Why did moeshit take hold of anime? why can't they make good anime anymore without moeshit? moeshit is killing anime

why did moeshit take hold of anime? why can't they make good anime anymore without moeshit? moeshit is killing anime

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i hear you man. last night there was this REALLY big moeshit by my bed and I made sure to squish it with my slipper.

Moeshit sells
Things that sell will always be made more than things that don't sell

Because it sells unlike your self proclaimed "good" anime.

I don't know man. I can't think of a single time when the anime industry did not have moe.

China is saving anime from moeshit. Better go learn Chinese now weebs

Is this a china for ants?

Not anime.

Moeshit is still less cancerous than battle harems and light novel adaptations with long clickbait titles

Pretending anime can be a legitimate artform is a joke. 'Moeshit' is all it will ever be good for.

I enjoy select moeshit

Shota =/= Moeshit

They're trying to rein in the pedophile audience. It's probably scheme to flag them all.

>tfw you grew out of hating moeshit and enjoy all types of anime except sports

Feels good man

Moeshit doesn't have stories or substance. Once I've finished watching an episode, I feel like I've experienced NOTHING.

This is the true patrician status.

There can be good moe and bad moe, just like there can be good [genre x] and bad [genre x].

As opposed to watching the umpteenth shounen/seinen/whatever series that has the exact same premise, the exact same characters, and the exact same plot except for a few variations here and there?

Moeshut isn't art. Complex plots and schemes and awesome battles are art.

Shounen/seinen/whatever at least makes me think when I'm done. They also get me invested while I'm watching. Moeshit does neither of that.
Moe-shit isn't a thinking man's preference.

No no no, I'm in total agreement that moeshit is vapid trash. That's why it suits anime to a tee.

In the same way boys worship tits until they mature into respectable ass men, one day you will come to appreciate "moeshit."

Don't fight user, just let it happen.

>Shounen/seinen/whatever at least makes me think when I'm done

That is not universally true for every shounen/seine/whatever series. Some of them are just plain bland and uninteresting.

Does the nth harem romcom in which the MC is beta and all the girls lust after his dick for 0 reason make you think? I surely hope not.

This said, I have watched a grand total of zero moe shows, so you can hardly say it's my 'preference'. What I can claim with certainty, however, is that not all anime in a certain genre are created equal.

Go to bed Tyrone

Of course! How would they fit all of those people in there, otherwise?


>There can be good moe and bad moe

Accurate enough. Sakura trick was such fucking garbage holy shit.

>kiniro mosaic

This chart is so stupid, there are shit shows and good shows on both sides. Title should be "My worthless opinion" instead.


That's an excellent show, you're right. This chart blows.

>SAO but good

>Pan de Peace
God that show was a chore to get through even though every episode was only 3 minutes long

Yes, SoL is the enemy, goyim. Make sure to keep buying merch and source material for those terrible Isekei and battle harem LN adaptations.

Things don't need to "happen" for an anime or manga to be good and enjoyable.

Good taste.

This, moe is the lesser evil

I disagree Moe at its worse is far worse than Gar at its worst

Original few episodes of Licky Star were unironically the most borning thing I've ever seen

So anything yuri is bad.

I assume SoL shows with no plot and cute girls have large advantage the way nips watch anime.

You cant afford to buy the bds and you have no time from your studying so you can just watch 1-2 episodes on tv when you happen to have time. So the plotless moe shows that require no time investment or thinking are more enjoyable.

I disagree. Both are bad when they are at its worst.
A generic, recycled isekai setting is far worse than a good CGDCT shows.

Why is moe anime so polarizing here? Everyone thinks they are either masterpieces or the cancer killing anime, I think they are a nice comfy watch in small doses and nothing more.

I wish I had a time machine. So I could go back and murder everyone involved with Lucky Star and K-on, so we could be spared from this awful timeline

i don't get the funny joke.

Because Sup Forums crossboarders don't know their place.

Because people like to be edgy on the internet. Your opinion is objectively the correct one.

Joke's on you, I'm from Sup Forums and love moeshit


>Kiniro Mosaic
>Anne Happy
Fight me faggot

C3-bu, Love Lab and art club need to be switched around,but otherwise decent list.

Fucking minky momo bullshit

Most of the problems with the current SoL anime can be attributed to the existence of Manga Time Kirara and its affiliates.
The only good things to ever come out of it were GA and Hidamari.


The only way out is killing yourself. Go on.

Your taste a shit

Somehow this looks more appealing that today's moeshit.

But Precure started in 2004

Didn't kickstart the moeshit trend

Stop giving this cancer serious replies, you retards. Anyway, fuck off back to Sup Forums OP.

I meant to quote:

The Jews fear the samurai.

shut up amuro and get back in the gundam.


Watch anime without moeshit. Man, that was hard.

Finite resources. The more moeshit is produced, the less anime I care about is made

Amuro is moe.

Vividred doesn't even fucking belong there on this chart, it's an action show. You might as well be including Symphogear.