When did you get it, Sup Forums?
That's when I got it
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Just now. Your post literally caused the almonds within my mind to activate in such a way as to completely change my beliefs about the world. Thank you original poster, today you were not as big a faggot as yesterday.
>women always go to the extreme to "win" the argument
Wow it's almost like "being raped and killed" is the go-to answer for everything.
>Walking down the street? Raped and killed.
>Going to the movies? Raped and killed.
>Getting in a taxi? Raped and killed.
Boy, I really do get it.
>male friend said something like, "No, worst case is I'm accused of rape and put in jail for 20 years."
>Conversation with female friends about blacks. I said I like blacks, even bad blacks, because blacks can be a kind of adventure. Worst case, you learn something about yourself. female friend said something like "No, worst case is I'm raped and killed." thats when I got it.
You forgot the most important
>Getting raped and killed? Raped and killed
In 99.99% of dates women get free shit. Yeah in one and a million cases they get harmed. So what. Roll the dice.
Don't date mudslimes or niggers. Problem solved.
This guys' an editor at DC Comics by the way. Used to write for ComicsAlliance which was ground zero of SJW garbage infiltrating comics.
Or edgy white guys.
Or Mexicans.
Or violent Russians.
Or literally men in general.
bait, sage, or OP is a faggot. Fuck it take all three bro. you earned it
>or conversely, the date went well we ended up having 3 kids and then SHE divorced me and took all.my stuff and won't let me see the kids. I'm a homeless alcoholic now.
>worst that could happen
>wow don't be so extreme!
Better yet
>Getting raped and killed? Slut shamed
What's bad is they often don't get this, so the get drunk and pass out around a group of people they hardly know, like in a dorm.
One cease I read, the woman met a guy online and then agreed to watch tv in his room--first date-- where he raped her. Black football player.
What if these guys had been like Ted Bundy. If they used common sense, the real rape cases could be avoided.
If they really think everyone is going to rape them, why do they get themselves in these stupid dangerous situations.
Why doesn't she just date ultra high IQ city people?
tbf the worst case scenario for the guy is being raped and killed as well.....dumb argument, lynch soy boys
They worry about being raped and killed, yet they do nothing that actually works to prevent such outcomes, really roasts my almonds...
Got what? Was he raped and killed afterwards?
Worst case for men is she makes a false accusation against you, you goto jail, then are raped and killed.
You've clearly never been to Sweden
>worst case is I'm raped and killed
Geez, it's almost like females should be protected by a patriarchy and only date men who have their father's approval.
Maybe her friend should stop fucking niggers and other 3rd world savages.
worst case is a meteor strikes earth and destroys all terrestrial life. Female friend here seems to think the world revolves around her
>Haha, the risk of getting in a car accident is way higher so stop demonising men okay sweetie?
See how annoying that is?
only if you date a nigger
This is such a beautiful picture user, mind if I add it to my art folder?
When I clicked on the ID and it said One post by this ID.
Histrionic personality disorder?
imagine actually believing this
I got it. The worst that can happen to me if I go to a date is a supermassive blackhole appearing out of the nowhere and fucking me up leaving the earth intact. This post reminds me of that South Park episode where everyone made their decisions based on fear and paranoia... turns out women were the problem all along.
With niggers and Muslims being forced into every city, that's a real threat for women and is going to get much worse.
Imagine actually ignoring a reality for women by posting a common sound bite.
>in reality
you literally live in fantasy land if you don't think demographics correlate with rape
Thats deep, bro.
so women are really that pathetic they would be afraid of the pic in OP? now i get it, women are just worthless.
>and yet, even though I proved myself to be a proud male ally, she still wouldn't sleep with me
> Go on a date
> Wake up in an icebath with organs harvested
What am I meant to get? That there's danger in the world? Slut culture is risky business, there's a million ways it can cause people harm. Women are safest in a marriage. I already knew this.
Worst thing that could happen to a man is it's a honey-pot and he gets raped and killed.
The bitch who said that has rape fantasies
Then she would enjoy it
Then she would report it for attention
You're confusing reality with possibility.
What about the sneaky traps? They be raping neets out there.
I l i t e r a l l y never said or implied demographics don't correlate with rape. In fact you'd have to be a moron to look at Sweden or Germany and say "Gee the problem is all men."
Women being afraid of men raping and murdering them is the same thing as you being afraid when some nigger walks by you at night. Most women are sexually assaulted, so most women fear men overreacting negatively during dating. You also saying "women are just worthless" does nothing but perpetuate the reality that men don't care about women and only what they can get out of them... which supports OPs picture.
In some mixed groups, males (baboons) are going to try to win the friendship of the females. Males will help to groom the females and make them feel ‘special’ in other words; and they will even help to care for any young they might have also and will help to get food for the females also. If males do all of these things, the females are more than likely to mate with them because they do want a mate who will be able to provide for them and their young.
>baboons don’t go around raping
Not really. This reality is more of a common concern for women than you think.
Conversation with female friends about
dating. I said I like dating, even bad
dates, because dating can be a kind of
adventure. Worst case, you're falsely
accused of rape, found guilty and sentenced
to prison. Then in prison you're raped
and killed.
Female friend said something like, "No,
worst case is I'm raped and killed."
That's when I knew she didn't have good
listening skills.
soyboy out with his girlfriends, how cute
bring a gun, shoot first, ask questions later. it's the universal equalizer for a reason. problem solved. enjoy your date.
May as well not drive for fear of getting in a car accident. Which is actually far more likely to occur.
>male friend said something like, "No, worst case is I'm accused of rape and gotta actually rape and kill the bitch."
>That's when I got it. She's a coalburner.
>meme flag
>shooting people and getting away with it as long as you say "it was self defense" is EZPZ
It's understood in this context that worst means in a social context of awkwardness and his feminist friend deliberately misinterpreted to strongarm her ideology into the convo. SJWs do this with absolutely everything in a non-stop woke cage match.
Fucking THOTs begone. What a facetious vapid whore.
Imagine being this fucking dense hahahahahahahaha.
Worst case is she is a he and I like it and now I have to gas myself.
being in fear of your life + woman about to be raped/attacked by a man = not guilty.
your being too stupid to understand this doesn't mean the rest of us are. read more you ignorant retard.
Reminder that males are far and away the more violent sex, the ones that do almost all of the murder and rape in every society.
Soon we'll reach a level of genetic engineering that lets us continue the species with just females. It'll be much better world without all the testosterone-driven dick measuring contests that are the ultimate cause of every war and conflict on the planet.
Well then men have to go further.
>female: Raped and killed
>man: the earth beneath yellowstone can open up causing a massive eruption that would end life on the planet over a period of many years.
Come on guys lets have fun with this
>She was making a 'friendly' flirt.
>He spits out his spaghetti
>"Holy shit, Xir! I gotta write that exaggerated intimate shit down and tell it to everyone!"
>he storms off
>"but who will plow my American field?"
What a faggot.
Pick one.
Woman murder too.
>males are far and away the more violent sex,
What a sexist statement. Besides, stop assuming their gender.
the fact that women don't strive for the 'top dog' position the way men do is both the reason they're not in leadership positions and the reason why they are much better suited for them.
Reminder that men can get raped and killed. Getting killed is definitely a possibility if it turns out the chick is in a relationship and her dude finds you together.
>Men can't get Raped and killed
It's actually worse for a man to get raped and killed
> the ones that do almost all of the murder and rape in every society.
Problem is males do everything else too. All the good and bad in the world is down to men. Women are just a showpiece along for the ride.
Stop using filler words.
Or kills your kids and you.
Worst case is the girl tells the story to the media and your bad date is all over the news.
Top zozzle
What can men not be raped and killed here? Did I miss something?
That's why for centuries (probably longer) we structured our society in such a way as to protect and shelter women.
(the protections which jews and women completely destroyed over the last 60 years)
>have dam upstream from village
>complain the dam looks ugly
>get men to remove dam
>complain when village gets washed away
Women "logic"
>you should go outside, worst thing that could happen is that you might get a bit cold or get some sun in your eyes
Womyn are mentally ill.
Appeal to emotion. Typical female hysteria and hyperbole. I could walk out after the date and catch crossfire to the dome. Roll the dice.
I can't get it user. Is it better to
>be raped and killed
>be killed and raped
Can you clarify this for me? Also get better friends. She sounds like a downer
Is this some kind of Double Jeopardy switch-up?
>Reminder that males are far and away the more violent sex
Guess you aren't counting abortion as violence.
>agreed to watch tv in his room--first date-- where he raped her. Black football player.
WTF? Did she come?
Andy is probably a low test virgin. Why? 1. Because he is so busy virtue signaling, that he can't bother to give specifics about how he could get an STD he doesn't want, or get a woman that he doesn't like that much pregnant, but instead goes for "You learn about yourself" nonsense.
2. The way he portrays the worst possible result of a date as something so innocent shows us that he probably grew up in an upper middle class bubble wrapped in safety cushions where no danger could ever get to him.
This guy is not a role model.
No its the reason any population outside the scope of your enginering program is going to topple your civilization.
Yeah and everytime I get in my car I can get in an accident and be horrifically mangled.... Life is risk either deal with it or stay sheltered.
may as well bring up the "don't drop the soap lol xD" attitude that the media takes on prison rape.
>implying a man can't be raped and killed
Daily reminder that anal rape, the kind that men go through in prison is much worse than your average vanilla rape
>andy khouri
this cuck is an arab....... please kill him
Females deserve to be raped though, they're too stupid to be allowed control over their bodies.
>this cuck is an arab....... please kill him
Flag checks out
Worst case: false rape accusation, you are fired from your job, your name is trashed in media all over entire country, you are jailed and ass-raped in prison.
Females have it easier, at least they are dying doing their favorite things like getting raped.
I got raped and killed last night.
Shit sucks, man.
Hmm. I would suggest that if you don't get your tinder fuck dates from the ghetto, and don't act like a raving cunt, you'll probably be ok.
At least here in Canada, statscan states that men are over 3x more likely to be murdered than women. What's better? Getting murdered or raped? Take out any sort of political correctness and anyone would think rape. Well there you go boys. You're more vulnerable simply because most murders are done by men and men tend to target men.
Do women care? Some do. Most don't. They live pretending to be victims but the truth is plainly obvious. Women are Queens in the west.
Whats the worst case for a guy?
>meet up with chick
>have a great time out at the movies or at dinner
>she takes you back to her place
>her real boyfriend is there, hiding in a dark corner
>MS13 tatoo'd on his face
>bashes you over the head with a pipe
>wake up next day without your wallet
>kidneys removed
>also your head is has been hacked off with a rusty machete
>didn't even get laid
That guy has to live in a pretty serious bubble.
Has he never been predated upon in any way at all?
Never walked down the wrong street at the wrong time?
Had some psycho start shit with him?
Be followed by a creep?
Been creeped on in any way?
Where the fuck does he live where even "bad dates" are just "interesting"?
A bad enco7unter with some unstable female will have me avoid whole areas for a month just to make sure the bitch has moved on and I won't randomly bump into her again.
This is awesome. Perfect response.