>Fries before burger
Absolutely unAmerican
>Fries before burger
Absolutely unAmerican
>eating mcdonalds burgers before fries
The fries are only good when they're hot, you have to eat those first.
I eat fries first too
>Mini-bottles of coke
I knew it. I knew those were only for rich people. Who the hell else, would buy those
>Twice the price for half the product
personally I put half the fires in the burger, then eat the rest halfway through the burger.
That pic is 100% staged to give the impression he eats fast food
You don’t?
That’s you stop people from stealing your fries user.
>diet coke
what did he mean by this ?
i eat none of this shit
/ck/ is where this belongs
anyone who eats this shit should gas themselves
also sage
the burger is meant to be saved for last, brainlet.
Literally everyone starts with fries. They're faster to get to than the burger.
Fries first is the American way.
I always save best to last so I'd eat the burger last too
>not putting the fries inside the burger
begone from my country cultureless swine
uuuuh, fellas?
The fries taste better the hotter they are, burger stays good for longer idiot.
French fries get colder before the hamburger
they'll get cold fast and it's about saving the best part for last. Fries are good but the burger is what you came for.
Of course I had a skelly friend who was dumbfounded by fries first because he claimed that he wouldn't have room for the burger afterwards. This isn't a problem for average Americans
Well then...
Who gives a fuck
holy fuggin kek.
here we go boys
Ayo ayo
Black betty senpai alam
Woooo ooh
Black betty bamba lamb
He loves Diet Coke where have you been
Sadly, i think this^^^
I think trump is fully participating in the public’s propaganda program.
This thread is useless, cuz he ate none of it
I start with burger
Its the main dish.
Le plat d’entre as the french frogs would call it
fries always before burger you commie
sectional eaters will hand on the day of the rope
>Be president
>Have presidential housing alomg with chefs
>Have more chefs on air force one
>Eat fast food anyway
That pic is 100% legit
Trump is 70 years old you stupid faggots, status-eating is not a part of his culture.
Speak for yourself you backwards fuck!
the only thing i can criticize here is eating the fries with your hands. a greasy disease vector.
>not eating the fries in the vehicle, then the burgers at home
you STUPID fuck ytou're a dumbass
forgive me I am drunk
I would even go further, i prefer to avoid the fried, starchy side and eat only life sustaining, patriotic burger.
>the virgin fries vs the chad burger
This. I order 2 double cheeseburgers when I go to Macdonalds. That's right, fuck the mac double. 1 slice of cheese, my ass. Fries are only good when you're in a sit down restaurant and they're served up fresh or you make them at home. That double chee though.
I put fries in the burger. Stacking them in two neat little rows.
thats his 3rd burger
Maybe. I'm sure he eats fast food from time to time. It's not some secret that he also eats at nice resteruants. All this shit about twelve cokes and ten burgers or whatever is bullshit.
Plausible. Why the fuck would he get McDonalds? Everyone knows that it's made out of dog shit. May as well order five star french fries and burgers
>slide it
>>Fries before burger
Every time, got a problem with that? potato nigger gotta get dem spuds in me.
>eating cold fries
fucking amermutts
Are you fucking retarded?
Fries get limp and cold after just a few minutes. The wise man eats his fries and keeps his burger wrapped and in the bag until fries are done. Maybe even on low heat in the oven.
You aren't a real American until you make something easy like fast-food into a complicated art.