
she's a shallow cunt. God I wish i could see what the losers liking her look like irl

Other urls found in this thread:


how is she shallow?

>sharia for white people

sounds absolutely based, people should be terrified to have casual sex

>Is she our new waifu?


she's a crisis actor.

ok with abortion so trash waifu carry on

A fucking leaf.
>replying to a fucking leaf.

She's alright with the 'girl-next-door' vibe... but have you met Lana?

>crisis actor
based on what?

>>crisis actor
>based on what?

how often she is posted on Sup Forums

stop shilling your channel roastie whore

I'm short, fat and Mediterranean.

close ups are rough: old lady face

Leaf is right. Ur waifu a shit.

Hell yeah she is. She just needs to post more.

Here is my favorite video of hers.


most people think this, they just dont like to voice their opinions because theyre scared of being outted of their social groups

>be a young pretty girl
>channel less than 1 year old
>24,000 subscribers, with only 33 videos
>regularly get 100,000s of thousands of views without any interesting or innovative content
>massive upvotes even on super controversial videos

why is this even allowed?

>Admits she dated a Mexican before

Tacoburners get the rope too


literally gamer girls but for politics

It gets so tiresome; the thirstyness of men and the fact they perpetually make it so easy for women in everything.
>omg she pretends to play games!
>omg she dresses up as anime!
>omg now she pretends to have political opinions!
All these whores do is look for the next trend that will make them popular and then do that. They have no conviction to any particular movement, belief or hobby. They are women.

In this newest fad all these whores do is browse Sup Forums and parrot some things they saw here, thats it. But despite the fact men already read it here from other men (that they call faggots) they instantly thrust these whores into the limelight until inevitably it gets exposed that these whores were in fact whores with black/brown boyfriends then betas turn on them and wait for the next thoughtless, passionless THOT to parrot them, rinse and repeat.
I'm so tired of it.

fpbp. she's ugly as fuck too

the virgins and redditors among us can't seem to swallow this redpill

She's married to a white swede, has kids and openly calls out the Jews. Lana is literally /ourgirl/

she looks fucking crazy

Nothing she said was particularly thought provoking or insightful. Just very basic shit. She's riding on her cuteness and the fact that she has some thoughts.

Islam doesn't have this problem.

here we go the post we needed. we can close that eceleb thread now

yeah, lets all just live in a regressive shithole desert cult so we can practice male dominated polygamy! (but still rape goats, boys and other animals because...reasons?)

Anyone who thinks only with their penis is cancer who needs to be purged. From thirsty betas to braindead mohammeds. I'd gas you and laugh about it, you fucking idiot.

Very few are born into a red pilled family
Red pilling is like baptism.

Off topic, but does anyone know that song in the beginning?

nvm found it


What do you expect from a woman who deals in men's matters?

How can this many shills swarm this fast?

>asking for evidence on Sup Forums

this guy gets it

Yeah, her content and message is good and really well done.
Rose is /ourgirl/.
But specifically /mygirl/.

You're kind of right, but also kind of wrong in relating it to Lauren Rose

>It must be shills every time we vapid cunt is called out
Shoo reddit shoo

>literally the opposite thereof
Yep, it's a shill.

Just another attention whore.

>How can this many shills swarm this fast?

e-celebs are pretty much all shills.

that's how.

Her hands are massive.

Fucking based

Customers have no laws to obeys, so how about we ask women cashiers for sex favours whenever we buy things?



Again, she dated/fucked a Mexican.

/ourgirl/s don't fuck beaners.


>is OP a cuck?

STFU. She's well spoken and non cucked and actually can speak into a camera unlike the majority of you autists.

Just wish she would make more content. She had all winter break and did nothing except get banned from twatter

You should ask her out.

Too far away but I would be okay with that.

I bet normies on pol think shoe0nhead is hot because she looks like boxxy or something gay like that. And it seems Faith is a Tradthot traitor

She learned her lesson. It didn't inseminate her. If we start killing every white woman that caved to the Boomer lie of Civic Nationalism in their youth we won't have enough left to breed in our new Republic.

>le 56%
>telling others how to be racially pure