Why does Disney hate money?
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Kathleen is going to get fired over all this
Iger might be a kike but he still likes to make money
They didn't just kill the star wars franchise. They had a guaranteed one shot first audience.
They blew it. Next one will have a much smaller opening and if they don't redeem the franchise, it's a money loser.
we are happy to export those ugly pigs
They must be trying to flop in China. They knew he was a problem in TFA, they tried to hide him in the poster. Now they make it even worse by having him be the love interest of the asian character in TLJ If they're not trying to flop on purpose that is incredibly stupid.
It was DOA in China.
Space Negro's
They're just arrogant.
Iger is a pretty excellent businessman from what I've seen
He tried looking in a galaxy far far away, still couldn't find his father.
That space negro sure looks disgusted
What does DOA mean ?
Dead on arrival
its a complete flop in China. Its already out of theaters. China is the 2nd biggest market for movies next to the U.S.
jewish agenda > money
kikes love their shekels but they like subverting and destroying cultures more.
Jedi feminist,lens flare and space Negro's!!!!
>lens flare
Holy fucking shit, really??
It's like making a dog kiss a cat
The jews are going after the asians but you know what they say. The jews fear the samurai
Ah ok, thought it meant it was banned. I haven't been to a theater since 2001 (I pirate everything) and have never looked at movie markets but the starwars franchise really has gone to shit.
nope, that would be adorable.
No one can blame him for thinking Star Wars would be a great asset. He isn't the problem here. I'd imagine his reasoning for the disparity between 7 and 8 was that the honeymoon is over and everyone is getting settled in. That is, until the reports about China began popping up. Surely those must be raising a few eyebrows in the boardroom.
what's up with all the forced nigger romance with human beings in movies? its getting old
>He thinks the money comes from ticket sales
They even made the asian girl a fat loud mouth bedraggled mess, because disney knows thats what sjw's look and act like. Apparently disney thought that would appeal to asian girls or something from a feminist perspective despite the fact that real asians are the complete opposite. Thin, well groomed, mild mannered.
The Jew plays the long game. The subversion of western culture is worth more shekels to them than this year's ticket sales in chinkland
At this point none of their options are pretty:
>Try to salvage what's left of a story and character arcs from the ruins of TLJ in the hope of setting up a non-shitty X-XII.
>Retcon TFA and TLJ out of existence and retell the events of the EU (Thrawn, Jedi Academy, Mara Jade, etc) with a recast main trio.
>Pretend like TLJ was good and well received and learn no lesson from the disaster of that movie.
Without an acknowledgement from Disney about how badly they fucked up Star Wars and a solid plan to get it back on track, the dedicated fans are gone for good, and all they'll have left are the fanboys who cream their pants at the sound of a lightsaber. The worst part is that you can tell talented people were involved in these movies. The effects are amazing, Kylo Ren and Rey have nice visual designs (unlike Blando Calrissian), and yet we're left with a convoluted mess that's on par with Episodes I and II. How, 15 years after the prequels, and dozens of Marvel movies, do they not figure out how to make a fun adventure movie set in the Star Wars universe. How fucking hard is it to say "Hey make a script like Guardians of the Galaxy except Star Lord is a Jedi and the bad guys are an evil empire."?
wrong this is what asians like
Yes, yes, they want to mud up all the few decent races of people on earth.
Instead they are like
>"Hey make a script like Guardians of the Galaxy except Star Lord is a Jedi and the bad guys are an evil empire."?
>Also, try to for some reason get the nigger to mate with the chink, and make sure like skywalker is the biggest disapointment in the history of character development, and top it off with a mary sue, and dont you dare make her deep.
Fucking hell. What nobody likes seeing (niggers).
they know they don't like seeing it fool
that's why they're trying to propagate it
but i have never seen a movie specifically do that yet
At this point they should retcon everything but TOS. Make Jar Jar the Sith Mastermind he was supposed to be while they're at it. Actually, Disney should buy Warhammer 40k and make the Empire the good guys
> Interracial sex creates chaos demons
> Arab slave traders with embedded Jews larping as Arabs fuck all the Ewoks, unleashing a chaos demons that makes the Rebellion go full pansexual pride parade, kicking off the "Homo Heresy"
> The Empire clones super-soldiers from the best of each race
> tfw the White ones do best in battle
You should be feeling very smug. That was smart.
YES. Make this happen.
Jews of course. Kalergi plan requires interbreeding of niggers and everyone but Jews to bring the population IQ down and make us more manageable / holodomorable.
Jews get off on it.
They are a sick people that also suck off baby foreskins. Jews are working towards globalism
I could deal with the female Jedi, almost think it's a cool departure from the tradition. VIII had like fucking five female leads though and it took away from her. That and the male characters were constantly made to look like dumbasses.
>getting rustled by two actors kissing in a movie
Who cares. This board cares about fiction too much. In any case don't like it don't buy it. Nobody is forcing you to go see that movie. And anyone "brainwashed" by seeing this on screen was hopeless anyway. I have a little too much fortitude for that.
Dingus, LEFTISTS ALWAYS DOUBLE DOWN. There is no lesson they can learn from any experience
that is either the least asian asian dude or the most asian not asian dude I have ever seen
How fucking far left can they go? At this point they must be approaching some form of wall for peak leftism/degeneracy
Wrong change it to buff white guy and blonde white girl
Like multiracial ads it is to appease to as many people as possible. Companies use diversity not to promote 'multiracial couples' but to say all races should buy our useless product.
Hey, its the JIDF! You guys must really be paranoid if you need to shill in a movie discussion on a Kenyan Grass Hut Building forum.
Your cultural subversion was rejected and all you can do is say "Move along, nothing to see here" as we goggle at the train wreck that could have been a billion shekels for your overlords.
China didnt like it either shlomo.
The world is getting tired of your niggers
slow day in israel i guess
Sure if that's what you want to believe. Capitalists push it so everyone will accept their open border globalist dream
Great Leap Forward (Mao's minister for appropriation was a Jew).
Kill the first born child in every family and subvert the throne. (Egypt)
Seize the nation and kill all but the virgin women, who are enslaved. (some other bibilcal nation that they genocided).
Until they are genociding us they aren't at peak Jewishness.
Fun fact the first suggestion on Jewgle for Holodomor is Holodomor myth.
The only jew responsible for this is JJ Abrams. He thinks Star Wars is too white. Does he have a point? Maybe. Star Wars is very white. He made the decision to case the black man for political reasons not financial ones.
The Jews print money whenever they need it. They don't need to earn money through media. The media is a more essential form of control - mind control.
Don't forget the King's Torah. It is widely accepted as truth by Jews, and describes how Jews should kill the children of their enemies - their enemies being the goyim.
>the only Jew
Sure you could find more than one Jewish inbred rat involved with this shit
boo hoo
go back to China chink
Wrong, this is what gooks wanna see
Imagine being a chink who hates niggers and going to see the new Star Wars movie and seeing that kek
no wonder that pile of shit got taken out of chinese theaters after less than a week, half the audience probably demanded a refund when they got to that scene
also it's hard to impress chinks with alien special effects when they see a bigger spectacle on their dinner plate every day (webm related)
Ever seen the fucking movie Arrival? The whole plot is how retarded Americans can't figure shit out with the Aliens, and the day is only saved when we learn how to call the Chinks using interndimensional phones.
Or The Martian (Matt Damon movie), where we only save that god forsaken actor from Mars through the god-given grace of the Chink space program.
Jews punish other Jews for losing their money. He would not have gone ahead without prior approval.
Which explains their pushing of abortion on all races.
>Disney should buy Warhammer 40k
based swede
I thought your kind went extinct
So how are TLJ numbers looking in terms of money statistics compared to TFA?
Race mixing isn't profitable it's political.
Dont worry. GW will never sell a IP that is currently keeping them alive. AOSpace marines is shit.
This. They like watching gentile girls (mere animals, in their eyes) get fucked by hideous apes, as it is the most humiliating thing that can happen to a woman.
>Pic related; the fucking kike James Deen whinging about girls wanting more money to fuck niggers on camera
When you realise the pull this little fucking rat has in the porn industry, and the authority he has over naive girls who think they want to get into the industry, your blood should fucking boil.
what Asians?
they vary from gook-niggers to honorary whites
Rated sixth in the franchise, adjusted for inflation. Down $800,000,000 world wide on TFA.
TFA flopped in China as well. Chinese people just simply don't like the Star Wars franchise. Only dumbasses think the interracial scene is what causes TLJ to fail in China.
cease your heresy!
>that webm
I couldnt even if I want to
nobody in hollywood has the scrotum to admit that a kazarian mafia secretly runs the whole industry
the 500 extra thing sounds reasonable when you consider it more as being paid extra to do something you aren't comfortable with. I'd expect the same kinds of extra money if he suddenly decided to have her whipped or some other BDSM thing she's not into. If he thinks it's so racist, he should just cast black women and all his problems will be solved.
Still 800 mil down worldwide. Thats a 40% cut. The movies been out for over a month, I don't think its going to improve that much.
it may not be the interracial scene. It could be the extreme feminism and misandry.
because if they do they get suicided.
But he's a subversive kike rat, though. He knows exactly what he's doing and he gets annoyed when the dumb gentile girls don't go along with it.
>Pic related; his interview with Israeli newspaper Haaretz
>When you realise most jews think like this
he's a kike. He dosn't care about racism, he cares about his 500 shekels.
>specially chosen by hitler himself
Why do you care what whores do in pornography? I struggle to think of a more shameful career.
there are still a few good guys in the industry red-pilled on the JQ, probably before you were born too...
I think (((they))) will realize that the international markets don't care for their poz and will stop buying so I think the media will change tune soon enough.
They have infinite money thanks to 300 millions burger mongrels engaging in their usury schemes (yes, many of those go complain here about jews jewing them after voluntarily taking credits and loans).
It is no problem for them if they waste resources on propaganda, good if it brings more shekels but if not they will throw in some more as long as this shit flows into goyim heads.
Japan is becoming multicultural their NHK national tv is changing and I’ve seen more blacks fucking japs in porn..
I'm the last of the boomers. So I doubt it on the age thing.
I'm fairly sure everyone is red pilled in Hollyweird, they can't help but see and know. But they are all demoralized and want to keep their jobs, so they keep their mouths shut.
Watch. Every chick who spoke up since November is going to be black listed as soon as the noise level drops.
Democrat. Watches black on Jap porn. Checks out.
Cuck the kikes sex war now
maybe you should stop consuming porn. for a board that complains about jews so much why do you willingly watch the most jewish industry there is?
What Jews hate seeing.
The problem the Jews run into is the Chinese are Asian Jews.
I don't care. Any woman that goes into porn is less than dirt. What I care about is the influence porn has on young girls. It's a fact that girls in increasing numbers are consuming porn, what with the accessibility nowadays through phones and tablets (coupled with shit parents that don't monitor them), as well as the "sexual revolution". Pair that with the massive increase in the marketing (propaganda) of interracial porn, and little kike directors like James Deen, it's a horrible combination.
That's why I care about whores in porn; they're influencing young girls to be coal burners (they're also validating cuckolding to young boys).
I dont understand why porn was legalised in first place.. its funmy that they used 1st amemdmemt as a argu,emt for legalisimg this.. according to this logic you should legalise prostitution and other degeneracy..fucking kike lobbism
CIA co-opted Hefner. Obscenity cases against others resulted in convictions, those against Hefner went away.
His Playboy mansions and orgies provided a lot of blackmail material against heads of government and industry.
>peak leftism/degeneracy
Hell has no bottom.
There's no such thing as peak degeneracy.
Eh. I like Denzel Washington and Wesley Snipes. Louis Gosset Jr was pretty good back in the day as well. The biggest problem with Fin is he's an ex Stormtrooper who grew a conscience. The should have made him a quiet badass who is scarily proficient at killing but is otherwise socially awkward because he's spent his entire life as a human combat robot. Instead we get John Boyega Oga Boogaing through the role. Imagine the Force awakens where Finn just kind of shows up and when Rey gets jumped by the four guys wades in and kicks ass. Given the plothole of where the fuck did Po Dameron go and how did he get back to the Resistance with no explanation, the original script likely called for Po and Finn to stay together on Jakku. Finn saves Rey's ass, Po pilots the Falcon and Rey fixes the problem. So yo have a guy that's good in combat, a great pilot and a mechanic who is our burgeoning Jedi character. But instead Finn is made usless to made Rey into a combat badass and Po has to disappear and then reappear for no reason so Rey can also be the badass pilot.
Stay the hell away from 40k. Disney has destroyed enough franchises
fuck you whiteboi keep your filthy hands off our women