Why does YouTube want to ruin the lives of thousands of content creators whose income depends on their videos?

Why does YouTube want to ruin the lives of thousands of content creators whose income depends on their videos?


Who cares, let it burn. The more people that stop watching television and entertainment, the faster the fire rises.

its all a distraction.

stop shilling yourself boogie

To make sure only a (((certain))) message is heard


I only wish it would affect the youtube behemoths as they are absolute digital cancer with their eceleb whoring and worship. Feel bad for the smaller ones, though, who seem to actually be getting the shaft, as many of them bring forth some niche but quality things.

a distraction from what? how else would people fill their time?

Multiple reasons. All jewish. They get to pay less money and they get more power over what content is promoted. Anything they deem offensive can not make money thus discouraging the content creators from making anything that goes against their approved narrative.

In case you didn't know this is the Youtube CEO.

How could anyone accords any attention to whatever such a disgusting parasite says is beyond my comprehension
We're truly living dark times

Jobs, learning, self-improvement, helping people, family, exercise.

anons and the whole free speech crowd need to plough investment into a competitor to jewtube asap. Our crowdsourced autism can surely find the key to the destruction of IngSocTube.

Small channels are saying stuff that is un-PC and off brand. Advertisers don't like their ads appearing on this content and threaten to pull ads if google doesn't do something about it.

Its all good if you dab on dead bodies of people who killed themselves, just don't say any nazi shit.

Poor Susan, she only has 410 million dollars. How can she ever make it to a billion if the pays the people who make her site worthwhile? Besides they could be racists or offensive to trans or something else. We can't allow that kind of content because it "damages" (((our community))).

>ruin the lives of thousands of content creators whose income depends on their videos?
The people being cut off make pennies every month if that.
Many haven't even acquired the minimum amount of income to be paid anything at all.


This is why i use product placement in my vids, some pay for me to feature, while others pay MORE to have me remove their products from vids. Win win win.

wait I thought boogie passed away during surgery?

I only have 150 subscribers and I honestly don't give a fuck. For me, Youtube has been dead for many years. I can understand why some people are angry. Youtube have become it's own anti thesis. It's no longer about making stupid shit online, now it's a shit fest that capitalizes on anything from celebrities, drama, cultural marxism, ect. Content creators have been overdshadowed by bland celebs molded by corporatism. Even critics like Boogie and kike3kik3 are part of the problem (although they may act like they are not).
Now these days the only way to make it big on jewtube is to make your channel about e-celeb drama, advertise for companies, toy channel shit, be a snl comedian type, or a liberal or be a vinenigger

A distraction from how much reality sucks and is intentionally being made worse by the day.

Is this a small channel? I don't support faggotry so I hope it gets btfo.

youre thinking of homo sapiens sapiens dominant earth (HSSDE) #70891, this is HSSDE 70981. shhhh, get some sleep

YOutubers should form a union and strike.

Probably because advertisers realized that it isn't worth it to pay for the ads on small, shitty channels whose content is only viewed by tweens.

More importantly, what are all the poor autistic Brits going to do now that they can't afford to create content to please all 50k subscribers with their shitty Let's Play videos?

Who cares about the ins-and-outs of Youtube red tape... at least he still has that hot piece of ass to go home to every night.

Yo guys I think this lady is literally the devil

Youtube will die as the Jews will take it down with them. New platforms will arise around the blockchain tech.

It will take several years for mainstream adoption. Be patient anons, the shift in culture and society will take several years if not decades. The merchant worked for decades to bring us where we are today, it will take a long time to unshackle the normies..


Hello Sargon/Kraut/Vee. Still mad that he and JF proved that IQ differences are real ,while all of you and your liberalist faggots got BTFO?

Then YouTube will absolutely fail. The small creator need is well established and someone will fill it. Let KikeTube fuck up. It can be some normie thing with bland corporate content and it'll lose what makes it a replacement for TV.

Just pretend to be a tranny and become a twitch speedrunner.

The jews are not dying and they are not dying anytime soon.

This website is full of fucking shills giving you all a false sense of hope.

Please try your hardest to take this fight to the streets, there is no turning back as we are currently undergoing a change similar to that boring ass movie 1488 or what the fuck ever its called with big brother and the realism of complete control over everyones lives.

This website has been compromised quite some time ago...

reminder the CEO of youtube is some placed jewess who "found technology" during her art degree who's min passion in life is social justice and LGTBTQ issues

God she's such a ugly fucking ratfaced kike.

Fuck YouTube.

We haven't made shekels from jewtube since the apocalypse. Every video about politics gets placed in limited or no ads.

this world is so fucked up that this lazy rat faced slag, who had nothing to do with the creation of youtube, or really anything of importance is worth $410 million

Who the fuck even watches garbage on jewtube? The only time I watch it is to learn something. Youre pathetic if you waste your time actually following these retards lives

this is the funniest shit seeing all these little wanna be youtubers sperging out, the new rule is you need 1k subs and 4k hours of wathc time in the past year to be able to put ads on your video, you cant get paid unless you put effort in lmaooooo reddit crying like usual lmaoooooo

>wahoo i get to make money off of being a retard manchild! be sure to SMASH that like button!
these people are idols to a whole generation of helpless weaklings that believe socialism will save them

Reminder this jew is the sister of the jew that runs 23&me

These lazy fat fuckers should finally learn about how real world works and get a fucking job. Or die and remove themselves from this planet.

Maybe they should have gotten a worthwhile education instead of relying on playing a video game or simply talking about things. That bubble's going to pop some day.

oh no, the fat fucks and people appealing to 12 year olds cant make money from talking to a camera anymore, nooooo!!!!!

because Susan withchsicki has a shithole for a mouth, a mouth for a pussy, a pussy for a asshole, and a matriarchy circus for a brain that runs on false mysnoggingkneessneeze accusations ayyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyylllllllllllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooooooooffffffffffffffffffffffffffssssssssssssssssss