Do you believe that Dr. Nassar molested 140 gymnasts?

I don't because he would have gotten caught earlier. Now people are "coming out of the woodwork" because they know that they will get rich off settlements.

And who should we believe: an accomplished medical doctor or histrionic dancers?

And what if Dr. Nassar's treatment - assuming he did it - helped the gymnasts win in the Olympics?

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You know this photo is literally illegal, right?


He sure as shit molested some of them. Others I feel are just jumping on the attention bandwagon. Ain't nobody gonna molest that nigger Hobbit simone

>believing her claim that she was underage

CelebJihad investigated the metadata and she was NOT underaged, not that there's any thing wrong with that.

If she is over 18 now, is it illegal to own pics of her when she was 16?

Yes I think he did. I think he was protected by the establishment. I think this was one of the first pizzagate convictions.

He deserves nothing more than the fear of when his next prison rape will occur for the rest of his life. A eye for an eye is sometimes the best justice. This is one of those times.

I too have vigorously examined the metadata and have concluded no harm

imagine all those girls that he made get naked as he lays his hand on the floor palm up. he says needs to measure their splits performance by training them until their pussy no longer rest on his open hand on the ground. when the girls can't get their pussies to be off of his hands he makes them take hot baths to improve their flexibility. this repeats until either they pass his test or his training is over. oh and this happened in his personal apartment on a college campus for like 30 years and parents allowed their girls to be alone with him.

Yes, leaf, it is.

OP pic is CP


How dumb can you be?

This wasnt pizzagate related because there aren’t any indications he was trafficking the girls too. If you wanna lump pizzagate into any act with underage girls, then that movement is lost.

They found child porn on his computer and is the main crime. Did he molest all of those girls? Probably not. Did he do it to some? Most likely. Unfortunately that uni and the gymnastics teams are screwed for a long time.

Mom drink a bit while you were roasting in the womb?

totally worth going to jail for life if true.

Pizzagate originally referred to blackmailed elite child molesters running the establishment against the well being of the people. He is exactly that.

Yes. He did it on youtube, didn't even try to hide it

>And who should we believe

the people who arent jewish

No, Pizzagate is about children being trafficked around for enjoyment by the elite.

To include rituals too. Wasn’t just molestations happening.

Podesta's email do not talk about trafficking. They are alleged to talk about pedophilia and sacrifices to moloch. If you are referring to the pedo club about the 3 kids at the pool party, that is just their pedo social clique. Those are their own kids.

Right but the issue is ultimately a reputable business, in the form of a friendly neighborhood pizza diner, was also trafficking children and providing a forum of organized trade.


That's not my problem. The gymnastics org, the accusers, the Dr., and the court can handle that.

Yes and no. It is not just pizzerias there are other businesses too. FunFact: the Clinton Foundation teamed up with Airbnb and Unilever to help vulnerable women and children in war zones and third world countries.

If you ignore the pedo blackmail and the, what I can only describe as, enormous number of pedophiles and child molesters in the establishment, then you are missing the real power which controls the West.

Why Unilever? Airbnb makes sense. What does Unilever have that other businesses do not?

A way to transport heavy cargo such as crates of laundry detergent to almost any country without raising any suspicions.

Probably a half dozen or so. The rest are probably just people he looked at. Their parents hear about him, and made it a whole big thing.

Red cross is the best. Air conditioned containers.

>What does Unilever have that other businesses do not?


Id let him diddle my balls for $1.25 million

If that's illegal why isn't podesta in jail for the art he has plastered in his bathroom?

Are we discussing if a paki is a pedo or not?

Cant trust jews

Cant trust women

They’re the same, sort of.

Bendy girls are sexy

is this true? what the fuck. did he do other weird things? imagine having the nerve to go through with something like this so many times.