
>muh trump boosted teh economeh to record numbers
Reminder that the fluctuates with little influence from who is in office
>pick unrelated

I thought Mark Cuban said the economy was going to collapse. I literally mortgaged my house to short the stock market after Drumpf got in. Now I'm broke and don't know what to do. My wife left me. My kids hate me. I can't afford my hot yoga classes anymore so I'm getting fat. What the fuck do I do?


That's what an Obama voter would say. Shut up faggot. We know what happened

>”Me, an intellectual”

That reasoning doesn't work for the people who still believe in Al Gore's climate change

You don’t believe in climate change?

SO the same thing that's happened with every presidents supporters or detractors in recent memory?

I still have liberal family members tell me about how great Clinton was because of the economy in the late 90's

Not the doom and gloom, sky is falling kind that liberals are all concerned about.

It's just about money. And none of that money is ever effectively used. Climate is changed by the sun and volcanoes and our impact is negligible. There has been too much shit science, lies, and puppet politicians and celebs involved for me to cough up money to subsidize faggot cars and Chinese pollution.

I’m just tired of all of his supporters saying about how the economy’s good cus muh President N shit. Infact I hate anyone that who gives credit to any president from this decade for improving the economy

Ok so your the type who thinks it’s natrual.
There is no geological evidence and nothing to suggest the earth is warming in its own,natural co2 levels have relitively stagnant, the sun isn’t getting hotter, there are no events that indicate natural warming.The earth does not just change temperature for no reason. Furthermore we have no evidence that the climate has ever increased this quickly;

Yes I'm that type. And I've seen all your claims before. They don't point to us. They say these things, they show you a computer model, and you bend over and live your own asshole.

The computer model are exaggerated with false data. Every climate model for last year, published by climate scientists had been wrong. But instead of recalculating they just keep pushing the same idea because do many have bought it. I did.

But besides all that, I don't trust the people saying it. I do trust that they want my money and therefore to control me. I'd love to live a cleaner life, but not because some Jewish weather models tells me that the seas will rise and the costs will be gone. I want to be self sustainable, for me and my Harmony with the Earth, not pay tax credits because I like being and V8s
Look at the legislation/regulations put for the. Paris climate Accord: it cleaned is up while enabling China and India to fill the gap while we paid the bill. It's all over big conspiracy to economically weaken America and control you.

Get over it child. It's politics and you're in the political party of Sup Forums. We got the fuck elected, we saved your little as from tyranny the likes of which you never imagined was real.

It’s just plain stupid. You guys aren’t economists

Everything you’re saying is baseless and your basing it on non existent sources.Denying climate change is helping the Jews you idiot tell me what type of companies are afraid of climate change go on tell me.

Well you clearly have too little perspective to understand the impact his election has on America's work force. It's not economics, that's just the metric used to judge presidents, often by using statistics to lie. It's social and behavioral economics.

If you want to talk about it, I'll get into it. But it seems you just don't like Trump and his supporters being proud. This is the wrong place for you buddy ... Unless you want to learn.

If you judge companies by their words: nearly all of them say they believe.
If you judge them by their actions: it seems none of them believe in climate change.

Doesn't that sound an alarm in your head? Read 1984, and you'll learn why War is Peace

I’m talking about companies that are afraid that climate change might ruin there company

What do you mean ruin? Ruin how?

It’s not just you it’s the same with Obama,Clinton,and Bush supporters. I hate it when they tell me the economy was great cause of x or it was good cause of x or it’s x’s fault for the economy. It’s just stupid and I’m tired of hearing it from everywhere no just Sup Forums

Regulating a company because of climate change like energy

Those three folks are on the same team. Trump is undoing their bullshit. If it annoys you too learn the truth, it may be because you've been conditioned by their media to think Trump , and us, are morons.

Regulating business always hurts the little guy: can't afford the new taxes, fees or expenses like the big guys. Big guys pay extra but don't pollute any less. Same happens in so many industries.

Free lesson on big Corp-Amazon is subsidized by the government. Why. To push the little guys out, to control the shipping, to feed their greed, but ultimately to control you. What you buy, and when. It gets deeper than that but s we can shelf that for now.

It's all lip service to get more money. And when they get enough money, they try to control you. And by that I mean limits your freedom and bombard you with AI created ad tactics that are getting so good "free will" is going to become a huge topic in the next decade. Alan Watts would get a kick out of our little hammer now.

Does that explain it?