Can you draw a clock?

>Can you draw a clock?
>Do you know which animal is a lion?
>Can you repeat the sentence "the cat always hid under the couch when dogs were in the room"?

Trump can and that's because he's a GENIUS! Who else among us is gifted enough to get a perfect score on this exhaustive neurological evaluation?! (Which is actually just a screening).

Other urls found in this thread:

is this clock acceptable?

This is a standard test for dementia administered to senior patients.
>our MSM is so bad they make this sound like a free pass for trump

imagine being so stupid you dont understand what a screening test is

wake us when you graduate medical school and make a better screening test tho

I know what a screening is. What I wanted was an evaluation.

It only means he's not a retard, unlike your beloved niggers, you nigger lover.

If its that simple, why aren't you president smart guy?

jesus christ that's scary as fuck

Fake and gay


... what is wrong with clock 4/4?

too detailed, probably... not really getting the purpose of the task

>>I know what a screening is. What I wanted was an evaluation.
Fucking tard

>all those score 5 clocks with the hour hand not 1/6 of the way to 12
fucking reeeeeeeeeeeeee


Too good, makes the test administrator feel stupid. Can’t have doctors who dropped 200k on an education feeling cucked by random schizos.

What's wrong with this one?

Only 58 minute marks, possible dementia

My guess is drawing in spokes.
>fucking hell, there’s way too much research papers on this

The numbers on a clock are all oriented right side up.

On number 4 they are clearly not.

Too artistic

Ah, interesting detail


Honestly a lot of kids these days might struggle with this because fuck all anyone uses analogue clocks anymore, everyone just looks at their digital clock on their phone. Kids literally do not wear watches anymore.


Having a president with dementia would be hilarious.
>president Trump declared war on Vietnam today, twice.
>construction on the 4th border wall is completed

This is true. I knew someone in high school who "had trouble with analogue"

I did not catch that.

Why did this show get canceled ;_;

Aha! I somehow failed to notice.
Good job. Have a rare merchant.

I know I'm not the only one who see's the happy merchant in the connect the dots numbers/letters test
>Shulman’s current practice (see Fig. 5.1) is to assign 5 points for a “perfect” clock, 4 points for a clock with minor visuospatial errors...
Every time

That.. doesn't seem very fair. Perhaps he has a nautical background, I do and I actually had to think about it for a sec there. I was sure I had seen clocks with this layout before, but I may be mistaken and merging memories of a compass and this example Or I might have early onset dementia. I should probably look into that.


It honestly gets unnerving as you go through the clocks.

I only wish if I ever get dementia that I am capable of ending it before it gets to 2. I would not wish it on my worst enemies.

Liberal arts majors btfo, confirmed mentally ill

Why is the 4th one in score 4 not a 5?

I am starting to suspect this may be the case for many in this thread.

Those that do not see an issue with 4-4, do you do drugs? How old are you?

what do i win?



Okay. I laughed.

You clearly don't understand cognitive impairement you fucking retard. People with those issues literally cannot complete the test. You wanted it given to him, now it is done. Stfu and start fat shaming him like the rest of the cry babies you bigot.

My clock at home doesn't have numbers on it, just spokes, and there's nothing wrong with making the numbers point toward the center.

he looked at his watch and copied it

>no attempt at all
>no semblance of s clock at all
>writes a word or name

Gentlemen, we either have a near-vegetative dementia patient or a teenager.