How soon can we expect sexdolls to cause massive societal change?
How soon?
It's happening right now. The soyim know. The normies know. The feminists are suiciding.
Within the next 5-10 years.
When artificial wombs and personalities can make them indistinguishable from normal women. I'm excited for it, but don't expect it to be today or tomorrow, user. We'll hit an uncanny valley phase that will make things really awkward for a while first.
Go on social media all the normies are talking about it.
never seen a black one yet bahahahhahahaha
I cant wait to beat my robot wife and yell at her for not cooking my sloppy joes and she wont call de cops
Do i have to clean my load out of this thing? That and having to put it's clothes back on and finding somewhere to store it would make me feel silly
That doll look like shes gonna steal my tv and sell it for meth. That being said, I've got a bit of a thing for rough redheads so I would probably smash it.
I want a real doll so I can dress it up in cute dresses.
They sell black ones
If they banned loli dolls they'll definitively ban monkey dolls.
Don't want to encourage bestiality.
Pretty soon, I hope.
True user, it's happening before our eyes right now. Feminists are already screeching about it. But in the next 5-10 years, I believe it will really take off with mobility and AI making it come to life as an early sexbot.
You can get it with a replaceable vagina if you're willing to spend a bit per use for the convenience of not cleaning it.
When they're included with actual AI. Until then they'll likely remain pretty niche.
Imagine dropping 5K on a sex doll and only getting a 7/10.
It costs you $299,999. Pay up goy!
I'm going to start a campaign to pass legislation that if someone has a fake rubber doll they have to put something on the window where it's kept to warn firefighters it's not a real person and don't risk your life trying to save it.
remember when computers were over $1000 in the 80s and 90s? now you can get one for like $100 with more power than anyone from those decades.
I don't think this will ever catch on. Not because it isn't appealing to some, but the price is ridiculous. These things cost thousands without AI, imagine how much they'll cost when they can walk and talk on their own
Sexdolls + VR = what a time to be alive
god damn would purchase
You're thinking of this wrong. There will be brothels full of AI sexbots that auto-sterilize after use. It will be like paying for escorts with no risk of STDs or bullshit after
yeah by that time, you will be died and impotent.
They wont make that mistake again.
>died and impotent.
already one of those sadly
my condolences, no wait. Buy VIAGRA® :^)
jk jk my dick gets hard from just about anything. Even replying to you is giving me a nice chubby. ;)
>includes actual AI
>Finally embodying a recursive self improving AI
>within 2 weeks a single one of these sex bots will have generated 10,000 years of human guided technological progress
Where were you when sex toys literally conquered the world and exterminated everyone?
How sad?
How sad must the human animal be that it decides to fuck a piece of plastic and call it world-changing?
The price will go down over time as it becomes cheaper to manufacture. Just like how cars were ridiculously expensive at first and then became available to everyone.
This rubber lady is your for only $5400
This is actually a very responsible and foretelling way of thinking.
After my last relationship, i'm really looking forward to these sex dolls/bots. Your sex dolls won't take money without you knowing.
>make beautiful realistic prefect sex dolls
>give them awful BTFO roastie vagina
>How sad must the human animal be that it decides to fuck a piece of plastic and call it world-changing?
How sad must you be to fuck a possibly diseased pussy that an unknown amount of guys have been in? How stupid must you be to get married these days?
Slap a fucking customized porn siri in that empty head of hers and it's coming within a year.
This one looked like it was fucked a few times before leaving the warehouse
Don't worry, user. You'll be able to afford a doll to take your virginity, eventually. Labia appearance has nothing to do with sex frequency or partner counts.
You could buy a real woman for less
Wheres the pics of that thicc doll thats been posted a ton recently?
I don't know why you guys think they will change anything. They'll be expensive fleshlights. Some normies will have them, sure. But it will be mostly incels that use them. Normies will still party and fuck.
>roastie detected
Hey there meatflaps, how're the kids?
Already happening. Remember that bitch on twitter complaining about a thicc sexdoll? That's now a meme on my Facebook feed shared by normies and some are saying the same shit we're saying, while the roasties are mad.
>you may not like it, but this is what peak male companionship looks like
I want dem links senpai.
looks kinda creepy desu
I am married, you turbo-faggot.
I'm living a life that is gifted to me by God himself.
You can buy a first class escort for less than $1000.
But who would want one, though?
Haven't seen this thicc sexdoll that keeps being mentioned, got a pic?
>I am married, you turbo-faggot.
I hope you get divorced and stuck paying alimony like my cousin. 50% of marriages fail you know that?
Nice blogpost faggot.
I give it literally 50 years before your get Blade Runner replicants beginning their ascent
Will bring down the price of pussy.
Good times as a Pensioner.
Hope you keep a close on her senpai.
The AI will be the cheapest part...
And risk fucking AIDS or some other disease? Just wait a couple years when they come out with modular pussy and modular breast. Worth it
I'll name her Keurig
five years
it's not going to be linear though, we're going to see small changes and there will be a wave once the dolls reach a certain level of quality and cost
they won't cause massive societal change. most men are perfectly capable of meeting a human woman and starting a family. and as for the dolls- are people actually aroused by these pieces of plastic?
sexbots dont have diseases...
Whatever helps you sleep at night is your gross beef sandwich.
When they achieve creating one that has less rubber looking skin, and basic AI/Robotic functions that will allow it to cook/clean and do all the work in bed, if desired. The moment this is achieved, the vaginal jew will be obsolete.
lol why would anyone buy a bit with an ugly face and pepperoni nips???
Links to what? Facebook posts? That bitch on Twitter whining?
I don't, but I'm sure someone's going to post it eventually.
The butt looks the best for a doll so far, but the rest seems overboard.
>can't even wait until the other ones bump off
We're being sled bois.
Sex doll spam is going hard tonight on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
A sex addict with these toys is just a step below porn addiction.
"There are men who run cities but are slaves to women" - democritus
Actually only 43% of marriages end in divorce in Canada, most of which are second and third marriages. So most people who get married stay married.
You can get ones with this face
Vaginal jew is already obsolete, only thing that keeps them relevant is the possibility of children but most roasties don't even want to have white kids.
Here's the thing. They're merely sex dolls now. Imagine when they have AI, walk around, perform tasks, and have wombs. That's already being developed as we speak.
Yes what, faggot?
A helpful shill.
Good job.
Keep working for your sheckels, I'm off browsing that site
>implying posters here will be able to afford a robot like that
The trigger should be inside the pocket pussy so every thrust fires the gun
>that made is USA badge
meaty pussy feels best...literally sucks your dick in. You'll learn hopefully one day, just befriend a bad santa b4 you turn 18
>watching other men fuck sluts
>you fuck a perfectly clean 10/10 body
These things are morally pure and the opposite of degenerate.
Porn is straight cuckoldry.
Yes to both.
You can fuck a hot black chick for like $200. One mans trash is another mans treasure
holy shit hahaha fucking kek
do they have dolls with moving body parts?
a couple of servos for some limited immersion shouldn't be that hard really, before we get to the full blown sci-fi ginoids.
>boy toy hybrid
real dolls are becoming a little too real when even the tranny versions have a man face.
Sorry, dick-head. We are both orthodox Christians who understand what a true marriage is. It isn't my fault that your family history is full of pathetic divorces and disappointment.
Like I said to the other retard, we are a happily married couple who have a spiritual tie to one another. Thanks for the concern, but it isn't warranted.
I hope you find a wife as darling and life-completing as mine.
You can buy a black chick sex doll. Lot of advantages.
>Blown out snatch
that's fair. just seems like other posters in this thread are attracted to the current version which i dont understand. when the advanced ones are developed, i still don't think it will completely rock society, but it will be enough of a threat to force women to stop pulling bullshit all the time if they hope to find a boyfriend
They are like 6.5k.
Holy fuck! How is this more expansive than a used honda civic and a Fleshlight
Youll get tired of fucking the same doll. $200 for a different chick every time. Almost wish I was 22 again lol
Because it's a new novelty. It'll drop in price relatively quickly.
I'm not linking you to my friends, but I'll find something close to the original source.
why not just wear them yourself?
> take your money without you knowing
My last relationship was a marriage. She took my money with me knowing, in broad daylight, by court order.
Every pussy is different you virgin
>but it will be enough of a threat to force women to stop pulling bullshit all the time if they hope to find a boyfriend
That's quite a societal shift in my book.
>Women go back to proving that they can cook, clean, do wife stuff in order to prove a sex doll's value as wrong.
>Can a sex doll do blah blah blah?
>Can you?
>Tries to prove people wrong.