Genuinely curious as to why Sup Forums thinks race-mixing is so bad even if not done excessively and with niggers. In that case there's nothing wrong with it
Genuinely curious as to why Sup Forums thinks race-mixing is so bad even if not done excessively and with niggers...
>mankind continues to racemix "just a little bit"
>half nigger asians intermingle with other asians
>sending the nigger gene in like a trojan horse
>the hapa race will foster this nigger gene amongst themselves and eventually it will be shared between whites
>white culture will degrade
>carrying this nigger gene
>soon the nigger gene activates from rampant degeneracy and all whites become niggers.
this is how (((they'll))) do it
>implying asians find niggers attractive
There is nothing wrong with racemixing it is just what Eurocucks says. It is better for health and so on
is that loss
i prefer it is discouraged, but am perfectly fine with people making their own decisions.
Implying Chinese aren't colonizing Africa right this minute
Implying that years of one child only families, and a preference for sons hasn't caused a massively disproportionate male to female ratio
Implying young Chinese males aren't desperate for pussy.
I don't give a fuck about race-mixing, but facts are facts. When a non-white man breeds with a white woman, the offspring are always look nothing like the mother, and not only that, but they look somewhat foreign and alien to them which prevents proper development of the maternal psyche and this often leads to fucked up relationships between white mothers and their mixed-race children.
Imagine you're a white woman and you made children with a black or brown man and you look down at this baby who looks nothing like you, has none of your features, and has nothing to signal to you that this is your child.
Again, I'm fine with it, I don't care, it's not an issue for me, but the results are less than desirable when it comes to mother-child bonding.
Destroys diversity.
>8% of world population are white by loose definition
>50% of whites are old/ageing and not going to have anymore children
>1.8% of the world population are white women of child bearing age or younger
>White birth rates are way below replacement levels in every white country.
>Not 1 single country now exists that has in not openly accepting massive non-white migration and promoting multiculturalism
>Immigrants have birth rates way above replacement levels
>Race mixing among whites is the highest in history and being actively promoted in the media and by the state
White people cannot possibly survive with no racially homogeneous homeland and without a replacement birth rate. Period.
Because most of those people are huge faggots and they know that females would abandon them if something bettet come along. Seeing that some race have different things to offer, it fuels their fears thus they try to demonize the act of procreating with people of a different descent.
This people would fuck their own blood relative if it wasn't forma the possibility of creating retarted offspring and the negative social stigma that comes with it.
hey go see if those showers still work at dachau rabbi
You just confirmed what i said.
Whites colonized America, yet the majority of white-injun half-breeds are in Mexico. It can be controlled. Chinks won't let themselves become half-niggers if they don't go full retard.
it's about preserving our own group, it's that simple, everyone is allowed to do it, it is whites that are mainly encouraged to racemix and i don't want to see the force behind western civilization disappear because if it does, than the west disappears
it is your kind that want to see us lose influence and power so you can gain influence, it has nothing to do with anything being better, they clearly are inferior, it is the endless amounts of propaganda which makes whites decide to race mix
the only consunsus among Sup Forumss is Hitler did nothing wrong
Fuck off.
The Bible says no race mixing
>Genuinely curious as to why Sup Forums thinks race-mixing is so bad
Take a full glass of milk.
Mix a teaspoon of shit into it.
Do you still want to drink the milk?
Why not? It's a not an excessive amount of shit. The drink is still mainly milk. There's nothing wrong with it, right?
>Fast Forward 150 years
>And entire continent of Blasians with booties and tight pussies now exists
>Asians and Blacks make up 2/3 of the world population
>1/16 of the world are whites
>Math ain't working in favor of whites
Pic related is still going to be gone. Doesn't work for me.
This. Simply for the fact that White Men do not desire non-white women; on the whole.
No it doesn't you dumbfuck, at one point in scripture, Moses married an Ethiopian and his Jew sister got pissed at him for doing it, so GOD punished her leprosy
The "Argentina is white" meme once again debunked by , who else , Argentinians themselves. Also , my country is full of niggers yes, but atleast I don't pretend everything is fine.
Conquistidors didn't bring women with them.
N. America brought over women and families. Even so many have dubious ancestry.
Obviously Chinks won;t go extinct, there are too many, and the 1 child policy doesn't apply any more. The poster i was replying too implied that Chinese don't mix with blacks, but that is incorrect.
Thank you for missing the point.
And also THIS
I don't understand why it's bad either. Why should I give a shit?
I'm not an elitist, but clearly you're mixed as fuck. You get a certain "thats fuckin neat" feeling when you know you belong to only one (or almost fully) nationality
It's not so much the one child policy is that the entire population is consistently having that child 18-20, rather than 28-30 like the west
I wonder how many Sup Forumsacks in this thread realize that OP's pic is an Israeli woman
mixed race children have problems with behaviour, emotional problems, and are also more prone to neurological and especially disorders of the immune system (this is the most racially specialised)
it also disrupts the conception of nation and people, which i believe is crucial to one's personal identity development and overrall mental health. i can't prove this part, though. it just seems self-evident that it would be. the panhumanists lose their mind pretty consistently, turning into lumps of shit that dissociate from reason.
>Bottom right
I haven't always been racist, but I have always since I was a kid considered race-mixing disgusting and wondered how a white person could raise a mixed kid.
Now I think it needs to be stopped to preserve the white race which is dying out and being replaced by racist shitskins and slanteyes who will kill us all once they reach a strong enough majority.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Sup Forumstards are too impatient to pay attention and that they won't recognize 3 Hebrew letters anyway.
stop acting like we dont love a hot jewess
>implying I don’t know Khabarovsk Miller’s when I see the,
wtf is khabarovsk miller