Why does Sup Forums love brats so much?

Why does Sup Forums love brats so much?

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They relate to them.

Aoba/Vigne over those annoying shits any day (Satania is actually tolerable tho)

A well written one is entertaining as shit.

this but, Yun/Vigne

I like the bratty characters because they echo back to a youthful time of indiscretion when I still felt alive inside.

>Satania is a brat
Op please, in the first episode she cleans up juice because she's such a good girl. She wants to be a brat, but she cannot.

>Aoba/Vigne over those annoying shits any day
As if your moeblob shits are any better.

Isn't Aoba also a brat character?


She's just a true devil

I fucking hate them.
might as well just experience real girls if you want them to be cunts to you.

so? The whole show is moeshit.

The only cunt here is Sakurako.

Gabriel is much more of a brat than Satania.
Satania is just a screw-up who tries to make her parents proud and do her duty, but fails pathetically.

>a brat

she has a loving and supportive relationship with her parents, and she tries hard to be a model demon (even though she isn't great at it). satania is the opposite of a brat. she's wholesome.

You are fucking mistaken if you think for a SECOND i could i feel any love nay even like towards Nene. Worst character in that series, maybe the worst anime character of all time.

That doesn't justify your bland taste. Your taste is not any better than the faggots that goes for the autistic/chunni/bratty moeblob archetype.

You're being a brat


>hates Nene

>worst anime character of all time
Manami Tamura

Aoba is actually a two-faced bitch. She initially seems nice and perfect but actually has a nasty personality that she hides underneath that facade.

Nene was a mistake.
Satania will one day rule us all.

I like both, but Satania is so much better than Nene it's not even funny.

Because I'm dating one


But Nene doesn't act bratty. New Game was really safe with its characters and they don't really do anything.



Brats are concentrated loev.

I hate Nenechi and red haired Nenechi.

Real life brats are called cunts, normalfag

They make the viewer want to discipline them with their dicks.

Hifumi/Vigne reporting in.

Interesting, user. Tell me more.


Ayy. Good Taste.

Would you hug a brat like this?

Does this look like a brat to you?