Why isn't he /our guy/?
Why isn't he /our guy/?
I've just seen this and everything outlined is almost exactly what Russia is doing today. And this book was published in 1997.
>In Foundations of Geopolitics, Dugin calls for the influence of the United States and Atlanticism to lose its influence in Eurasia and for Russia to rebuild its influence through annexations and alliances.[2]
>The book declares that "the battle for the world rule of [ethnic] Russians" has not ended and Russia remains "the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution." The Eurasian Empire will be constructed "on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us."[9]
The book states that "the maximum task [of the future] is the 'Finlandization' of all of Europe".[9]
In Europe:
Germany should be offered the de facto political dominance over most Protestant and Catholic states located within Central and Eastern Europe. Kaliningrad oblast could be given back to Germany. The book uses the term "Moscow-Berlin axis".[9]
France should be encouraged to form a "Franco-German bloc" with Germany. Both countries have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition".[9]
The United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe.[9]
Finland should be absorbed into Russia. Southern Finland will be combined with the Republic of Karelia and northern Finland will be "donated to Murmansk Oblast".[9]
Estonia should be given to Germany's sphere of influence.[9]
Latvia and Lithuania should be given a "special status" in the Eurasian-Russian sphere.[9]
Poland should be granted a "special status" in the Eurasian sphere.[9]
Romania, Macedonia, "Serbian Bosnia" and Greece – "orthodox collectivist East" – will unite with "Moscow the Third Rome" and reject the "rational-individualistic West".[9]
Ukraine should be annexed by Russia because "Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics". Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible.[9]
In the Middle East and Central Asia:
The book stresses the "continental Russian-Islamic alliance" which lies "at the foundation of anti-Atlanticist strategy". The alliance is based on the "traditional character of Russian and Islamic civilization".
Iran is a key ally. The book uses the term "Moscow-Tehran axis".[9]
Armenia has a special role: It will serve as a "strategic base," and it is necessary to create "the [subsidiary] axis Moscow-Erevan-Teheran". Armenians "are an Aryan people … [like] the Iranians and the Kurds".[9]
Azerbaijan could be "split up" or given to Iran.[9]
Georgia should be dismembered. Abkhazia and "United Ossetia" (which includes Georgia's South Ossetia) will be incorporated into Russia. Georgia's independent policies are unacceptable.[9]
Russia needs to create "geopolitical shocks" within Turkey. These can be achieved by employing Kurds, Armenians and other minorities.[9]
The book regards the Caucasus as a Russian territory, including "the eastern and northern shores of the Caspian (the territories of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan)" and Central Asia (mentioning Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan).[9]
In Asia:
China, which represents a danger to Russia, "must, to the maximum degree possible, be dismantled". Dugin suggests that Russia start by taking Tibet-Xinjiang-Mongolia-Manchuria as a security belt.[1]
Russia should offer China help "in a southern direction – Indochina (except Vietnam), the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia" as geopolitical compensation.[9]
Russia should manipulate Japanese politics by offering the Kuril Islands to Japan and provoking anti-Americanism.[9]
Mongolia should be absorbed into Eurasia-Russia.[9]
The book emphasizes that Russia must spread Anti-Americanism everywhere: "the main 'scapegoat' will be precisely the U.S."
In the United States:
Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists".
Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."[9]
The Eurasian Project could be expanded to South and Central America.[9]
2/10 no nazbol flag.
You are the literal Jew and we see through your Globalist Schemes.
After the Cold War, NATO lost its purpose and soon the EU will break.
He has the beard of a god
i agree, america must fall and be smashed into to dust
Show your fucking flag coward.
>Muh Russia!
It's just like a Tom Clancy novel!
America isn't actually losing enitre cities to negros or entire states to spics; there is a super-secret russian plot to make it seem like
SEEM like thats whats happening.
This guy sees what Sup Forums can't, that European traditionalists should ally with Muslims in order to defeat leftism.
>The book stresses the "continental Russian-Islamic alliance" which lies "at the foundation of anti-Atlanticist strategy". The alliance is based on the "traditional character of Russian and Islamic civilization".
sounds like fucking bullshit not unlike our own "underground" red-green alliance. all these guys are fags
What is your point you faggot
American liberalism is the "mommy party" of American politics; the party who making things ok by giving free stuff...that never gets delivered.
Young people won't get free tuition, but they'll vote for the people promising it.
Women will think Trump is a monster because of non-stop media bashing. They'll vote for a Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren.
Most soy-boys will vote Left to assert their femininity and weakness.
Every time America has a slight realignment to good economics and growth, the next few elections are always hard Left victories.
>In the United States:
>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists".
>Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."[9]
Did you know the Russians made Detroit and Illinios bankrupt?!
It's true!
They bribed the auto unions and civil service to implement ridiculous pension plans to ferment racial tension and destroy the United States!
Ask me how I know you are gay?
You don't understand what he means by liberalism. He is not using your meme defintion in America to mean the left. He is talking about your countries ideology as a whole. Your civilization as a whole promotes liberalism (in the true sense) regardless of whether democrats or so called 'conservative' republicans rule.
Ask me how I know you're a mutt
> Estonia should be given to Germany's sphere of influence
Did you vote for Brexit Brit?
No I don't vote in Jewish elections
So you did not support Brexit.
Unfortunately you can't play 8D dimensional chess like the Russian grandmasters!
Every car manufacturing plant from GM to Ford was full of KGB agents, they would sabotage the equimplnt and recruit dissidents.
Now they are in California where they encourage gay sex and illegal immigration, the goal is to bankrupt California next.
The Russians are geniuses. In fact right now there are gay Russian spies helping to smuggle illegals across the border and spread degenerate sexual perversions in that bastion of traditional American values: Hollywood.
Harvey Weinstein never put a single girl on the casting couch, he was framed by a Russian agent!
So is his opinion that liberalism, in the classical sense not the burger version of the word, is breeding degenerate societies?
I mean he's not entirely wrong is he?
Brexit is irrelevant and wasn't of interest to me.
Do you have something interesting to say or are you done now and off to fuck your sister, Cleetus?
You get a 10/10 for creativity.
Oh, fuck him. Now Russia makes sense with making all the asiatics the new overlords.
Be British
>have bad teeth
>hide behind EU flag
>shitpost about some Russian nobody
Do you have anything interesting to say?
He's not wrong. Western values since the French revolution have fucked everything.
>be American
>make random semi coherent rants in threads unrelated to anything
I understand, you are a subhuman rootless mongrel mutt.
You’re just upset your nation isn’t relevant anymore so you hide behind BIG EU to be relevant as an individual.
the jew revolution, and after that the second jew revolution (russia), both of the greatest power trips perpetrated by ZOG.
What is it with slavic thinkers and being so hard to pin down ideologically? They are like a mix of everything.
I want that quote sourced. Gib.
That quote is probably not real.
He is, more than most at least
I'm so upset that the jews made your country their base of operations and left mine after ww2.
Spencer is a duganist
Well yeah the Baizou (white left) live here. Ever see the upper management for CNN? You’re spot on right they are Jewish. I’m at least glad others see that for what it is.
Oh so he's a coward then
They're not boring thinkers that's for sure.
Dugin is a meme.
Socialism can't win but thanks for making us all poorer for trying. God willing, I hope if we loose this battle, and Dugin's fantasy becomes reality, that shills like you are found to be counterrevolutionary by your so called "comrades", and that somebody puts you alive into a burlap sack with a hyena, a scorpion, and human excrement which is then subsequently beaten with sticks to excite the hyena and scorpion to vengeance. Then I hope your comrades weight this contraption down with stones, and throw you in this condition into a river filled with crocodiles.
That's the most merciful punishment I can think of for weaponizing economics against children who will die of Typhus in the socialist "utopia."
I'm telling you the neocon baby boomers have it all figured out!
Russia is behind EVERYTHING. All the social ills plaging the west atm? All Russian plots.
Why just the other day I was at an auction in Sydney where some baby boomer wanted 1.2 million for his ex-council house. A chinaman and member of the ccp politburo offered him 1.4 million but like a good boomer he refused and tried to sell the place to a young Anglo couple.
Well guess what happened next!
FIVE russian gangsters appeared and surrounded the poor boomer, 'you will sell to Chinaman!' they barked in a filthy slavic accent.
The terrified old boomer looked over at the young Anglo couple; 'I'm sorry mates, I've got no choice!' he wailed with tears streaming down his face.
After he took the check the Russian gangsters warned old billy boomer:
'Make sure you take a cruise and spend it on disposable crap, preferably from China'.
Your civilization is a cancer on the west and has directly led to our demographic replacement, spiritual destruction, and fall into degeneracy. Not your fault really since you're just a practical implementation of French enlightenment liberal philosophy. Those ideals were always going to lead to this.
During isn't a socialist, but that's quite the fantasy. You should write a novel, but you're probably going to be its only reader.
More intellectually dishonest drivel from a worthless coward.
The weak ones like you are obsolete, you won't make it
Hopefully I will read it in the morning paper, and it will be all about (you)
Get fucked Dugin
It's time for you to overdose on your medication grandpa.
>reading morning papers in 2018
You're really not helping yourself.
Average cowardly brit, content in his mediocrity much like the nigger
Underrated post, here's a well deserved (you) for injecting some sarcastic reality into this shit conversation.
I read them ironically, I especially love when they say nice things about Corbyn or Bernie Sanders
he is a fucking commie
you mong
We've been fucked over by a generation of liberals who smashed the intergenerational contract to pieces so they could get rich selling generations of our wealth in one go.
Oh, and to virtue signal and stuff their fat boomer faces with ethnic food.
The story is the exact same in all our countries.
Technically he's a Heideggerian who likes commie aesthetics. Heidegger was hardly a commie and was even a member of the Nazi party.
He is.
I'm perfectly fine helping destroy zogmerica.
Sounds gOod to me