Why does Kumiko love Asuka so much?

Why does Kumiko love Asuka so much?

No idea. Asuka becoming such an important character kind of came out of nowhere.

Sometimes you don't realise how much you love someone until they leave you.

Because Asuka is the best and most perfect girl.

If she's so great then why does she need glasses?

She's her beloved senpai. I think Kumiko looks up to her both as a eupho player and as a person.

Glasses make girls cuter you fag.

The problem to me isn't the fact that Kumiko likes Asuka, but that it's the note the series caps off on. It just feels kind of awkward to end the story with something that isn't thematically relevant at all to the story as a whole.

Because they're OTP (in a sexual way) and it was decided both by author and Kyoani from the very beginning. Only blind people can't understand it.

The story is a slice of life, there is no theme. I think it's nice to end on a goodbye, it's fitting.

Kumiko is raging dyke.Can't be helped that Reina is bi slut. She gotta keep her options open.


It doesn't feel fitting to me, not to abruptly put a secondary character in the spotlight for the ending. It would have felt more fitting to focus on the leads (Kumiko, Shuichi, Reina, Taki-sensei) or the band as a whole. An Asuka end feels kind of abitrary.

some kumiko oc i just drew

You have a cute art style.

It does focus more on Kumiko and not Asuka, really, at least the ending scene itself. And honestly, Asuka had way more of both screentime and impact on the story than fucking shoe-itchy did, she's been there since episode one, she got Kumiko to play the euphonium again and she's just constantly been an important part of the whole thing. She is not just a random side character.

I don't think we watched the same anime.

Asuka replaced Kumiko's sister place.

Kumiko had that sort of relationship with her sister?

How can /u/bait Reina even compete?

>Ocular deficiency makes you cute
>poor genes make you more attractive
I bet you think autism is cute too, glasses are ruining natural selection

>Ocular deficiency
Wouldn't that be not having any eyes?

Well... the sad truth be told is that /u/bait Reina is hundreds of miles above Asuka in being Kumiko's love interest. So, sure she can compete.

You can see the relationship of Kumiko and Asuka as romantic or as sisterly love. The hints are here and their interactions are quite tamed.

In contrast, Kumiko and Reina almost the entire show their relationship is romantic and sexually charged and only in the end is not addressed.

The only way you can see their relationship as friendship is if you're in denial.

Nah, they're just friends. Take off those goggles, you look ridiculous.

I'm not sure if S2 was worse or I just burned out on Hibike

Time for the Ribbon.

That little lip bounce never ceases to make my dick diamonds.

She's a lesbian

Kumiko likes her girls with brain problems

Becuase kumiko has good taste

My bad, you're right. This is just platonic friendship, how silly of me.

But Reina abandoned Kumiko to chase sensei's dick, so she found out her true love was her senpai.

Or only for the appeareance. She like hotties with long black hair, light eyes and big tits. This is all she cares about.

Yup, this is true but the point is that Reina can compete.

Kumiko has great taste.

Yeah, she's our girl.

ASSukas like the big sister she never had

She really likes black-haired girls, huh?

Removing the fact that she had one.

I think she like big tits more, but yes.

Thanks for reminding me to finish the last two episodes of season 1. Time for that sweet concert finale.

But user this cover are for the last two episodes of season 2.

This is canon.

>the sky is blue

I have the hunch Ayano Takeda will go full lesbian route if she writes another novel. When she wrote the story she didn't have Kyoani's magnificent visuals as suggestive material, and didn't have people's support for Kumi/Rei (she's a huge shipper for this couple).
Now she must be thirsty to write some wild sexual lesbian action, as she middle fingers her editor and publisher who didn't let her in the previous novels. (Isn't like the novel won't sell like hotcakes if this happen, so they won't complain this time).
Stay tuned, Kyoani will do their first scissoring scene in their history. Ok, maybe not, but a kiss while holding hands is enough

Well I only just started watching Hibike last week. Pretty nice finale though, I'm interested in starting season 2 after that.

I wish I still had this optimism. Though it's hard to see her writing about Kumiko and Shuuichi's relationship, I think that just means she'll avoid writing any more novels altogether. I know she tweeted that she'd like to continue after S2 ended, but I kinda take that as just something she said in the emotions of the moment.

>I have the hunch Ayano Takeda will go full lesbian route if she writes another novel. When she wrote the story she didn't have Kyoani's magnificent visuals as suggestive material, and didn't have people's support for Kumi/Rei (she's a huge shipper for this couple).
>Now she must be thirsty to write some wild sexual lesbian action, as she middle fingers her editor and publisher who didn't let her in the previous novels.
>Source: My ass

Yeah, but for that's what I said "if".