Other urls found in this thread:
One time I was house sitting for my neighbors (taking care of their cat) and jerked off on the pillow of their 15 year old daughter.
She probably rubbed her face in my dried cum for days when they came back from holidays.
I put peanut butter on my dick and let my doberman lick it off, it only lasted for 5 seconds because it was nutty and it hurt and she bit me. It is the most depressing memory i have.
I have horrible anxiety and depression and refuse to get help because ill get put on some list.
Also I am 24 and never had a girlfriend, I believe am unlovable.
P-pics or no salvation m-my son
I'm impatient with the elderly.
I'm doing no fap but I keep edging to degenrate vore
I have never pursued a relationship because my fetishes are incredibly fucked up, and I jerk off daily.
I feel lonely. After 4 years of college, my only friend is my distant best friend from highschool who I only see couple times per year. I don't have anyone who I consider a friend in college and I don't know how to make friends.
Smoke. Seriously force yourself to start smoking cigarettes. The nicotine rush for the first year or so (provided you only smoke around 5 a day) is marvellous for your self confidence. Tbh I think it's a placebo effect, similar to when you drink a bit and think "I can say shit now cos I'm drunk". Also, take care of your hygiene, take pride in your appearance and dress smartly at all times. Good luck mate.
I’m a compulsive liar
Also I never had a gf and feel less of a man because of it. I'm 22 and soon to graduate college, I'm short and fat, but I think my face is handsome and I can be funny. I need to make some friends before I can get a gf...
I actually don't hate australians.
Time to start lifting
My dick is limp because I watched 389 clips of porn in less than eight months.
I already smoked, I'm into vaping now.
When I used to go to clubs I got called a "chav" on numerous occasions but now I do dress properly and make an effort but I still feel inferior to other men and feel like I stand no chance at all, even working out don't help with my confidence and self esteem.
It really sucks bro.
when I was 12 or 13 I molested my little sister's friend while she was sleeping
I was super popular in my highschool, but I have only one real friend. So I was elected treasurer of the school, but yet never invited to any parties/sleepovers...
Not a Catholic, but ok.
I want to wait until marriage to fuck my wife like my life depends on it, but I'm worried that I'll cave and get some Tindr whore to fuck just so I can say I have. I have it under control now, but I don't know how long I'll be able to wait.
Better to be short and swole, user.
When lots of people die, I think of it as somewhat of an easing on the environment. Yeah, yeah, populations negate that and then some, but still.
Ok here it goes
i pushed a kid into a bog during a biology class field trip and he somehow ended up getting paralyzed from the waist down, i absolutely have no fucking idea how it happened but it happened. i never got caught.
the entire school administration rounded up our class and interrogated us. our teacher said that she knew who did it and was going to leave the room for ten minutes to wait for a confession, otherwise the entire class was getting flunked. i nearly fell for the bluff but ultimately kept my mind shut. we got flunked temporarily but they ended up changing our grades because too many parents complained. i still have NO fucking idea how i managed to get away with it and i have NO idea how the kid got paralyzed from falling into knee deep water.
Having pre-martial sex with girlfriend. She wants though pastor, what shall I do?
i once agreed to fuck a qt black girl and then ghosted her
I wish i was a trap anime girl
Stone her and sell her organs to the rabbis. Next
Didn't the kid you pushed know?
Also, I got about €25k of inheritance from my grandfather, I blew about 90% on whores. (Nude erotic massages by two girls at the same time, €250 a pop)
Pls don't be a trap dad :^(
How the fuck did the kid not rat you out?
*Note: I don't want people to die, but my mind tries to find the good in things.
I find black girls attractive
Do You feel guilty, user?
i've fucked my life up pretty bad and have alienated myself from everyone i love and now i'm a deadbeat with seemingly no hope of redemption but i don't want to kill myself but i want to die.
Start working out bro. You don't even need to start big, maybe just start with the 20 pushups a day challenge for 20 days. Then progress. Getting fit helps you feel alive.
Go to altright meetups and get new friends
Confessing sins and feeling guilty is a jewish trick. Fuck apathy and low vibration feelings.
im Jewish
I Jack off everyday
I already do but it don't help my confidence or self esteem, I still feel inferior.
If someone came up to me and offered me steroids I would probably take them and go out like Zyzz.
At least then I might feel normal and have some female attention for once in my life.
The worst thing I ever done, was mix up all of this fake puke at home, then i went to a movie theater, and i hid the puke in my jacket, then i made a sound like this
Then i dumped the fake puke over the side, and then, oh this was horrible, all the people started getting sick over each other
It was the worst thing i ever done in my life...
I submitted several short stories by Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury as writing assignments for my English 100 class last semester and was never caught for plagiarism.
I believe that is the time for you to go to church, and beg Christ to save your soul
this too
i would still support a second holocaust though, a real one
I have never not voted.
i just got a new bible for christmas. it's niv but it looks sleek. the first time i opened it up the bookmark was on psalm 22.
Don't give up user. Start lifting or doing some type of exercise routine. It'll help to boost your confidence level. Don't worry about never having had a gf. Your not alone in that
I hate almost everyone on this board despite thinking Hillary and Obama are fucking rubbish.
I fell into the Ham radio meme thanks to the skyking threads, got my license and spent nearly $2000 on new gear.
I have never worked up the courage to talk on it and all I do is listen to Captain Dave, Joe and Jerry argue on 7.200 everyday.
I hate deaf people
I keep jerking off to porn even though I know it's bad to and I haven't done any HW or bought any books, just coasting on class participation and the fact that I already know a ton about all of the classes I'm taking.
I could be doing so much better but I'm just loafing around on my laptop like a nigger.
i'm bitter because i could've inherited the godlike chad genes from the german part of my family but my portuguese heritage father ruined it all and i'm a manlet. i'll never be seen as part of the chad family branch. i could've had blue eyes, square jaw, 6'1 and blond hair. my hair is brown, i'm 5'7 and my eyes are this weird color that looks like some tree(not brown nor hazel). i use what beard i have to pretend i have a respectable chin. ofc i don't use the above as an excuse to be a shitty person unlike many pollacks, but i am indeed bitter. at least i get to make my brother mad by saying i'm whiter than he is(he has black hair, brown eyes, shorter and weaker than me. i might also be more intelligent. i've called him nigger countless times, he always flips out)
>anxiety and depression
>lol just lift bro
I fucking hate this board and... no, I already said that here Go anally masturbate with a knife, retard.
I was the one who started the rumors assange being at the fake news awards and numerous other larps, I get a huge boner from doing it but now realize I was not behaving in the interest of the common good. Sorry all.
In Little League I once hit a home run over the fence and didn't touch first base and nobody noticed.
hahahahaha same
fuck it's depressing tho
i just browse the chins, jewtube, and phub nonstop
Try to find someone irl from Sup Forums, trs, some right-wing discord or something to work out with and you'll feel a lot better.
Gtfo here jew
I once posted in this faggots thread
I feel so ashamed
You really should.
I confess...
I can't stand filthy fucking Niggers & Jews...
I know who you are.
Once I pied a little (to show him who's the boss) on my GF's dog bed in her family summer house. That fucking poodle is so annoying I had to teach him a lesson. The trick made him crazy. He couldn't stop barking at his bed and running in circles around it.. I was shitting myself from all the laughing.
I'm a LARP :(
Sounds more like an accomplishment than a confession tbqh.
Why? Any specific reason?
Fuck off with your self-medication shit
I came here from The_Donald during the election.
i cant stop masterbaiting, i try to quit so as to lose my libido and not feel lonely
i am desperate for friends, i havent talked to any other human being outside of Sup Forums since aug 2015, let alone go out
i wanna kill myself but never do it
the only person worth living for is already dead
every girl i liked has ignored or rejected me, i have an inbuilt girl repellent it seems
i hate normies
i wish i had intimacy with a girl :(, never even held hands in all my life
i honestly dread everyday and there isnt a second that goes by without me thinking i should have never been born
CIA if you are reading this please just come kill me i cant take it anymore
I hate niggers, kikes, spics, hajjis, street shitters, gooks, and chinks
You sure you'll get put on a list? Voluntarily seeing a therapist is different from being committed to a mental hospital in the states, anyway.
Im 24 and have never exchanged any form of affection with a girl either. I'm in a CS program and surrounded by people in a similar boat, so I don't feel like a weird alien anymore, but it when I think about it I can still get eaten by frustration.
I don't think i'm unlovable, but I think my parents did something I can't quite put my finger on to make me socially retarded. I used to believe I was autistic. Though after a few minor successes in life and near misses with girls I know I am obviously not. Somewhere in early childhood I got pushed out of the loop, and by high school my self esteem was gone. I just want to catch up by the end of college.
I feel a panic creeping up because I want to meet a girl at school before I go to a job with 90% male coworkers and I only have a year left and 2-3 girls in my classes (only 1 attractive one). I met this really hot slut in class last semester and I thought I was about to seal the deal but she stopped talking to me for no reason... Considering Tinder but something about it bugs me and I'd like my first time to be slightly more personal.
I genuinely wish I was a real furry.
I had premarital sex with a Catholic girl
Me too, user
I'm only 18 and have given up marriage
The cochlear implant controversy. Lots of deaf people view their disability as a culture and refuse to grant their children the ability to hear because they think "there's nothing wrong with being deaf". Theres nothing wrong with being paralyzed either but life is better if youre not,
Why? If you became a cougar-person tomorrow you would just be happy and everything would just work out?
Just go to your 9-5 office job and nobody gives a shit a D&D monster is running around?
just fucking talk you retard
>ill get put on some list.
And they'll ban you from buying guns and watch your every move on cameras?
They already do that to everyone where you live
it's ok user, no one believed it anyway
Dumb ass. Steroids won't kill you. Your heart/liver will kill you if you don't balance your life.
I take steroids twice a year, 8 weeks cycles.
Planning the cycles to be over just before beach season/vacations. Awesome feeling.
damn man, you fucked up really bad. i wouldn't even want some inheritance though, i just wish gramps was still alive, as a kid i saw him as a dad
This is a good thread.
We should do more of this confession thing.
I confess. I believe you are a faggot.
I participate in a lot of immigration control threads even though I’m half-black and my grandmother immigrated illegally
If you want medication or therapy in the UK you generally go to the NHS. The NHS has a record of all your health issues from birth. They record every British citizen.
I now cannot join the British Army or become a air traffic controller because I had some anxiety when I was a teenager. It is some fucking bullshit.
Pics or it didn't happen
I don't think I have feelings like normal people do. I'm 33 years old and I haven't even finished college. I don't make much money and I probably never will.
Where do you buy your gear?
Thankfully I should manage to graduate in spite of being such a useless bastard, and I think I might enlist just to get some discipline in my life.
Find some nice place outside to spend time relaxing. Jog around a bit there then go to church.
It won't fix your problem with socializing with people but it'll make you feel better. Just try to find someone else from Argentina on Sup Forums. They'll probably be able to relate to you a bit and might be willing to tolerate you being an anti-social loser and help you fix your shit.
I wanted to check into a maritime net today and as I was working up the courage, the bands went to shit.
I caught my dad cheating on my mom and didn't tell anybody because Dad's the one that pays for college.
Sorry mum money talks
user took the FBIs bait, huh? Sad.
I had a 3some with my sister and mother last night.
I want to do it again.
Is there any way you could do some sort of online based therapy without meds?