$20,000 by 2018, they said

>$20,000 by 2018, they said
>$100,000 by 2020, they said.

Other urls found in this thread:


Classic pump n dump. Learn the game. Make millions. Fuck hot bitches everyday.

>He's so new to crypto that he doesn't remember all the other times BTC plummeted and nocoiners laughed at "the end of crypto"
laughing out loud family

$30k six months from now screencap me

Greater fool theory

Spoiler: you are the greatest fool

>>He's so new to crypto that he doesn't remember all the other times BTC plummeted and nocoiners laughed at "the end of crypto"

>Bitcoin has died 236 times

it's amazing that all these nocoiners predicted the drop
makes you wonder why they're not shorting btc

Bitcoin has contracted 99% at least twice in its lifetime, there is far too much big money involved and way too money invested into the infrastructure propping it up for this to be anything other than a minor dip. Now is the time to buy. I don't know where bitcoin will end up long term but the notion that it will become worthless in price is just sour grapes from no coiners.

t. Bitcoin trader since the Mt gox days

Cryptoniggers stop raping the hardware market REEEEEEE

if i invested 1k AUD today will i make it?

50% retracement is hardly a nightmare in crypto, it's par for the course. Learn how the game is played.



Why now? What has changed? So I am assuming you invested earlier and are exiting now?


I'd buy some btc and some litecoin desu

bitcoin is a kikes wet dream

>LTC instead of ETH
you let your friends fuck your wife don't you?

lightning network is rolling out right now

the drop was only to shake out weak hands, things are going to start getting ridiculous
and I lost over a million with the recent drop but I'm extremely confident in this idea

Ya prishel dat' vam etoo pesnyu

>poo in loo missing a literal highway robbery
Enjoy your shitty life

thank you kindly user

you know bitcoin will go nowhere because these no one talks about how its a better currency to USD they only ever talk about making money off of it
its just how you know its nothing but pump and dump fags and jews

Eh I dunno man it's all a crap shoot now, I made $4k recently just buying ripple. It's not 2011 anymore where you could sink a thousand bucks into some btc on a gamble. I recommended litecoin if only because it's cheap and it because it historically trails the price and movement of btc pretty consistently.

Theyre not gains unless you cash out


calling crypto jewish is like saying math is raciest because blacks don't understand

there isn't a more secure ledger on earth
on top of that it's distributed open source and people are developing on top of it

let him ramble and shill user
let him wear him self out

getting a btc short its not that easy in some places

if you weren't a faggot you would put your money where your mouth is and short bitcoin
but you won't I know you won't

how would I even do that


why didnt you profit?

see all they talk about is how they make money of it
never talking about the newest site to except BTC or bank or talking about what they have been able to spend it on
its so fucking funny

>Why didn't you go all in on a 2 3 offsuit, you would've gotten a full house!

5btc a pop
im still not on that level

holy fucking shit, the first thing you see on the cbot website is goddam bitcoin futures???

unironically, this really activates the old almonds. huh.

it was easy to invest a couple k and get 5x even if you started investing september last year

You niggers are just stupid
You short on the way down
It doesn't matter which way it goes you can still win

easier said than done.

>It's easy to go down to the casino, if you would've bet it all on black five last roulette round you would've got 50x this year

If you're feeling ambitious grab some quantum for the Long haul. It is eth tech but improved with working contracts. And it isn't owned by a communist pedophile mudblood


Centralized world banking is currently the largest RICO crime syndicate.
The life blood of the Zionists.

is biz on suicide watch?

>muh meme coins

you cant beat the jew.



biz is always on suicide watch, 20% of all posts are people threatening suicide. The other 80% are people shilling shitcoins.

why bother with meme coins when the actual stock market is white hot?

was your loss still any way you frame it
there is no reason not to ride a bull market if you can

It: about 3 dozen shills that are trying to convince the rest of us with real.forms.of employment that MUH BITKOYN WILL REBOUND TO 6 GORILLION DORRUH. BRB GODDA BUY MORE FUCKIN VIDJYA CARDS


Hows the ponzi scheme going?

>why bother with meme coins when the actual stock market is white hot?

The stock market can go up and down, bitcoin can only go up

The trick is, there is no cashing out. Only trading amongst other coin users

>The stock market can go up and down, bitcoin can only go up
Except for the half-dozen crashes Bitcoin has seen in the past 2 months. All those "downs" don't count, huh?

>It'll never break $100
>It'll never break $1000
>It'll never break $10,000
You're right, I'm sure we've reached the limit already even though more and more people are getting into crypto.

I don't understand people with your mentality. Throwing a few thousand bucks into crypto while you have a job shouldn't be too difficult. The risk/reward is simply too high at this point. And i say this as a person who sunk $2000 by borrowing it from my brother into btc when it still a literal meme several years ago.

Normie coins.. all normies won't stfu about them. I hope it all burns down

>"You hear that Winklevoss twins? I'm crashing the whole god dam crypto market until you bow down and suck on my wiener during my next presentation to the board"

Will the Zuck just stop? Some people have their entire savings tied into this market


i'd imagine a coin owned by anyone kinda defeats the purpose of this whole exercise


Bitcoin continues to rise despite the dips, as do the growing number of successful alt coins. The overall trend is upwards, meaning there's tons of money to be made regardless of what happens along the way.

the absolutely cryptic state of meme dubloons

Good. I hope people lose as much money as possible for their ridiculous investment decisions.


most of them are in on these deals well before they happen. even some /biz/posters get inside info. it's not like these decisions are made in a day

We ain't need ya wy boi advice we corna dis shit poonigga

>the reason behind the bitcoin crash has been exposed

of course they say these things, only motivation for anyone coming here and singing bitcoins praise is to get more people to buy. the cunts then all cashed out or tried to cash out and now no cunt is buying so it starts sinking, price drops and then they will buy again and repeat the cycle. unless you are able to purchase huge sums when cheap and you are able to then cash out the massive sums when price goes up there is no point playing, anyone buying small sums and sitting on it are just feeding the high rollers who are gaming the ecoin.

Hey you idiot, crypto is how you exit the jewish financial system.
Something like monero is very useful.

because unless it really drops in price there is no point shorting unless you can afford to purchase huge sums of btc, if you do not have a few hundred grand spare there is no point/.

>the jewish financial system.
you poor poor silly man.
believing they are not manipulating ecoin too, if there was nothing in it for them they would have shut it down already.

Throughout all of my days, never did I think a time would come where I could profit off of ignorant blacks. I have become the jew.

This whole latest bubble shows what a scam Bitcoin really is.

Why did the price rise 2000%? Was it merchant adoption? Nope, merchant adoption has been stagnant for years. Was it the Bitcoin protocol getting updated? Nope, Transactions Per Second went from total shit to shit, and transaction fees have never been higher and the network never more congested.

Fact is, Bitcoin's bubbles are just price manipulation. There was an article yesterday about how just two fake trading bots jacked the price from $50 to $1000 a few years ago. Same thing is happening this time, only it's tied to "USD Tether".

Bitcoin is a fucking SCAM. No one uses this shit as a currency and your grandma sure ain't gonna be using it in 10 years.


>if there was nothing in it for them they would have shut it down already.
(((They))) can't shut it down.
That's the fucking point.

I bought at 7k sold at 18k.


if you believe this then get some help son

Ok, which jew can shut off my bitcoin?
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>9/11 happened
>but they cant shut off my crypto!

Oh, so you have no actual rebuttal.
Eat shit, retard.
Already crypto has real world use.
Right-wing people get shut out of the financial system all of the time.
Try to donate to someone like thedailystormer with paypal, fucking idiot.

I hope everybody loses everything

Buy dogecoin - going to $0.02 by end of 2018 - fucking guaranteed, mofo.

you have no argument as to why crypto is better besides TAKE DOWN WORLD JEWRY GOYIM BY INVESTING INTO THIS ONE PONZI SCHEME
explain to me why BTC is better than USD?
how many banks are planning to except it?
what about utilities bills?
how many people in the US would be willing to convert to BTC, has their even been a study yet?
How about how BTC's value is mostly based on the US dollar?


That's an easy one - if you bought it at $100/btc and could unload it at $10,000/btc - that's way better than a USD.

You sir, are implying that it's actually a currency.

That doesn't sound right. There was the crash of 2011, the crash of 2013 and now this crash.
What are the other 233 times?



>check /biz/ for the first time ever
>see suicide thread on front page
Checks out.

>you have no argument as to why crypto is better besides TAKE DOWN WORLD JEWRY GOYIM BY INVESTING INTO THIS ONE PONZI SCHEME
I never said it was "better", fiat and crypto both have their own use cases. When wider adoption of crypto happens, there will be a clear winner.
I already cited one use case that is very important.
>how many banks are planning to except it?
crypto doesn't go into your bank, retard
>what about utilities bills?
I can convert BTC to fiat at like 10 bitcoin ATMs in my city. They are all over. Many online processors will gladly do the same.
>how many people in the US would be willing to convert to BTC, has their even been a study yet?
>How about how BTC's value is mostly based on the US dollar?

What does this have to do with anything?

If you're looking to buy into crypto for a profit, it's not a good idea. It's extremely volatile.
As an instrument of trade and finance, it's amazing.
nice argument, nigger
you've convinced me
I'll just let the jews cripple the right-wing because they can. crypto isn't worth it

Never buy hi faggot.

>Never buy hi faggot.
Why the homophobia?

No homophobo, my dude. Faggot is a general term here, think of it as an alternative to user, user. :^)

it will never take off and if you honestly dont think bitcoin is owned by jews you are an autistic, nobody even know who the owner is, thats scarier than knowing a jew owns your money
i still have yet to see bitcoin and other cryptos be anything other than money making schemes for neckbeards
and kikes would love a currency thats not physical, they would rule the world like gods you and i couldnt even imagine

>nobody even know who the owner is
What the fuck is wrong with your english?
Fuck off sub-80 IQ nigger.
I'm done discussing this with you. If you can't see the importance of crypto you're literally retarded.
Don't even bother replying to me.

>kikes would love a currency thats not physical
That's called the USD. Less than 10% in circulation is physical bills and coins.

i know
now think about a crypto currency it would next level NWO
stop crying please
you have yet to explain to me why its better
if USD crashed right now so would BTC
so why even use BTC?

These digits deserve answers I don't have.

Bitcoin guru here worth $150k after today. By June I'll be a millionaire, possibly even bigger. Hodl full throttle.