens of this country though. It's very interesting, though not surprising, that you as a kike, side with israel over your own country.

obamacare is like a black hole all the money goes to degenerates and hobos who cant do anything to take care of themselves

Everything that is wrong with western geopolitics today has something to do with the creation and maintenance of Israel.

One reason. Because US pays for the place to exist. Another reason- it's a pseudo-biblical RothC set up. Another- Jews are not forced to accept right of return.
Right of return should be changed to: permission to leave. Then I'd be ok with Israel

No one here hates Israel just because it's full of Juden, retard. These shill bait threads are cringeworthy because newfags reply despite how trite and stupid the post is. Please kill yourself by any means at your disposal tonight

Not pertinent to the spending thing.

>Asks why we hate jews
>Uses the word "Obummer"

Hello, Hasbara. Seen you post stupid shit on Yahoo last night. Say hello to /ptg/ for me too.

because that's not what we want. we want total war

Wrong. Obamacare never actually existed. In actuality, you're forced to sign up for health insurance or else get fined out the ass. Some would rather just have none, suck it up, and not have to pay bills.

Also, I tried seeing what this shit was all about. Any source that offered "Obamacare" merely sent you to third-party phone numbers for insurance agencies that sell you phone number to each other and never stop calling. A literal scam.