Every day or so the public is given another piece of the puzzle. Sometime around June of 2045, the truth will be known by everyone. "The country isn't ready for the truth" is bullshit. We can handle more than this.
Lincoln Gonzalez
>When distress reports were received by the Pentagon that the American ambassador to >Benghazi and dozens of his diplomatic personnel were under terrorist attack in Libya on Sept. 11 2012, CIA and Defense Department officials scrambled an immediate response. >Officials moved quickly to assemble a counter-terrorism team of professionals to dispatch to Benghazi. That little-known but elite squad, known as the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST), is in fact the government’s sole inter-agency, on call and short notice team trained to respond to any terror-related incident in the world.
Jaxson Harris
>FEST agents intent on rescuing the stranded Americans from the siege on the U.S. diplomatic compounds in Benghazi — including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens – were told to stand down, according to shocking revelations by FBI agents and CIA sources who spoke to True Pundit. >Robyn Gritz, a decorated FBI agent who previously served as the Bureau’s official attaché to the CIA prior to Benghazi, recalls the troubling details surrounding the stand-down order. >Gritz details the FBI counter-terrorism division’s initial emergency meeting to discuss the unfolding events in Benghazi. In the meeting led by now FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, he briefed agents about the violent attacks in Benghazi. McCabe was assistant director of anti-terrorism at the time but running the FBI’s response to Benghazi, sources confirm. >Gritz was already briefed by her Defense Department contacts who instructed her to prepare FBI personnel for the FEST plane.
Isaac Parker
>“I said I got a call from DOD, people that actually put the FEST plane together and I was offered six slots for FBI but I can probably get eight,” she said, recalling the FBI’s initial Benghazi meeting. “McCabe said: ‘No, we don’t need your help with that Robyn or help from DOD.’ >“I explained to him that I was the only SSA (Supervisory Special Agent) sitting in this room that has deployed FBI on a FEST plane to a U.S. Embassy under major attack. In Yemen there were terrorists driving around blowing shit up. And it didn’t stop when we got on the ground. And the same thing happened in Beirut. But McCabe told us all in the meeting the FBI was standing down.”
Gritz led the FBI’s FEST contingency in 2008 in the terror attack on the American Embassy in Yemen. The al Qaeda-affiliated attack – almost four years to the day of the Benghazi siege — killed 18 people.
After the 2012 meeting where Gritz was spurned by McCabe, the FBI veteran said she was barred from further Benghazi briefings and the FBI’s anti-terrorism email chain on the Benghazi attacks. While Gritz was not directly assigned to McCabe’s task force, CIA had sought out her expertise to staff FEST for Benghazi and Gritz happily volunteered to help McCabe and Mueller in the Bureau’s response. But she was basically told to mind her own business. Regardless, FBI agents quietly sought her counsel on Benghazi but did so in secret away from McCabe and Mueller. For seasoned FBI agents, McCabe’s stand down order was hard to process. McCabe told the room – after several emotional eruptions — then-FBI Director Robert Mueller had approved the official “stand down for now” stance, another FBI official familiar with the meeting confirmed.
Anthony Brown
>A second FBI agent familiar with McCabe’s initial Benghazi meeting confirms Gritz’s account.
The decision to walk away and simply sit idle made no tactical sense whatsoever.
>“Why would you stand down when you can get Special Forces Operators there in one plane and FBI and CIA Intel as well?,” the FBI insider said. “Wheels up in less than 90 minutes. Been done before.”
>The Benghazi assault, in fact, was the exact scenario FEST was created and funded for.
>“We used FEST when I served on the NSC’s Hostage and Personnel Recovery Working Group where we regularly discussed deployment of the FEST,” Gritz said. “For example, when our embassy in Sanaa (Yemen) was attacked, a Fest plane took off with personnel and supplies. For it to not go to Benghazi was a real surprise. It was an incident that seemed like the Fest was made for. But it wasn’t sent. Just like help from other resources weren’t sent. Why?”
>The now-retired Gritz and her FBI colleagues weren’t the only agents dismayed at FEST’s non deployment. A high-ranking Defense Department source who was involved in Benghazi prep for the team echoed the collective FBI frustration. The career spy said the orders to stand down came directly from CIA Director David Petraeus, via National Security Advisor Tom Donilon in the White House.
Jacob Price
>“This is something that haunts me to this day,” the DOD insider said. “The families of these fallen warriors need to know that there were people trying to get to them to help. That is what we do. But we can’t fuel up a jet and load it with Operators without a green light.”
>The DOD insider said he wanted to “come clean” to let the families of Americans killed in Benghazi and survivors know that there were people in the United States working to rescue them and deploy Operators and resources to help them fight. However, they were denied the ability to do so “at every turn.”
>The official said when he was notified FEST was scrubbed, he cross referenced with the Pentagon sources to determine if any U.S. Marine-led FAST companies had been scrambled to Benghazi as a replacement for the scrubbed Intel-based FEST. These Marine teams, called Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Teams (FAST) are part of the Marine Corps Security Force Regiment. FAST soldiers are highly-trained and reinforce security at US Embassy hot zones around the world. Each FAST Company consists of 6 platoons of around 50 men each and there are two companies located near Benghazi.
>FAST Company Europe is stationed in Rota, Span, approximately 2,500 miles west of Benghazi and Fast Company Central is headquartered in Manama, Bahrain which is roughly 1,800 miles southeast of Benghazi.
>Plus, the DOD insider said Charlie 110 Company, a unit of approximately 30 U.S. Special Forces and assets was training in >Croatia at the time, approximately 900 miles north of Benghazi, Charlie 110, normally based in Germany, could have also been dispatched to Benghazi quicker than any team. And, in fact, it eventually was sent, but far too late to save any American lives. By the time American Special Forces arrived, the deadly standoff had ended.
>Well into the siege, no military personnel had been deployed to Benghazi. Neither FAST companies or the FEST unit were sent.
Jason Peterson
James Sullivan
Thomas Paine is literally a zionist. He's been on Jason Goodman's program. He's consistently wrong about news, and his bombshells are anything but bombshells.
Levi Brooks
... >tl;dr A DOD Anonymous source says repeated attempts/ requests were sent to get help while Stevens et al were under attack. Mueller/ McCabe told Forces to stand down until after 5 hours of the siege. The anonymous source said that Obama, Hillary etc all knew, denied many requests for help. He says the families deserve to know what happened.
Justin Watson
>Anonymous source says k... keep me posted
Jacob Edwards
>Mueller/ McCabe This is pure fucking disinfo.
The FBI has nothing to do with Benghazi you fucking faggots. Hillary didn't answer her phone while they tried calling over 600 times.
Cameron Reed
Read the article. That’s ALL in there.
Juan Lopez
The article was written by a fucking disinfo zionist journalist. Why would I read that filth?
John Martin
Q is an niggerfaggot
Nicholas Cook
It’s not all anonymous sources. Most are named. One is anonymous. It’s a very informative article. It’s 4 pages long. I can’t copy the entire thing, max 2,000 characters. I’d use the entire thread.
Jonathan Nguyen
how to you respond to this??
Matthew Brown
Yes. Thank you. That is the joke.
Isaiah Jackson
Don’t post his shit here. Fake news all around
Ayden Diaz
True Pundit - Hear it here first, and then never again!
Why would you ever expect us to believe such a shitty news source??
Bentley Campbell
A nother explosive report. How come Trey's committee didnt get down to interviewing Ms Gritz?
Thomas Hughes
people use the happening.jpegs way too liberally around here. if a thot posts some whorish picture on OPs facebook its a happening. fuck off faggot saged
also this is public knowledge weve known for years, the paramilitary CIA nigger security guys said as much. and petraeus DIDNT order the stand down, he wanted it. when he threatened to give the real account of what happened, king nigger and clinton used the NSA to expose his extramarital affair and fire him
Christopher Butler
Checked. Agreed.
James Lopez
>mfw q user is just a truepundant shill
Jason Perez
>fake check >gay check
Aaron Watson
Pretty sure thats what precipitated True Pundit calling out and dropping Gowdy off their "good guys" list. They were hearing this first hand account from Gritz and putting their story together, had the same epiphany. Gowdy still acts like he did some fucking number investigating Benghazi. It was literally fucking nothing just like his reputation
Brandon Price
I'm so sick of this tick tock tier bullshit of hyping some groundbreaking news every other day just for it to be nothing. its just crying wolf and all the boomers fall for it every time.
Matthew Cook
I can’t believe still to this day the far reaching levels of corruption that is the Clinton’s. How can one person be so corrupted?
Owen Brown
This isn’t a tick tock first of all. I’m not a boomer faggot.
I thought he wasn’t swamp. Apparently I was wrong.
Check. KYS. I’ve never used one before EVER. FACT.
Bentley Reyes
She’s not
Joseph Campbell
Charles Smith
Great read user. God I pray for retribution! I really hope two scoops nails all of these cock suckers to the cross.
Daniel Diaz
>things already known >breaking news
Jaxon Taylor
Tyler Long
Gender is a spectrum
Luis King
>But I'm an idiot and don't have to read it because JOOS Sup Forumsacks are so fucking stupid
Mason Thomas
youtube.com/watch?v=wauzrPn0cfg Rage against the machine wake up. Obama Holder Hillary petraeus Mueller killed Ghaddafi and now invaders flood Europe and kill us with bombs guns trucks and ambassador Stevens was assassinated like MLK and a gun from Holder's DOJ's fast and furious was used to kill American's and Europeons. Is that freedom? fuck no. Kill Onigger Holer nigger Hillary cunt Mueller bastard Betrayus fucker and the fucker sat the FBI. Those are the fuckers all of those fuckers. Wake up.
Kayden Mitchell
another thread for fucking retards
the massive drop in quality on Sup Forums after the Trump election is astonishing
Andrew Flores
I’m sorry I wasn’t aware everyone knew EVERY SINGLE DETAIL. Is it harming anyone to reread it? Ffs there’s 100 gun/ Varg/ nigger/ Jew/ women hate threads a day. God forbid one be about POLITICS you mong.
It sucks. I want justice. I’m so glad she’s not POTUS.
Not my gender.
I thought so too. Rather a TRUTH thread than a >muh cut cock thread.
Isaac Cooper
Holders gun from Fast and Furious i'm talking about is the one used in the bataclan. Sorry my bad. that's the one that murdered Americans.
Elijah Adams
You chose to click my thread you cunt. I’m not holding you at gun point.
I am awake. They’re the ones bitching about my topic choice.
I said nothing about Jews. GET FUCKED
Carter Bell
name niggers deserve gas chamber + mass grave
Brayden Turner
Says the name fagging, trip fagging cunt...
Adam Mitchell
hey fuck you buddy
Isaac Richardson
My buddy was in a fast company in Rota when this went down. They were loaded up and ready to go but were told to stand down. Can you guess who he voted for?
Jaxon Bailey
No we can't. Think of the children.
Xavier Flores
calamitous cacophany of cunts
Asher Young
Since you are such a genius and we are graced with your pathetic presence, please explain why this thread is so retarded (in big boy language, not little faggit babble).
Chase Reyes
Oh boy
Bentley Walker
One time I jammed 4 hamsters into my colon but only 3 clawed their way out... should I be worred Sup Forums?
Ryan Cooper
Fucking mccabe ffs
I hope they dont let him get fucking retirement
Robert Ortiz
This isnt news. Anyone who knows anything about the military knew we had dozens of different assets that could have turned the tide of that fight. We all knew that the only reason they were not there is they were ordered not to be. Congress knew and asked and the administration lied. How is this even news worthy?
Colton Gray
I hate larping faggots as much as the next user but why are you retards calling this thread a larp? This is a story about a well known fbi agent who has been in the press before. This is actually a pretty major story to have a lead agent of the response team confirm they were ordered to stand down by Mueller. Whether or not this qualifies as a happening is subjective, but it's certainly a major news story.
Nathan Torres
Hey - ease up buddy. Just three days from two weeks from next month in two years they're droppig the BOMB yo!! I Swear. I'm not click whoring my piddling news stories as though they matter when there's already enough publicly available information to put the entire previous administration in prison for life if anybody actually intended to do anything like that.... nooo way.... these little legal tidbits really matter and you need to care about them. BTW, next week it will be only three days until it's only two more years until Trump BRINGS THE HAMMER DOWN!!!! I swear this time... really.
Oh also, you're a bunch of retarded little shits who can't handle the HARD TRUTH about spooky government corruption even though millions of you have already spent hundreds of hours researching satanic pedophile murder cults. Politicians lied about things and broke laws! Can you handle that, punk?? Didn't think so. Now let me peddle my really important news in peace.
Carter Miller
Josiah Scott
King Nigger....
Brennan, Rice (((who btw hired MS-13 to kill Seth Rich))), Mueller... Every time I think I can’t possibly find out more bad shit about them, I do. So sad.
Benjamin Myers
Cause there are some of us out here that don't know the whole story. It's sickening what happened but I wasn't aware of all the things details. I'm just a civilianfag
Alexander Martin
Q's tripcode is hacked
Nathan Turner
Agreed. This is a political topic.
Check. POLITICS. Not all of us were privy to said info. Glad you knew it all. I am not military, I don’t know all the assets. Sorry to disappoint
Matthew Ramirez
so you know how it would be very hard to send an ex president or cabinet to jail while their guys are still in deep.... Are there any examples in US history of the arrest and conviction of dirty people in the highest places???? Bill Clinton and Dennis Hastert are the only two that fit the mold im setting.
Jordan Ross
You wouldn't because you are an intellectually dishonest moron whose opinions and ideas don't matter.
Dylan Taylor
I need to quit being such a twat on here. So thankyou for sharing.
Gavin Miller
Nixon?? I just get tired of fighting, tired of being on the right side when it always feels wrong. Ffs I have 3 kids. I genuinely fear their futures, especially my son. He’s a white boy, public enemy number 1 I guess.
Check. It happens. We’re worn out and tired of the fight.
Joshua Campbell
Eli Barnes
check out earthship homes.
I feel like we should make our own villages and build food forests over time. Peaceful non compliance. If they send stupid cops to steal us and from us we have to stand our ground against tyranny. Its a fucked up situation where cops enslave people and use the excuse of following orders as a crutch for their ego. Thats why we are right for not informing them what they are trying to do is wrong.
Nope. I just feel like I’m screaming from the roof tops to normies and they’re literally wearing blinders, ear protection etc. I can’t believe Obama & Hillary are such Gods to them.
Charles Green
>oh wow obummer gave a stand down order.
no shit faggot, is this the best you larping niggers have got? stealing 5 year old headlines from infowars? fucking pathetic.
Gavin Howard
stop screaming and remind them of bush/iraq
remind them of hillary and the open slave markets in lybia as a result of her and barry's regime change
Jose Johnson
It's all good user. You know a good percentage here are either young fags who were born after 911 and don't know what a terror free western world is or just paid cuck shills. Just keep plugging away red pulling like you are. This video below is the best 5 min red pill to start with..
So Obama and Hillary told Mueller and Petraeus to stand down, but officially Muller and Petraeus gave the order. Is that about right?
Jaxon Howard
Larp? Do you even know what that means you half human - half retarded mongrol? An article share from a verified source isn't a larp you taintedfaggit!
Mason Cox
I still can't fucking believe they tried to push the youtube video narrative.
I can't believe the MSM ran with that and carrie their water like that.
Didn't the YouTube video have absolutely negligible views?
Didn't the atttack happen on the anniversary of 9/11?
It's such a fucking trainwreck. I've always wondered what the story was.
I like the theory that Obama was getting buttfucked by Reggie Love and Hillary was passed out drunk during the debacle and that's why no rescue was attempted. They were not to be disturbed.
Logan Evans
>The military was grounded from helping Benghazi! We already knew that, fag shill.
Benjamin Foster
Tyler Sanders
Gay. It's basically shit we already knew. Nobody is going to prison. Nobody is going to be indicted. Nothing will happen with this information. Why? Because people don't care. If you haven't noticed our country is full of moronic faggots too concerned with watching reality TV about transgender teenagers. Plus it's not exactly like this information is anything spectacular to begin with. It's basically confirming shit we already suspected. It's not happening.
Nolan Robinson
>Because people don't care. Because all of these government people essentially are on the same team, that's why it doesn't matter if a democrat or republican is elected.
Brayden Ross
Oh spare me, boomer/r_theDonald. I already know about the demopublican paradigm and probably knew about it long before you found this place. You're under the impression people (and I mean the general population of the country) gives two shits about what happened at Benghazi anymore. Nobody was arrested or indicted when it happened or the years following despite all the hearings and testimony. When people knew they were guilty of a massive fuckup, nothing happened. And guess what? Nothing will happen now either. It's not happening. No matter how badly you sensationalizing faggots want it to.
Gabriel Brown
So Hillary and Obama murdered the ambassador and other personnel to cover up their arming of Isis. We knew this five years ago. So what. Until they are hanged on the front lawn of congress and it is broadcast on PBS, I will remain black pilled.
Josiah Nelson
That was a sarcastic wow you figgit.
Christian Cook
Liberals don't care about Benghazi. Liberals care about minority criminals, illegal immigrants and how the American military treat people that are actively trying to kill them.
Isaac Cook
>Liberals That's not how you spell Jews?
Luke Moore
Sorry. I didn't read the thread. Apparently I'm not the only one that shares my sentiment. People are so fucking stupid they don't know and do t care. The us public deserves slavery. Nothing more. They are fucking disgusting with their apathetic stupidity, and that includes my own family. Fuck em.
Juan Myers
Noted. Ty user.
THIS!!!! Awesome vid.
That’s exactly it. Sad huh?
I didn’t know any of this. During this time I had a lot going on in my life. I wasn’t red pilled until 2013. It did it was on 9/11/2012 which was 11 year Anniversary of WTC etc attacks. I saw that video years later. It was kinda funny, mostly cringe worthy, offensive? No, but I’m not Muslim either. I can see how it’s offensive, but def not worth killing someone over.
Humans I truly believe all have very short memories. Sad reality.
Disgusting isn’t it?
Nice triple 0’s m8. I know they’re parasitic.
I know user. Disheartening to say the least.
Gabriel Rogers
Everyone here thinks it's just a coincedence that OP digits are 911. A few questions: >who are the mods? >what do they eat for lunch on taco tuesdays? >why would they grow through this trouble over >true pundit? >how can they even make these arrangements? >finally, if a 160 grain bullet leaves a book suppository traveling 2,000 fps and enters a man's neck traveling 1,700 fps, what color is the convertible and when did Hitler arrive in Brazil? In all seriousness they can't keep getting away with it. Sounds to me like McCabe had prior knowledge if he was already running the "YouTube" narrative before the attack even reached the CIA outpost.
Levi Ortiz
>Gender is a spectrum Just like autism?
Jeremiah Davis
didn't they make a movie about this?
Ryder Cook
pipe down hannity!
Jacob Fisher
13 hours. Great movie. To answer your questions... I have no idea.
Ian Parker
If Trump can't get the MSM to carry a fragment of this "too hard to handle" shit, then they are playing their hand wayyyyyyyy to far into the future.
Today's Fakey shit was entertaining, but not enough "umpf" to get me riled up at the break room tomorrow at work.
Josiah Morales
>shills posing as nazis >shills stormlarping
Henry Moore
Thanks for the Larp more angry boomer videos incoming
Jackson Roberts
I’ll bite. You need to be done here.
Brody Allen
FBI doesn't operate overseas.
If Stevens and the gang was running guns to terrorists I'm glad he's dead, desu.