Political Podcasts

what are some podcasts that yall like to listen to? ive been trying to find some interesting ones to no avail. hopefully some that are more politically inclined

I listen to Dan Carlin's Common Sense. He is kind of a cuck, but I love his voice and I love his Hardcore History podcast, so I bear with it. Its an interesting perspective at least.

All of NPR's stuff, Vox's The Weeds, David Pakman, The New Yorker, Fareed Zakari's GPS, and On The Media.

you have to go back. have to.

leave and never come back

The Last Podcast on the Left.

What a colossal waste of time. Holy fuck.

I feel a lot smarter than you guys.

U too.

God damn if I see one more shareblue on here, FUCKING PIC RELATED WILL HAPPEN!!

wish it fuckin would

lol. go listen to The Young Turks then talk to me.

how does it feel knowing your leader CENK is a super cuck bitch?

>projection: the post

How many BLACKED videos do you watch per day?

I've picked up the Revolutions Podcast, which is an unbiased (so far at least) history podcast about political revolutions in a broad sense of the word. I'm currently finishing up the first section on the English Civil War, the Protectorate, and the Restoration, and it's made me realize that governments function less by established legal principles and guidelines and more by power dynamics and unspoken social contracts...

I feel lucky to live in a country with some sense of constitutionalism brothers. Imagine if we lived in a country where we could block a third of our legislature from entering with the dumbest premises all because they had a political ideology that we didn't like. Or that the legislature was capable of extending its tendrils all over society thanks to its ability to raise money to the point where nobody had a fucking clue about who has the responsibility to govern.

>gets ousted by TYT
>not a cuck
literally the opposite of projection

The Daily Shoah
Fash the Nation
Myth of the 20th century
The Poz Button

>genocide deniers

Kek OK

>Sup Forums
>denying genocide

Seems fitting.

I'll be your 5th (you)
Like how they stack?

That actually sounds interesting, I'll check it out.


thanks for the recommendation he seems like a cool dude and a good voice to listen to

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