
Other urls found in this thread:

Brave girl accepting their rapist’s apology

Holy shit, WTF?

Brent Spiner and Mike Tyson after "transitioning"
Now fuck off donkey boy.


What exactly does this have to do with politics?

Remaking Nightmare on Elm Street, diversity addition.

A gape and an ape.

>chilling photo of white devil leeching the youth and melanin out of an innocent gorilla #BLM

wtf is that thing? that the Ghostbuster?

"You mad, white boi?"

>In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
Theodore Dalrymple

She has the same skin complexion as Cumia.

>my pet nigger


Wishful thinking

Koko's Big Day at the Oscars

There is no way that abomination on the right got the dick.

"Pretty Ugly"

the beauty (circa 2001) and the beast

Google image search only seems to be able to identify the leftmost subject

She made the hasttag not as a "ya, he raped me too" but as "I wish he had raped metoo.

Orcs are people too

would bang


Tunisian Gorilla Fighter

Kek, this is the best so far

black people age gracef-

It actually physically hurting me to look at that... thing

>King Kong poses with fey rey

People shit on Michele O. but holy fuck, imagine that in the white house. YEB!

shes a fucking liar obviously, there is no way somebody sexually harassed that

"what you lookin at smooth skin"



>you won't BELIEVE how Shaqille Oneal looks now

Hi /bant/ it's me from the future

astonishing recovery after woman takes 12 gauge
bird shot to the face

Booker T and Paige's new tag team.

Those are actually ugly people.

rosemetoo trollfacenigger

Two barely functioning cyborgs.

>What exactly does this have to do with politics?
#METOO is the political happening of the decade.



Her face is literally horrifying to look at.


Sorry to be a combo breaker guys but Tarana Burke's organization is relatively down to earth and strikes me as not particularly feminist or otherwise virulent.

>Between Time magazine and the Golden Globes, Burke’s profile is continuing to grow, and she is determined to rise to the demands. “Inherently, having privilege isn’t bad,” she says, “but it’s how you use it, and you have to use it in service of other people.” For what feels like the first time, the privilege she is referring to is her own, and it is the privilege of an extremely large audience. “Now that I have it, I’m trying to use it responsibly,” she says. “But if it hadn’t come along I would be right here, with my fucking Me Too shirt on, doing workshops and going to rape crisis centres.” She gives a huge laugh. “The work is the work.”

Rose used to be pretty good looking.

Eddie Murphy got old

>KRS-One accepts NAACP Lifetime Achievement Award

first post best post

Do you white boys see it now? Do you really want us to suffer with these she boons for all eternity?

Seal getting a kiss from a Rose?

>a POC
>with pocks
So I guess... 2pac?

>Gropes McGowan and Fiddy Consent

Rape Ape

>homina-homina meets ooga-booga

"The New Slavery: No Masters - Only Slaves" by Jenireal Nuisance, photography, 240X500, Stage Lighting

Prints: $5,000 USD

Nostrildamus and the Psycho Friends Network

For a little while on Charmed she was marriage material beautiful

2018: A Race Odyssey


Two girls, one cause: one who didn't say "no", and another who could only sign it

"You can hold off on the prop search: we've already found your gigantic black obelisk"

KRS ONE needs to buy shirts that fit

"The three way I can never admit to."

When dis Krs One become transgender?

I would even rape you

I can't tell if this is better or worse.

Thanks for the feet

>Looks = race

King Kong

Uruk hai in the City

>that facial expression and body language on the left
what did she mean by this?


Her face is so repulsive that I will never un-see that shit and now when it look at Rose McGowan all I remember is this ape. She's so ugly she makes everything around her more ugly.

stunning and brave or haram and harambe

If anyone was to molest the one on the right, you should just give him the win. The man is obviously in peril

kekd myself . thx user

> #metoo

what a shit meme

>Mary Shelley’s Frankennegger

soygoy wouldnt even rape it

you photoshopped booker t's face onto some black broad's body?
nice meme i guess

sick joke.

>Rose McGowan wary after zookeepers inform her that strong scents may inadvertently anger the primates.

There is NO FUCKING way someone sexual harassed her. NO WAY!



we wuz rape victims n shieeet

We have our winner

did michael clark duncan fake his death and return to society as trans??

no pretty sure she's a spook herself



Me Too(k) Banana

Arabian dung salesman

Two fine examples of the same species.


That thing ain't human.