What prescriptions do you take, Sup Forums?
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Weed and kratom, fuck everything else, whatever works for you tho Holmes
Estrogen. Shareblue provides unlimited supply through their PPO.
Only good goyz take meds just harden up or die that's natural selection so get used to it.
Trying to ween off but I’m having a hell of a time. I’m really nervous I’ll never be the same after. I feel suicidal without it.
30mg adderall
And 40mg propranolol for incurable shaking disorder.
New drug from last year that's basically a full day version of Adderall. It's pretty great but I have to take it as soon as I wake up or it'll keep me up at night.
C&EN and Playboy
none because im not a pharmajewfaggot
Methotrexate and sertraline
Clozaril, Seroquel and Zyprexa
aderrall and MMJ
I only get aderrall IR 20mg and I take several days off per week to keep from tweaking too bad
I quit smoking weed recently, only do concentrates and edibles now
you will eventually bounce back, it's rough for a week or two though
>ingesting the pharmaceutical Jew
Ramses II lived into his 90s in a time when people didn't even know that germs existed.
Medicine has nothing to offer other than debt.
wellbutrin. how fucked am i?
its better than the regular SSRIs as it doesnt have the usual side effects those give. i had to wean off due to sleep problems tho
How'd you get your doctor to prescribe adderall?
Keppra for my seizures and Flakka for fun
I stopped taking Escitalopram (Lexapro), and it was a major bitch. Took months to feel right. Just remember to wean off gradually or you could suffer major withdrawals and chronic depression. I am now down to half a pill every couple of weeks say if I have to go out where I dont feel comfortable. You can do it user
I just said I had a hard time focusing during conversation and at work and that it was causing me anxiety
4 months off Cymbalta after 6 years. Pretty much want to kill myself every day even though I weened off for 3.5 months. Hoping I'll start feeling better soon.
>Only good goyz take meds just harden up or die that's natural selection so get used to it.
based truth
Prescription viagra.
Im trying to quit but its so damn hard
Nothing. Just a healthy diet , lifestyle
Came here to say this, literally what I do. Kratom throughout the day, some herb at night.
I was on lexapro for on and off for about 5 years. Took like 5-6 tries to finally get through the withdrawals even through tapering. Now that I'm off of it, my head always feels light/foggy and my short term memory fucks up sometimes. Seriously seriously hope I don't have permanent side effects from this shit. Stay away from SSRIs, they don't work and will only give you more problems.
This is the correct answer.
WTF? I constantly have to assume I'm an outsider in my own society because I don't fill 6 different prescriptions a week, drink a gallon of booze, and smoke more pot than a hippie every day.
AND, I have always daydreamed about herding undesirables to the camps.
Is everyone else constantly on 20 different drugs, or is it just that the ones who are have no shame and can't ever STFU about their state subsidized crutches?
I'm assuming the latter for my own sanity.
My cousin is a very intelligent scientist with severe ADHD. Im close to him and every now and then he gets put through hoops to get a vyvanse refill.
He faces alot of skepticism in receiving adderall (presumptions of abuse) involuntarily cutting back of Rx.
Apparently this is common and doctors now are very skeptical b/c lots of people just are trying to get stimulants and are abusing other drugs.
Please stop smoking weed and realize that there are people who need stimulants (not saying you dont) but face difficulty because of potheads and other types engaging in drug seeking behavior.
It gives legal stimulant users unneccssary difficulty. If you need them, use them resposibly and quit the weed bullshit.
Have you tried exercise?
Have you tried creatine?
Creatine is seriously awesome and if you are a dude not taking it you are 100% missing out.
The effects of creatine will be unmistakeable within the first week. You will lift more, have a more vigorous sex drive and since your muscles will strengthen you will have more energy to drudge through bullshit.
If you are a dude and you are depressed and you are not taking creatine you need to be.
Seriously, 'take' creatine. The cognitive effects have been proven in numerous peer review studies as well as the undisputed strength gains.
CREATINE, go get some, its like a nickel a day.
Do people seriously enjoy bath salts recreationally???
Are they the same kind of people who smoke wet for fun?
These kind of people are straight crazy man.
More cowbell.
I want to get back on my addy script, and klonipin.
I've been sober except for the occasional drink for 4 months, I've gotten absolutely no music production done, something I did daily on adderall.
can you expand a bit on that?
60mg of concerta and 20 mg IR Ritalin
Fuck amphetamines, they're too addictive and ruin your life when you're off them.
>just get more water into your body so you look swoll
niggeh... If I take no medications, why would I take creatine for depression? Fuck off out of here you preworkout shill.
The only medicine I need is one giant mushroom trip per year and I am good to go. Truly the best time of year.
Self administered alcohol with benzodiazepines. They started to kick my mind so hard I now forget whole months instead of days or weeks.
dont do klonopin man. It fucking kills your thought process. you can't properly feel and think while taking it. You need the good and the bad to live a true life. Don't take the anti anxietyjew.
>all these people on pills
I took psych meds in high school for exactly one month, they turned me into a blurry eyed zombie with no sex drive. How you can allow the medical industry to do that to you is disgusting.
Kick the pills, unless they are keeping you alive. Mental illnesses are manufactured, you need good diet, sleep, and exercise, and a clear purpose. Unless you're a crazy schizo your psychological issues can be overcome naturally.
They don't affect me that way, I used to be a really bad (high functioning) alcoholic.
Creatine is a naturally occurring acid (it's in meat and fish). It's super important in energy at the cellular level.
You will feel like your mind has more energy for things, you will objectively be able to lift more reps within the first week, this is not even a question.
That initial strenght gain is often enough to motivate you to continue exercising on a regiment.
It is sold at all your basic stores like wal-mart, target, most grocery stores. Every single olympian takes it, no exaggeration.
Its completely tasteless (literally its kind of weird).
It is no exaggeration one of the most simple proven immediate ways to experience a benefit with literally no draw back. It truely is a free lunch.
(Creatine improves brain performace)
yes they do. shut the fuck up. you are a much more clearly thinking without it. I've been an alcoholic, I get it man. But you and I know that you are a brain dead idiot with your klonopin.
Dude, its not even a question whether creatine works. Litterally every professional athlete uses it.
It's also proven to increase DHT/testosterone.
It's abundant in red meat and is the chemical that is likely responsible for the benefits meat does offer.
Vegetarians who are depressed who later supplement with creatine experienced reduced depression and have cognitive levels restored to that of average meat eaters.
>My cousin is a very intelligent scientist with severe ADHD. Im close to him and every now and then he gets put through hoops to get a vyvanse refill.
>He faces alot of skepticism in receiving adderall (presumptions of abuse) involuntarily cutting back of Rx.
>Apparently this is common and doctors now are very skeptical b/c lots of people just are trying to get stimulants and are abusing other drugs.
Jesus Fucking Christ.
>Americans filled 4.3 billion prescriptions and doled out nearly $374 billion on medicine in 2014, according to new data from the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics
I am the only fucktard not eating more drugs than food every day.
You faggots scare the fuck out of me.
that's interesting. I will have to look more into it and perhaps use more of it than I normally do. Thanks for actually linking a real source.
My doc prescribed me Adderall and Vyvanse but I didnt feel any difference on them
lucky, those can sell for 25 dollars or more PER PILL
used to be on painkillers when i broke my back, now it's just weed. 10/10 can recommend, it's way better than painkillers.
so good
Literally nothing. I opt to take some vitamin supplements (no fluoride) to offset my absolute lack of cooking abilities.
I am prescribed the CLEAN PILL, taken DAILY. I also drink WHOLE VITAMIN D MILK, a basic generic Walgreen's MULTI VITAMIN, and throw powdered TURMERIC on EVERYTHING. Feels gud
thank you. i'll look into it
>a mild form of acid is better than painkillers
they are apples & oranges man
one stops pain, the other takes your mind off it
Multivatamins, ibuprofen, herbs and fish oil are all 90% of people need. Before you go to the doctor, try moving to a quiet suburb and doing yoga or meditation few times weekly for a month or 2. Serious. Drugs are a crutch.
I also forgot to scream about FILTERED WATER and diy home made FPR 10 BOX FAN AIR FILTER.
Im not eating drugs, so were like best friends now right? digits cant be wrong.
No my good sir but I was once a drug addicted degenerate like yourself but I found the true path to real happiness through the CLEAN PILL.
>Im not eating drugs
You, me, and maybe 3 other faggots in this thread.
This is nothing short of disgusting.
>Muh 57 prescriptions are LEGAL!!
First, we take Manhattan...
Then we take Brazil.
None, I’m not a mentally weak faggot.
>oi vey goyim don’t forget to take your 17 drugs today :))
I don't do drugs, infrequently do DMT because supertelevision but that's it, even refused painkillers after my OP was like "nah I'm not a faggot thanks"
A very very small amount of Carbamazepine to stop psychotic episodes being too extreme.
Oh and 240mg of Codeine a day.
Isn't that just Adderall XR (extended release)?
>Isn't that just Adderall XR
ITT addcts argue how they couldn't possibly be addicts.
>I only smoke enough pot to kill a small elephant every week!
>cant possibly be an addict.
>taking speed every day
Worst way to use it. Fucks your tolerance and you lose the good effects. I took 60mg dex for a year, 30mg before that. Wasn't even motivated or happy in the end, probably a bit psychotic too.
Get modafinil instead and you'll feel better long term. Might need 400mg for ADD. Save amphetamines for occasions.
>taking antipsychotics at all
Fuck that. Just lay off whatever substances you're taking. Unless you're schizophrenic/bipolar, then it's up to you.
Protip: get sectioned for ANY reason and you WILL receive antipsychotics. I saw those cunts hold non-violent people down and inject them with this poison. Saw people with permanent Parkinsonism from years on them.
Any shrink who makes patients involuntary should be Haldol'd within an inch of their life.
Fucking beer, coffee and tobacco. About 30,000mg every fifteen fucking minutes. I have 7 kinds of cancer but it's cool because the coffee has allowed me to transcend death.
I also take Osha Root for the cough.
How much precisely is needed to kill a small elephant?
>Pot has never killed anyone
>It's easy as fuck to spot the people that have never at least tried it
When I got off zoloft (on it for 5 years) my brain went completely out of wack. Mood swings, bipolar, nausea every day, dizzy, anxiety and depression through the roof. It was a couple months of torture. I keep feeling the need to get back on it because I feel like it screwed with my brain chemistry. My brain has been going in these crazy fits of depression lately where I feel horrible. I started taking CBD recently, hope it helps. Really don't want to get back on those SSRI's again.
>Taking drugs instead of weed for your ADHD and bi polar
I was on bi polar meds and ADHD meds essentially from 3 on. The bi polar meds didn't come till I was in my teens and they were THE WORST THINGS I HAVE EVER TAKEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, so drowsy all the fucking time, fucked my thyroid, fucked my eating. When I quit that shit and started using pot I could function again.
Protip, fuck what the doctors think
>top kek.
And just so we're clear, I actually have ADHD and don't get why the fucking normies want the meds.
We're still in the old sawbones era when it comes to treating mental illness.
If your brain chemistry is fucked you could try shrooms. My own experience with shrooms, first trip was horrible but life changing, like my entire being felt different after, I felt more centered than ever in my life. The next two times were fun shrooms not intense shrooms like the first trip. I don't know if you want to talk to a doctor about it but if you're gonna do shrooms be safe and have someone who is sober hanging around.