It is really sad that you will all fall for roastieswho will pretend

to be into saving the white race and then give you aids and hepatitus
from sleeping with Jamal on the side.

its especially sad when there are plenty of pure transgirls who not only believe in the 14 but also 88 and would be happy to adopt huwhite children with you and be a mother to them and you can be the father.
Not only that but when stem cell uteruses become available for transwomen and we can produce our own ovum from stem cell ovaries, we can have our own children with you through IVF and cesarean

Other urls found in this thread:

that's why I only fuck virgin traps

A transgirl that isn't a liberal is a fucking self-hating joke, stop whoring yourself out to bullies.

i-is that a man?

how femnine is pns?

who don't save the white race by adopting kids, you have to make them dumbass.


faggot shill, I can't force my dick inside some traps dick you idiot

The messiah has returned!

Feet don't lie, user

yes, some user posted the instagram a time ago, the other photos are really bad, this is the only good one

Yeah,is this one.


Fucking gross. It looks like Pennywise.

>delet this

still would

i dont know user im having mixed feelings, s/he definitely looks better with long hair, would bang/10.

>It looks like Pennywise.
i always had a fetish of fucking a clown

>that's why I only fuck virgin traps
Never took a shit?

fifth time I've seen this thread

Trust me user, once you see a side profile you'll be very disappointed

>fifth time I've seen this thread
How much closer are you to sucking cock?

That dude is going to look RIDICULOUS when the male pattern balding hits.

scratch that, it looks like nick cage also this

That's the honest truth. It goes like this

>Be white girl
>Be teen whore with daddy issues
>Ride the cock carousel and fuck new niggers and Chad every week until your reach your late 20's/early 30's
>At that point, Chad and niggers don't want you anymore and you feel like settling it
>Find scrawny white beta provider (us) and take control of his life.
>Wife reaches mid-age crisis and misses all the fun she had in her early twenties, so she starts sleeping with Chads and niggers that love milfs
>She divorces you, takes half your money that you worked for during all your life and enjoys the rest of her existence in amusement.

Is it fucking worth it? Unless you find a traditional virgin girl between the age of 18 and 21, keep her then marry her, you will undoubtedly end up with a roastie. Why the fuck even bother?

This thread is obviously a poor troll, but on top of everything, what made me reply was
>be happy to adopt huwhite children

Nigga, do you know how many healthy white babies with no serious deformities or horrific abuse there are available for adoption? Basically none. Super normal, educated white couples with absolutely nothing wrong with them except fertility issues wait YEARS sometimes a DECADE to get a shot at adopting a kid like that only to get dinged for the most trivial of debt problem or family connections to a criminal or something. You think your drug-addled, self-harming tranny ass is getting a white baby? Let alone white babIES.

Come to think of it, maybe the adoption agencies are so fucking poz'd you could.

This right here is why I'm a boob man.


If you are an "ass man", you are one step closer to fagdom.

>checks flag
>its especially sad when there are plenty of pure transgirls who not only believe in the 14 but also 88 and would be happy to adopt huwhite children with you and be a mother to them and you can be the father.
sage thread.
please leave you jewish shilling cuckbag.
le shemale master race is what you want the straight white male to fall for.
just kill yourself you fucking nigger loving kike.
i hope your family dies of cancer seeing as you deserve painful death and punishment for the degeneracy you advocate. you fucking canadian faggot. i know your kind. more than just le faggot who gets his dick sucked by his doggo no!
you are the french speaking canadian who has his younger step brother suck his dick while listening to nigger music in the background.

Leaf tells the truth

there it is, the true face of """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""cute""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" traps on the internet

>falls for a jew with big tits.
Hi new friend.



Exactly. Equality lie in dating mtf.

Hope it had a nice package

a fucking leaf
desu i'd love to have a cute top bf

anyone got photos of her dick. for uh research purposes.

Enjoy raising Tyrone Jr, faggot.

Why hasn't Pence built his reeducation camps and saved me from wanting to be a woman yet?

Jokes on you cuz I’m engaged to a virgin Mormon chick.

dunno, the videos of her ass have made me really hard, i need her dick


fuck you memeflag i want to shitpost