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harddisk for ants size?
Thread is about how much chink cartoons on your HD , not how much CP you have.
If you want to brag about your HD then go to
You are seeing 6 of it
>downloading anime
literally why?
~22Tb anime. was lazy to buy new hdds, so deleted some things i would never watch anyway.
I have 55 TB or so , I got bored and just deleted everything since it's a hassle.
yeah sure and I also have 10 on my external.
>55 tb
that's a lie, i have literally every anime on the internet in the highest available quality, and it only amounts to roughly 30 tb.
>highest available quality
>only amounts to roughly 30 tb
Not high enough faggot
Had about 4TB once upon a time but I rarely re-watch shows so I deleted it all.
I never have more than 50GB Because I delete all stuff after watching
oh.. almost all my files are 480p, and I think I am in 25Tb 40% of them rougly relic of the past
>archiving shows you'll never watch again
Go ahead and delete everything on the levels of Omamori Himari, Occult Academy, and Okami Kakushi.
nice folder icons.
how do
Nowadays we have10 Bay HDD at afforadable prices
Not sure if it safe or not thou... I am tempting to buy one
My backlog is very big.
Hurry up and add Ojamajo Doremi to your list.
For what reason though?
Reused old HDD, I still have 2 or 3 unslotted HDD because my motherboard run out the cables slot
>he doesnt stream anime
also 10 bay NAS price are like around $6,364.09
i have 8hdd one, works fine.
fucking this. don't forget Ojamajo Sharp as well.
Well don't forget Motto. And Naisho. And then Dokkan. Just follow the guide.
I was just calculating on another insomniac night how much anime I could save on my harddrive. I realized then I need about 10 terabytes. Is it worth it Sup Forums? Or should I just keep the torrent links and hope some user in the future has it uploading?
My old 2TB drive with a shitload of old good stuff died. Especially all the old hentai that was there is hard to get nowadays.
Between my current HDDs there should be about 3-4TBs taken up by anime.
For such a massive case, only 5 HDD slots is kinda pitifull for my HAF932. Minus the ssd, I only got 4 slots to work with and I need videogames and hentai and series and music as well. Externals are just too inconvinient.
I have a mate who used an external for his music, anime and other media. The USB fucked out and the drive is encrypted. 3TB of anime suddenly became a paper weight.
I try to keep torrents of what I want, but I have a tendency to forget to backup unfinished torrents when reformatting.
If you "take care" of your HDDs, can they still somehow die?
Constant use will eventual lead to an HDD breaking somehow. Reader failing, disk corruption, you name it.
On the other hand if its an SSD, they have a limit to how many times their bytes can be read. So they are destined to shit themselves from day 1.
this is what I fear with USB base connector HDD
I felt more safer if my HDD linked with SATA cables inside motherboard instead USB
My 2TB one that died with most of my anime and hentai on it was on heavy-duty usage since 2008 or something till last year. Maybe even longer. I remember it was really expensive, 2TB was quite massive when I got it. It was a Seagate one though.
I have a 500gb external-turned-internal from 2007 still working fine.
hard drives are cheap as fuck. You might as well do it.
I would be more upset having an external drive die on me than I would an internal drive.
remninder taht the new internet laws that are passed around the world could mean the death of high quality anime filesharing soon, so grab it while you can lads
>ddl hosts dead
>trackers dead
they will come after xdcc bots/servers next
Have more elsewhere
>X-D main
fuck of
Those are rookie numbers. 15 TB.
That's either a lie or you have BDMVs and ISOs. Even if you only had 1080ps of every anime encoded by Coalgirls just for you you still wouldn't reach 55TB.