Soyboy thread
What the fuck is going on? Is it just one guy going around spamming these memes everywhere?
if it makes you feel any better, if i have a meme posting hive mind, i wouldnt know.
Something like that. It's getting pretty fucking annoying
kek i started catching my self making that soyboy grin because this soyboy wojak meme is so good but in a retarded way
It's called fear grimace
Ironically for pictures or just at moments? autism must speak, silently sometimes.
Because the wojak feel guy is funny
point in case
nintendo revealed they would be selling cardboard for 80 dollars.
Why there open his mouth?
Change husband to hubby.
This fucking one gets me every time
My favorite!
Mamma mia!
Never Understood the Nintendo = soyboy thing when they're the least degenerate gaming company out there.
only one I have that I haven't seen yet.
Does anyone else think this meme has gotten out of hand?
I mean half of you are white nerds in your 20s anyway
>wojakposters are Sup Forumsscum.
It makes sense.
I want you Sup Forumsscum to stay out of Sup Forums.
>who the fuck would agree to wear a shirt like that? Fuck
I post mutts too and I'm an Amerishart. What's your point?
pic related.
Nintendo are goddamn geniuses. Can't wait to see a fresh batch of soylent grins holding up a cardboard box full of cardboard.
It seems to disproportionately attract them for some reason.
the director of that latest star wars episode I haven't watched
>chink in the middle
>that feeling when he's not kneeling
Hearty kek
found the numad soyflake.
Kek guy’s facebook page is literally exactly what you would imagine
Dont make me beat the shit out of you in a fighting game.
truly a hero cut down to soon
take it easy Boogie.
you guys mix up numale with soyboy, two very different things
I love this meme because you can tell it hits too close to home for these faggots.
are they even trying to smile or are they just opening wide for a giant black cock?
oops, that one was already posted
no they aren't you fucking faggot
It really does.
Soy face.
A couple of them do not look too happy to be there. I'm betting their jobs were on the line for this photo.
I thought that numales were the manchildren, liberalists, and vidya players while the soyboys were the emasculate openly communist cuckholds
those things overlap enough that it isn't worth separating them
Do you feel unsafe? do you need someone to talk to?
all soy boys are white
Females do the same thing when being photographed or on video.
The gaping open mouth and overly exaggerated smile is a manifestation of the opposite which is their lack of confidence and self-esteem. So they cover it up with soy.
I remember my soyboy phase
the work of the jew
dead eyes
G-g-guys are we taking this too far???
bugman eyes
Nintendo is the most innocent/child focused Vidya related Co for its size. The SoiBoi phenomena is heavily about a gown man being effeminate/cucked or returning an embracing his prepubescence.
Over the years Nintendo has moved unapologetically to being more Japanese. Alot of this aesthetic when dropped into western culture is inadvertently soiboi in nature as well.
Fresh off the twigger
Isnt it interesting how men portrayed themselves back in the day compared to today?
What happened?
Their insect-like need to fit in to the hivemind is why they are also called bugmen
Even fucking Mario is doing that gay face.
60 years of being raised almost exclusively by women.
Think about it, most (if not all) of your teachers were women and you probably spent more time with them then your own parents.
60 years of jewish media promoting feminist pride worldwide.
60 years of BPA and God only know what else being put into our food.
60 years of being browbeaten by every single woman for being born male and treated as if you're nothing more then a defective woman.
In all honesty, I'm more surprised as many men come through it all masculinity intact. If anything it goes to show how resilient men really are.
Even fucking proles knew how to show they had dignity back in the days.
"small-souled bugman" implies that the person has been cut off from their cultural roots, and totally subsumed into consumerist neoliberal hive. they are totally lack any sort of sympathy for their ancestors folkways, higher spirituality, or passion. if they do engage in activities that are somewhat human, they still are heavily tinged by global capitalism. if they are a sportsfan, they will participate heavily in fantasy sports(which is obsessed with statistics, 'scientific' analysis of performance). if they exercise, it will be all cardio, and tracked by fitbit and then uploaded to faceberg. tastes in food, art, music, movies are predetermined by review aggregator sites like yelp, metacritic or rotten tomatoes. political views only appeal to them if they seem 'rational,' and derived from the sort of conventional wisdom, economics influenced worldview seen in works like 'moneyball', nate silver's 538 blog, and 'freakonomics.'
lmao this is seriously my favorite meme, this makes me hate my life a little less, thank you guys
more characteristics of bugmen: probably works in a fortune 500 corporate environment, at least has bachelors from decent flagship university, is the type of person that would buy amazon echo and still use it after a month, talks regularly about netflix and prestige cable shows like game of thrones to 'break the ice,' member of at least one subscription service like blue apron or birchbox, has strong opinions on craft beer. they engage in artisinal manhood where masculinity is defined by consumer choices(only SINGLE BLEND scotch whiskey, cigars, vintage safety razors.) think of obama on the few occasions when he would 'present masculine'(e.g. when he would go on ESPN to banter with sportscenter hosts about his march madness bracket.) an impenetrable milquetoast faggot who is totally empty once you remove the sum-total of his consumer choices, social signalling.
talks regularly about netflix and prestige cable shows like game of thrones to 'break the ice,' member of at least one subscription service like blue apron or birchbox, has strong opinions on craft beer. they engage in artisinal manhood where masculinity is defined by consumer choices(only SINGLE BLEND scotch whiskey, cigars, vintage safety razors.)
what separates the bugman from the pack is that he is totally in simpatico with this system, and doesn't seem conscious of how out of balance it is. he is elevated in society because of his clearly defined utility curve and transparent motivations, which make him easy to manage, predict, and control. the managerial class desperately wants to believe every situation in society can be brought to heel by a mckinsey consulting model, and they are excited by people who fit into their molds.
>mfw I look like these guys
kek, this. even the shitskins are soyboys. behold the power of america
>"Just sworn in as chancellor!! :DDD"
That brownie on the far left is plotting a mass shooting. I'm calling it.
Why is he posing with a subpar cereal?
what game is this from
it's just Sup Forums cringe breads we gotta let loose sometimes breh
i have a subscription to Hydewars does that make me a bugman