
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump/VP Pence @Bob Dole Gold Star Ceremony 1/17/18
>Full Sen Bob Dole Gold Metal ceremony 1/17/18
>CoS Kelly on Fox 1/17/18
>AG Sessions @MLK Jr DoJ event 1/17/18
>SoS T-Rex interviewed by Condy Rice 1/17/18
>SoS T-Rex @Hoover Inst 1/17/18
>SoS T-Rex meets w/JPN FM Kono 1/17/18
>UN Amb Haley on her Afghanistan trip 1/17/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Assist AG O'Callaghan) 1/17/18
>Eric Trump on F&F 1/17/18
>Proj Veritas: Twitter Bans Pol Dissidents 1/17/18
>Iraq/Syria SitRep (Brig Gen Glynn USMC) 1/16/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/leaf FM 1/16/18
>StateDep update on Yemen (Dep Asst Sec) 1/16/18
>Pres Trump @Conversation w/Women of America 1/16/18
>Conversation w/Women of America panels 1/16/18
youtu.be/3vRdmErT5RU (panel1)
youtu.be/QNTYVbpXk-M (panel2)
youtu.be/SyXyvvw8ITM (panel3)
>Pres Trump Joint press conf w/Kazak Pres Nazarbayev 1/16/18
>Pres Trump meets w/Kazak Pres Nazarbayev 1/16/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


>/ptg/ is now some racist free safe space

what the fuck happened

>people bitching about Trumps health

So soon people forget about September 11, 2016?

>twf no thick tay soy ai farmer qt gf.

Which one of you was this?


>President Trump Will Make History With Address To The March For Life From The Rose Garden On Friday

>President Trump will become the first sitting president to address the March for Life from the White House live via satellite

>March For Life
>Washington D.C.
>Friday, January 19, 2018
>The theme of this year’s March for Life is “Love Saves Lives.”

>"The President is committed to protecting the life of the unborn and he is excited to be part of this historic event"

>“Since his first day in office, President Trump has remained steadfast on his campaign promises to the pro-life cause and has actively worked to protect the unborn,” said Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life. “Over the past year, the Trump administration has significantly advanced pro-life policy, and it is with great confidence that, under his leadership, we expect to see other pro-life achievements in the years to come. We welcome our 45th President, Donald Trump, to the 45th annual March for Life.”


time for bed /maga/ later

What are you talking about? People still hate niggers here.

How are you guys not completely blackpilled yet?
Everything about European/American history is being destroyed and rewritten and we're just sitting around letting it happen with zero resistance.

>But the paper’s research indicated that 63 percent of Seattle’s foreign-born tech workers were not American citizens.

Did the Fake News Awards happen?

what? you think we like niggers and kikes here? FUCK OFF

At least I still have the Constitution

Good night everyone.

May you be have long calls deep in the money


I thought Charles Krauthhamer died???????

Dr. Drew lost his job questioning Hillary's health. The doctors that questioned Trump's were given front page articles.

dead leg

Splitters are shitters.

Final reminder for the night

There is a special election on Tuesday, January 23rd for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives 35th District. Don't forget to vote!



To all anons living in PA, spread the word! Tell your friends, tell you family! Get them to go out and vote!

You better be ready for this tomorrow. The NYT is not going to air friendly shit.


it's literally the fucking trump curse
should've listened and stopped baking

Great news guys

>“I have been asked to provide the FBI with further and better particulars about allegations regarding improper donations to the CF funded by Australian taxpayers,” Michael Smith told LifeZette.

>At the center of Smith’s complaints are former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and multiple Australian government officials, including senior diplomat Alexander Downer, that government’s high commissioner to the United Kingdom.

>Downer hit U.S. headlines recently when he was reported to have told the FBI of a May 2016 conversation he had with George Papadopoulos, then a campaign aide to President Donald Trump. Downer told U.S. law enforcement officials that Papadopoulos told him Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.


It was just a blog post on the GOP website. But it crashed the website.

If this smith is still around he should look at incest, incest-rape, father daughter rape, and teen prostitution rates

Carlos Slim better watch the fuck out with his nyt shitters



threadly reminder if you get offended and upset at someone arguing with you to the point where you start bitching about you don't deserve such treatment because you can shoop hats, you don't belong on the internet and you're a fucking pussy

neck yourself

then it crashed the archive

Eat shit and die.

eat shit lmao

were there any survivors?

>i'm offended but i'll pretend to be above it all
down the hall and to the left


He should have done it on twitter to see if he could crash that.

Wait.. Haitians can't do low skilled labor anymore? How the hell is this not blatant racism? The fuck??

>ready for this
What, more unsourced and thoroughly unprovable garbage they've been working on for a week?
You mean the same as they've been doing for years?

I know that the religious types like this, but I'm completely in support of abortion (hiss at me if you will), without abortion the nig populations might actually rise instead of stagnating, and nobody wants that.

occasional reminder

lol. They're going to nitpick the stupidest and worst sounding ones.


i translated the fake news awards to spanish to help redpill some latino normies


Pls share

Do not do this thing

They'll expect one of us in the crash, brother.

what's the best place to buy some bitconnect?

Yeah, I am sure they will pick only the good ones and not the most retarded ones...

> tfw libs think this is a slam dunk

what am i offended about?
i'm just tired of people blogposting about their hurt feelings in /ptg/

What's an op ed?

Stop posting facebook memes.

Look at that sensible and reasonable comparison. But yes, SD is a shithole everyone stay away forever.




Just post your credit card number and I'll do the work for you.

Name Trump’s words that start with F

Reminder that if you don't get out and vote in all federal, state, and local elections then none of this matters. If you don't vote then anti-white communists will win elections and be the ones in power. If Dems win state legislatures they will pass sanctuary laws. Most importantly, if we don't keep Congress in the hands of the GOP, Trump's agenda will be stopped dead in its tracks.

The next big election is in Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district on March 13th, vote for Rick Saccone. This should be our number one focus and priority. A loss of this seat would be disastrous. Let's get to work!


boom get rid of the borders, libs win again

ignore the fact that people move into ND... and no one moves in Somalia

Sounds a lot like h1b visas.

They can always go home.

>that pic
In other words people's brains differ in activity according to their genetics fucking retard, being high in orderliness and disgust mechanism will make you anti immigrant, I thought you faggots were all about evolutionary biology with your iq stats and shit.
Guess most of you are just retarded faggots, you should be sucking J.F. the YouTube dick for giving you legitimacy

opinion piece, like an open letter. Usually written by an editor or someone important.

Fake news was one of them.

oh no they're going after tomi please someone stop them help nooo

whats a tps holder?


Disappointing, but I guess Trump could have done nothing.

I think it makes an interesting game and for a good time
>Pic completely unrelated

Seriously you fucks, VOTE!
Is Trump doing any campaigning yet?? He needs to mention something on Twitter or at a rally, Twitter would be good if he could get the (((news))) to cover his tweet like usual.

Any happenings?

>trump takes long standing test designed by doctors
>its not good enough for Huffpo

Opinion of editor

Usually some rant at the beginning about some bs. they have 'em in all magazines, typiclally they will also have letters to the editor and answers.

someone who has the temp protected status assigned


Need new baker. I'm going to bed

i wish brazil was online

H2-b actually. Those ones are for slaves/agricultural/unskilled work, H1b requires actual skills.

The MSM is exclusively using the term "TPS" because actually saying TEMPORARY PROTECTION STATUS gives away the whole thing to even the biggest retard.

Pennsylvania's House of Representatives 35th District is in Pittsburgh. Get out the vote!!!


On a sheet of newsprint the facing pages containing the editorials have opposite them on the same sheet the letters to the editor.

With all the cries about "ethics rules violations" he couldn't exactly do a presentation from the White House without having to deal with some super jewy lawyer shit, but he was still able to hype up something pretty minor into a huge event.

Ryoko was my first waifu. Love you forever

hopefully Trump sets it on fire right before he leaves

>tfw your country is so shit you would rather become a slave to an oil prince than return to it

I hope they have fun in Qatar.

So, are they going to run "kill all darkies" as supposed Trump supporter mail?
>Pic unrelated
>don't support killing anyone for their political ideology but only out of self defense or punishment for child molesters, traitors, and murders

i see you are a man of culture also

This, fucking vote you dumb fucks.
>tfw Libshits have the DailyKos to help with this sort of shit and Kikebert does nothing

>I thought Charles Krauthhamer died???????

Only from the neck down, user.

>About 71 percent of tech employees in the Valley are foreign born, compared to around 50 percent in the San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward region, according to a new report based on 2016 census data.
>“The H1-B process is not just complicated — it’s also quite expensive to sponsor an H1-B visa worker, a cost larger companies may be more willing to absorb,” the paper reported.
>Legal blog UpCounsel puts the cost of the H-1B process at $10,000 to $11,000 per employee.
>the paper’s research indicated that 63 percent of Seattle’s foreign-born tech workers were not American citizens.

kikebart is too busy concern trolling, i mean holding trump's feet to the fire

and this fucking retard who thinks he knows a thing or two. Show me a disgust mechanism on a cadaver model. or an Orderliness sector. Fuck off these are at best 3rd derivative inferential proxies made by clowns with phds.

The whole point is you need to be lobotomized to be a liberal.


She's still my number 1 waifu.

Either that or ones that have a "gotcha", like a Trump Supporter referring to all mexicans as "illegals" or saying that all illegals are killers and racists. They know that attacking Trump supporters individually doesn't do anything, so they need to tie it to specific mean things trump said or did.

I am dead from the neck up

Thank you brother