Why should homeschooling be legal?

why should homeschooling be legal?

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>why should homeschooling be legal?
I take it you didn't go to a public school?

Absolute waste of time.

Parents have a right to teach their kids. Not to fuck em tho.

Because public schools here have mandatory circumcision day for the first graders and some parents object to that on religious grounds.

Why wouldn't it?

Fucking statist scum.


I was homeschooled. It was a mistake. I'm tormented every day by thoughts of the relationships I could have formed and the memories I could have had if I hadn't spent my formative years alone in front of a computer 24/7

In the internet age, I'm okay with home schooling. Public schools serve absolutely no purpose except indoctrination.

Momma got all kinds of crazy emanating from her.

Pic completely unrelated. Has it even been confirmed that the children/adults in their house were biologically theirs or even adopted? The whole fucking thing smells awful, and further investigations aren't being mentioned to the public, which smells even worse.

Because children are property and it's my right to turn them into asocial illiterates.

Because liberty you fucking bong.

wtf is that spic even doing?

say what you will but the terminator was great


In a free society we don't ask "Why should X be legal?" rather the burden is on those who think something ought to be illegal

Watch "One of Us".

Now you defend that.

Because some parents do not want to send their children to the common core multicultural zoo?

Because the only thing you're taught in public school is jewish lies. At least I know how to think for myself, something not taught in public school.

I have so many public school friends and they hardly think at all.

Religious Jews homeschool their kids.

I really hope that I cam homeschool my future kids as a stay-at-home mother. I'm no genius but hell, I could teach a child or two to have the same basic knowledge of a public school graduate. Sign them up for sports for some social skills and they should be pretty well off.

I too blame homeschooling for my social retardation. I spent many years in front of a computer, alone. But I did get a really good education.

While I'm Christian, that didn't really come about until after I started homeschooling when I was 12. My parents took me out of school because it was being retarded.

Can't be a stay-at-home mother with a penis there bud, no matter how feminine.

Post tits

this hit me hard

Americans only: If you never heard this story and saw that guy in OP's pic for the first time would think he was an Aussie?

no I would assume he directed the titanic

how does a guy find a young single woman who is willing to homeschool in the real world? and are these women capable of teaching high school math generally?

i want my kids homeschooled and not mentally gimped by the public education system. i want them doing 12th grade pre calc before they get to high school. i plan on paying for them to go to a private high school or junior high though.

i get the impression the women who want to be homeschool mothers aren't that good at math though. but i don't know for sure.

>inb4 a bluepill normie replies " hurr giving your kids expectations and goals to strive for is bad"

Fuck you I didn't want to feel this much right now user.

His bizarre haircut would make me think he's either foreign or Amish, yes.

I went to public school. I'm tormented everyday by thoughts of the relationships I could have formed with non-retards, and academic progress I could have made, if I wasn't forced to attend fucking public school.

To me he looks like Steve Irwin if he got a DUI arrest and that was the booking pic.


If you weren't homeschooled then you never would have taken the red pill you dumb fuck.

Public school is LITERALLY the blue pill indoctrination camp.

I know this feel

i went to public school and still spent my entire teen years playing xbox live and wow

you guys are romanticizing something that wouldnt have changed anything

Private school is the only way to go. I hated it but I would be in a shittier position today without it considering I would've gone to a crappy Public HS in San Diego.

Same here, I was homeschooled. Basically I knew my situation wasn't normal and taught myself/tried to turn out ok in spite of it.

My kid is in a small town public school and the differences are night and day.

>He thinks public school is bad in SD.
Oh boy.

And now you know why

youre probably right but it still sucks to know that I missed out on experiences that many people consider the best time of their life.

homeschooling is probably just a symptom of my problems, not the cause.

I didn't live North of Downtown/North County. I'm from the South Bay area.

damn he let himself go.