The King's Avatar

anyone watching this chinese cartoon?

I have no idea which subs to get

Other urls found in this thread:

will chinks ever stop shilling this shit

i unironically find this show enjoyable but all this shilling just makes everyone wave it off as chink trash before they even give it a try

Just stream it you fucking Sup Forumsutist.

It's not like you have much choice who to use.

its better than sword art online

>Loom mom! I posted it again!!

>watching chink trash
even the language make me want to vomit


Good anime.

Is this what they call inferior complex?

>thread always removed by mods because not Sup Forums related
>still keep crawling back here begging for attention

NOT anime.

Nice revisionism there. The only thing pathetic is you having to make up lies to delude yourself everyday.

It's already been established that asian produced animations that are anime influenced are allowed here, since it's the most relevant board.

I streamed it and the subs were not very good, but I don't think there are alternatives.

Is it though? I like the character interactions but everything else is getting really repetitive, they're really lacking imagination, especially in visual direction/choreography.
>muh apm

Fuck off back to

I'm literally a chink, I assume this show is understandable for me?

Um there's not many options right?

I am enjoying this show though. Hopefully it opens the door for more high production value chinese animationd. It'd be nice to see some more Chinese, or even Korean, "anime" on here.

Mandarin doesn't even sound like a real language to me honestly, so I have no idea. Seems pretty heavy on slang though

Cool. First the cartel shills, then we got chink shills now. It's like Sup Forums is finally relevant again.

>ching chong chang cheng chung
>everyday until you watch this
Even though it's obvious noone want to discuss this.

So persistent


>It's already been established that asian produced animations that are anime influenced are allowed here
>since it's the most relevant board

Not him, but every thread I've seen pop up on Sup Forums so far had been deleted by a mod before hitting bump limit.
I've also never seen a thread go more that 10 on topic posts without devolving into 100 or more posts of shitflinging.
I don't think Sup Forums is exactly the best place if you actually want to talk about the show since anything about the show seems to just be synonymous with bait at this point.

>It's already been established that asian produced animations that are anime influenced are allowed here
>Sup Forums anime & manga
Where is that Sup Forums asian produced animations that are anime influenced?

>he spams this shit every day
>he does it for free
Fuck off with your inferior complex chink

You are actually high on the cancer smogs that's ever present over your mainland shithole you fucking shill.

As an ABC I don't know shit about slang, oh well

Also, mandarin is complex as fuck but it sounds more like English than Korean and Japanese do IMO in terms of how words flow

>make up lies
Delusional chinkroach

>this whole post
Communist brainwash as it finest

Where are the RWBY threads

Where is Samurai Jack?

Well it's Subject Verb Object like English, Jap is SOV, but the tonal thing/different syllables is a bigger comprehension gap in my opinion. Jap sounds alien once in a while, mandarin sounds alien all the time.

Wrong (You)

You guys are so selfish. This belongs on Sup Forums a hell of a lot less than it belongs on Sup Forums, and Sup Forums is for discussion of more or less anything so it has to belong somewhere

Those are actually american franchises owned and produced by american companies so they actually don't apply in this situation. You could make a better argument with something like Korra I guess, but even then it doesn't apply because only the animation was outsourced to an asian company. In the end it's still an american franchise owned and produced by an american company.

>and Sup Forums is for discussion of more or less anything so it has to belong somewhere
This is Sup Forums not Sup Forums

The creator is a half nip/gook/chink whatever literally asian so it can be asian produced animations that are anime influenced
>Samurai Jack
Literally honorauble Samurai from literally Nippon so it can be asian produced animations that are anime influenced too

But Sup Forums is specifically for western animation. Something like Korra can go there because even though chinks drew it, it's still produced by Nickolodeon. OP's show is against the board rules there because it's actually owned by some chink company.

And what about this chink trash, it's not related to Japan whasover. Alsothe chink doesn't admit it is a cartoon with anime influenced like you just said.

just finished ep 7. That was very exciting. It just gets better and better

>You guys are so selfish
Fuck off to Sup Forums

>ips stay the same
No need to samefagging this quick.

Just because it's not allowed on Sup Forums doesn't mean it automatically makes it allowed on Sup Forums you fucking retards.

An asian creator doesn't turn rooster teeth into an asian company. Are you seriously that retarded? It's an american company, and therefore anything owned/produced by them is american.

Not even sure what you're implying with Samurai Jack, but again, cartoon network is an american company. Anything owned/produced by them is going to be considered western in origin, no matter if it has asian influences.

How old are you m8? Making grasping at straws arguments that you know are garbage because you don't want to concede the point is literal 10 year old tier

It belong on /trash/ or Sup Forums
>waaaahh i can't post it on Sup Forums that mean i can post it on Sup Forums
The fuck is wrong with this dumbass.

And how is this anime influenced? Samurai Jack creator admit his cartoon anime influenced, RWBY creator is fully admit his cartoon is anime influenced too. Give me something about the creator/author of this crap said it is a cartoon/ novel with anime influenced .

You and I both know if we asked Sup Forums or Sup Forums or any other board where it belongs they'd say Sup Forums. Quit being so obstinate

Sounds pretty shit desu.

Call me when the chinks finally make an adaptation of the saviour of isekai.
Or, at the very least, if the koreans make a cartoon out of Weed's jewish adventures.

wtf you on about

When did Sup Forums is about the whole Asian?

Well you can fuck off Sup Forums then.

And? it still not make it Sup Forums related

Kek, every fucking thread. The ones arguing the hardest are other gooks who can barely speak english.
Not likely, at this point I'm here for life.

Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck. I doubt the idiots there even know how redirect you to other boards. Circlejerk there.

This show is great

Just fuck off to some chink shit forum. I bet the chink probably did a 2chan ripoff too.

So you only spams this thread for the purpose of shitposting? that even more against the rules you know?

I only speak English, French and some jap though.
I don't know why you think I or anyone else trying to discuss this show is a chink, if we were chinks we'd be discussing it on chink websites.

Literally parasite, why are we allowed this kind of filth on Sup Forums?

racism is not tolerated report everyone

>want to discuss chink crap gamer shit
>not a chink
Nice try chink.

Sup Forums has shit taste and full of weebs who watch moeshit. Go learn Chinese weebs lmao

>board about anime & manga
>hey dude we can discuss not anime & manga here too because other board doesn't want it
>waaahhh why are you guys so selfish, i only spams this thread every days waaaaahhhhh it must be allow on Sup Forums waaaaahhhhh
I don't understand what the fuck is going on with this guy.

>Chinese weebs
Disgusting, the divine might of Mao communist party will punish you shit filths

I unironically enjoy this.

You're kind of grasping at straws. A show can have an asian creator, it can be heavily influenced by anime, the company itself can even be owned by an asian, and they can have the animation outsourced completely to an asian company, but it doesn't change the fact that they are american shows since they originated from and are owned by american companies.

As of right now Sup Forums is the most relevant board by a huge margin. If the mods told the viewer base here to take it somewhere else then obviously we would. As of right now they haven't commented on it though so maybe they don't care that we want to discuss it here, or maybe they haven't thought of a solution yet.

Tell me that when Sup Forums change to Sup Forums asian cartoon & comic. Now, fuck off

As a not autistic person when new things show up when possible I put them into existing categories based on similarities, and this shit, despite being made in china, fits comfortably in the anime category the same way manwha and webtoons fit the manga category.

Mods have made it clear you fucking autist. These threads have been deleted countless times in the past. You idiots just keep spamming this garbage .

>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
Where is that thing about asian anime influenced you keep talking about?

They get deleted because they get derailed by you autists, not because the show isn't allowed to be discussed here.

>fits comfortably in the anime category the same way manwha and webtoons fit the manga category.
Please keep your opnion to yourself, okay?

Oh you're one of those people

Heads up. Manhwa, manhua and webtoons aren't fucking allowed on this board as well.

The mods need to be clear on this.
I personally don't mind if chink and korean stuff goes on Sup Forums, untill they get big enough to get their own boards, but I understand if the mods send them off elsewhere.
Anyone made a thread on /qa/ yet?

And why are mods doesn't bans those autists but only deleted the thread?

What make you think you're the one in charge of Sup Forums?

he want his safe space. Probably a SJW

>this whole post
I normally doesn't care about gook shit on Sup Forums but this is just ridiculous.

Because they're not actually breaking the rules, just turning the thread into a shitstorm that's taking up space. If the mods were really against it why haven't they been banning the OP's?

Nice fucking revisionist history you have there you fucking mouthbreathing mongoloid.

/qa/ is fucking cancer and you know that and nobody from their respective boards actually browse that shithole. You just want to post this garbage there to incite shitposters.

We're kind enough to allowed one korean thread on Sup Forums and now you think Sup Forums must obey everything you say?

Come on lads that broken english is noticeable a mile away. Just let us discuss the chink shows in peace, shitposting here isn't going to stop China from bullying your SEA country in real life

Chink thread are always the shitposting general of Sup Forums, what are you even talking about lol.

Now fuck off in peace, your kind are never welcomed here.

Delusional at it finest, holy shit.

Yesterday chink thread got deleted too but i can't remember the link.

Til next time, friends

What's the saviour of isekai you speak of? Moonlight I know about.

Ya it'd be nice if the mods came out and made a statement on this matter. Eventually there will probably be a board for other asian animations but in the meantime this show and others like it are going to keep being pushed here since they're not allowed on Sup Forums

Nice job bumping the thread you fucking shitposter.

Release that Witch.
Guy gets isekai'd as a prince, gets a harem of witches, avoids most of the usual isekai and harem tropes and instead uses their power to start an industrial revolution.
Muskets and cannons and steam engines ensue.

>keep being pushed
Are you chink parasites enjoy shitposting that much?

.they're not allowed on Sup Forums
>dat mean we can post them on Sup Forums
Are you retard?

Thanks I'll check it out.

When Sup Forums was first getting started and a lot of boards weren't well defined stuff like this was common. Likewise, when they made Sup Forums, animations from other asian countries wasn't something on anyones mind. Now that China has started to produce their own shows in the same vein as anime rather than just cheap ripoffs, and inevitably Korea will as well, it's something that needs to be addressed. Until then, this seems to be the correct spot for it.

I'm even chink and even I wish this autist would stop shilling this. It's embarrassing.

You clearly don't because you fucking bumped it you braindead retard.

>Until then, this seems to be the correct spot for it
And what did you get this from? your ass? Are you Sup Forums admin or something?

Literally parasite. Whatever, just keep spams this crap and don't whining when people shitting on your crappy thread, turd brain.

The voice and mouth shape match pretty bad at times. You can't be talking and your mouth not flapping. Also that promise of less animation reuse better not be another communist propaganda. Even Sailor Moon had less reused animation than this.