BAHAHAHAH ISRAEL BTFO. Trump denies U.S. embassy to be moved to Jerusalem within a year
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Introduced in Senate (03/23/2017)
Israel Anti-Boycott Act
This bill declares that Congress: (1) opposes the United Nations Human Rights Council resolution of March 24, 2016, which urges countries to pressure companies to divest from, or break contracts with, Israel; and (2) encourages full implementation of the United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014 through enhanced, governmentwide, coordinated U.S.-Israel scientific and technological cooperation in civilian areas.
The bill amends the Export Administration Act of 1979 to declare that it shall be U.S. policy to oppose:
requests by foreign countries to impose restrictive practices or boycotts against other countries friendly to the United States or against U.S. persons; and
restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered or imposed by an international governmental organization, or requests to impose such practices or boycotts, against Israel.
The bill prohibits any U.S. person engaged interstate or foreign commerce from supporting:
any request by a foreign country to impose any boycott against a country that is friendly to the United States and that is not itself the object of any form of boycott pursuant to United States law or regulation, or
any boycott fostered or imposed by any international governmental organization against Israel or any request by any international governmental organization to impose such a boycott.
The bill amends the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 to include as a reason for the Export-Import Bank to deny credit applications for the export of goods and services between the United States and foreign countries, opposition to policies and actions that are politically motivated and are intended to penalize or otherwise limit commercial relations specifically with citizens or residents of Israel, entities organized under the laws of Israel, or the government of Israel.
big if true
jews areflipping out over Trump, it’s great
Jews think if they post a picture of Trump touching the western wall over and over that means he's their puppet. how sad.
Maybe Trump has a brain. That embassy move is stupid and its for people that hates world peace
>Multi-100-million Embassies can be built in a year
He's busy.
Would be great except we’ve got soldiers in Syria to counter Assad/Iran for Israel
Wrong. We destroyed ISIS, we're working with Russia, Assad is still alive.
Your talking points are worthless.
Meh... honestly every past prez in the last 25 or so years has sworn to do the same but didnt follow thru. Didnt expect Trump to be the one to do it since he always talks big game but ends up shorter than promised.
Because Trump isn't Israel's ally.
Why does this shit keep happening? I post from Israel not fucking France.
Because you're a shill with a VPN.
What would this accomplish if we already have one in Isreal?
What did I say that makes me a shill? Stop being a larping cockmonger. And no VPN I just use a phone with the Clover app.
The jews need to fulfill certain criteria to Jew God and try and force a prophecy to bring a messiah back.
Did you not pay attention to when he made the announcement? He said itd take years
Yeah and Netanyahu said it would be done this year. Fuck off.