Those Thugs are on this worldstar vid. Fucking animals
That worthless race should be wiped off the face of the Earth i swear
Those Thugs are on this worldstar vid. Fucking animals
That worthless race should be wiped off the face of the Earth i swear
Both of those niggers are white, uncle Adolph.
maybe hitler was right guys
And? Op stand correct. Worthless low IQ animals
He was right
>cuck pinwheel flag loving retard being obsessed with black men as usual
that's kinda creepy and sort of gay, little man. get over your sexual insecurity, stop worshiping a part-jewish manlet with a tiny, mutilated penis who killed himself like a bitch and sort yourself out because this is fucking *embarrassing*.
no bump, cletus. fuck off. reminder: do not engage these idiots. sage, report and ignore off topic shit posters ASAP.
I mean it was implied he was talking about niggers or sand niggers through the context of OP image and the meme flag he has on though, don't you agree?
I fucking hate these wiggers more than actual niggers. They are all over the place, they infest my college listening to that nigger music and talking in ebonics.
No hé was clearly talking about you maggot skins
They were listening to country music, they're as White as one can get. They Most likely browse Sup Forums and cry about minorities on a Daily basis like you pathetic fucks
You win this time, Ahmad.
why do memeflags make fun of memeflags
that cherry-picked example is definitely going to sway my opinion about the differences between black and white crime
>Cherry picked
Quitter the projection. If it was a black man doing this,this thread would have 100+ replies by now and the vid would be bookmark and saved like all your other Cherry picked articles. Always ignoring the maggotskin crimes
Is instagram for niggers and stupid people!
strawman not an argument
kek still not as bad as fecal matter, nice try though
I can probably show you 20 videos of black men doing this. Have fun with your single video of white men. It's obviously what you need to make you feel better.
>Quitter the projection
What's your mothertongue memeflag?
Fucking niggers.
"If I just keep hitting it, maybe it'll do what I want it to do."
Something I've discovered living around niggers. The mothers absolutely fucking HATE their children. They're needlessly cruel to them and rarely show any affection. In fact, the only time they show affection is when they're being observed. Like, they'll make a big display of it on public transportation, for instance. But even then, they do it in such a hamfisted way that anyone can tell they're just mimicking what they think the white moms do.
They're animals and they need to be purged from this nation.
Fucking maggotskins huh.
You know black men commit more violent crimes. You know what is happening in Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore. Don't act like Sup Forums just "cherry picks" one-off cases where blacks are violent. Blacks are the most violent racial group in the West, they have the highest per capita crime rate. Pretending that there isn't a violence problem in the black community is retarded.
That video is traumatizing. The authorities better have taken that baby away by now.
You mean african americans living on the ghetto. These stats don't applying for other black men
2018, high pitched mischief laughing white bois wit hammers
this shit looked fake as fuck
when will they stop theyre admiration of being gangster chimps
I'm from London and black men commit a disproportionate level of crime here, too.
WOuld've been better if it were The logan brothers making this vid
This video doesn't hold a candle to black crimes.
they are white but there is a major distinction - white people will not support them simply because they are white.
Don't believe you
That's White culture, listen to the whole vis, you can't get whiter than them. Unless you're 100% maggotskin like pic related
Niggers are just apes with t-shirts.
It's cruel of us to force them to live in our societies, no different than training chimps to do tricks.
maggots are black?
Typical maggotskin. You probably think MILF is black too
The main difference between whites and blacks is that we universally condemn our criminals whereas you blacks put yours up on pedestals.
The two kids may be white racially, but they're black culturally, and they're doing their best to emulate black behavior.
Funny, isn't it?
>we universally condemn our criminals whereas you blacks put yours up on pedestals.
To be fair, we do tend to turn serial killers into celebrities