Daily reminder of the true Nyaa replacements
Daily reminder of the true Nyaa replacements
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They are already down, what great sites!
Anything else wouldn't do the situation justice.
They are doing a maintenance to add features and waifus
Its kill
>spend 5 hours claiming your site to be more stable than a competing site
>get directed to the stat showing 6 million Japanese IPs
>start shilling for your site on 2ch
>site immediately crashes
You sure showed pantsudev.
We already discussed how those sites are potential spyware in another thread. Why don't we like pantsu again?
Oh its the nigger shill again, I answered my own question. Fuck your site.
Every thread. The "tracker" is email. 10 seconds on Google.
I guess the cartel never bothered to prepare their servers for the upcoming strain of 6 million nips visiting their site at once.
Why the fuck are there so many of them?
Its a feature
Post-war economic miracle.
Because watching anime at 2AM fucks up your daily routine.
>We already discussed how those sites are potential spyware
Post proofs or fucking kill yourself
You dun goof'd by dropping nukes, now there are a ton of them.
OK this is important but has it been discuss if the cartel are going to allow FAKKU rips?
>population of Japan - 127 million
>6/127 = 4.7%
Hmm, impressive, I guess, if you narrow down the 127 million to the usual anime audience of middle aged adult men.
And people say the cartel is just a meme
Thankfully nyaa.pantsu.cat
>linking to a dead site
Very funny.
>still following cartel trackers
Naisu desu ne
Its working just fine
I guess their orange pi zero server got raped a little too and they refuse some connections
At least it doesn't have CloudBleed.
I wish I can see this now instead of error 522
piss off fag
I'll keep uploading my music to jpopsuki, anidex and pantsu.
Fuck the cartel and their shilling
This can only be the work of the PantsuDev shills.
is that pic an edit or do i need to watch it for mtg
>tfw no more wizards soul translation :
They're Japanese. They need their JAV fix.
>do i need to watch it
>for mtg
It's not like Pantsu hardly ever crashes from overload
Nice Sup Forums meme reaction image.
Just one? Wonder who could that person be.
>still using public trackers
Oh, i guess i'll use it when it gets an anime. Oh wait.
Our savior nyaa.si is back up.
I'm talking about the 200%.
Fuck off herkz. It's obvious.
The only way I would use nyaa.si is if they change the blue-status system.
The users should vote for the best releases not a bunch of cartel mods.
There were a bunch of good encoders and subbers on the old nyaa that weren't even trusted.
>The users should vote for the best releases
But almost nobody downloads 3 different releases and compares them. The users would only vote for their favorites. The most popular fansubber team is commie. The most downloaded release however is HS. Guess who's going to get the votes?
Your proposed system cannot work.
>falling for cartel tricks when you could finally be free
nyaa.si devs didn't carry over the blue A+ status from nyaa.se. I say good riddance.
Because what they're actually doing is shilling .is on 2ch and they can't handle the Japanese hug of death.
Also only BD releases should get blue
Trusted BD releases getting blue would actually be somewhat useful. That, or batches.
Then do what fansub.co does. Put up screenshots of notable differences and then let people vote.
Free from what?
The people that release the stuff you are supposed to upload there?
What about the raws being posted to pantsu, is nyaa.si going to scrape those?
Non-retarded person here, nyaa dying has affected me 0% as I just download everything Horriblesubs shits out via IRC and the only thing to watch outside of that is LWA, which is done by Asenshi, who have a fucking homepage
I really don't get this fuss
Plus TokyoTosho is still alive so it's not like anyone needed to make a 2nd or 3rd nyaa
>horriblesubs started uploading to nyaa.si
Seeing your post, I'd have to say you're pretty retarded.
>using nyaa for old anime
>not having a backlog
He doesn't sound retarded to me.
>not being part of a secret club
Yep, retarded
>the only things NT had were HorribleSubs releases
Nope, you're retarded.
So they're doing what they said they're doing? Amazing.
Yes. The ultimate freedom is not wanting anything.
Fair enough.
After bbt went private, there weren't a whole lot of public, easy to find sources for old shit. Not acting fast under those circumstances can be considered careless or retarded.
Fucking carterl fuck off. Pantsu is open source and run by people who respect the user's freedom and actually care about anime.
they made the right choice
Fuck off
You usually clean up code and project structure before putting it up online.
Interesting choice
So this are the so called cartel shills.
>its free for all to shit on cartel
>but its shilling to defend / like them
nah fuck off
When will I be able to click the category icon to only show that category.
Suggest it on IRC or the Sup Forums thread.
It works on the other nyaa's, just not the .si one.
Devs know. They'll add that soon, probably.
Fuck you, MGR is the shit and also anime
What other nyaas are there? I know of pants and rip. Rip is stable but the db is 2 years old.
Who cares about what features don't work on .si? Why would anyone use that piece of shit?
>using cartel nyaa
I haven't really been using any of them. I've just been using horriblesubs site. If any I'd probably use pantsu.
When will I be able to get anything other than a 522 error?
Just use pantsu desu. Cartel are attempting to DDoS by pantsu has proper datacentre host.
just use tt who has been stable and around for literaly centuries
The cartel is a barely old meme. A couple of groups are offshoots of other established groups and share staff. Original nyaa was associated with a few of these staff members.
In short, fansubbing is incestuous.
>nips find out about nyaa.si
>site goes down
>a few hours later it comes back up
>nips rejoicing
>dies again
Noticing a pattern here.
nyaa.si is ran on a toaster.
>hosting a domain in fucking SLOVENIA
Yeah, about that..
Whats the significance of it? Its in EU like old nyaa was, so I dont see how its going to not get sued.
Are you people retarded? The only thing that is affected by the domain is the authorities seizing it. And if you just lose a domain, you can get a new one.
>how its going to not get sued
Nobody got sued.
Nyaa owner was only paranoid.
the thing is, they host on ovh, somebody posted the IP of both sites earlier.
If you cartel mafia faggots make Kanna be the new mascot I might consider using you instead.
Kanna > Renge those hips win sorry
>Site forces cloudflare catchas on me
Why would I want to use it over pantsu?
I would miss these threads once they are gone if not for the constant spoonfeeding and newfags pretending to fit in like that "offboarder" poster.
but the original used cloudflare
pantsu too
Old nyaa owner was a retard, he got spooked after reading an article. Good riddance.
Pantsu master race.
It's amazing the difference between the two IRCs. si has a shitload of cancer and roleplay garbage.
Just Like HS disqus garbage.
Coincidence? I think not.