Why does everyone hate Tara?
Don't know much about the situation, I know she's 1/16th Jewish but that's barely anything.
Why does everyone hate Tara?
>I'm a 4th Generation Holocaust Survivor
female, vegan, I value my time
A lot of e-celebs are ticks sucking the message dry for money. She just repeats talking points and doesn't contribute anything original yet expects to be paid for it.
She's looking for her 15/16th shekel
It's kinda seems like she's fishing for her good goy points or sheckles.
But is that really that bad to hate her for?
she's a jew. that's it. its over.
Only leftist / progressives attack her.
They're trying to get women out of the alt-right because women legitimize the movement.
Was she the one who was crying about the alt right being mean to women?
she is fucking boring and puts me to sleep with her monotonous voice
Shes fine. She is just one of the targets of the Share Blue Jews so lame threads will pop up that range from highly negative to subtly negative like this one.
It's the same old pattern over and over again:
>Men create movement
>Woman sees movement and feels the need to join it (since their entire world view is based on confirmation bias - following the herd)
>Woman repeats talking points
>gets attention from men who want to marry her (because that's how men work)
>attention goes to her head
>she starts to think she's some sort of intellectual leader
>starts telling the men what to do
>the rebellious ones resent her for it
>the beta soyboys continue to follow her
What you are witnessing is the resentment from the men smart enough to learn nothing new from Tara - who recognize the only reason she gets any attention at all (rather than posting anonymously like the rest of us) is because she's a woman.
According to Roosh, she's a Feminist in disguise fooling men into thinking she is trad.
I actually like her accent.
Styx was afraid to come on her show yesterday because he knew Greg Johnson would destroy him once again.
because she's a shekel hungry whore
i like Tara, she is white in my book. nazbol faggots BTFO
>gray hair
Wisdom comes with age eh
>Wisdom comes with age eh
You damn right it does.
Well she did go on that feminist rant on Twitter
People who try to make money off of our current political crisis are going to hell. They know what they are doing. FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU FUCKED IN ON.
How do you feel about quarter jews?
Wtf I love feminist Jews
>Well she did go on that feminist rant on Twitter
Yep I saw that.
>huge jew
>used to be a left-wing marxist vegan who jumped aboard the alt-right beta train for betabux
what's to like?
I guess she only gets 1/16th of the Zyklon then
THIS. Once we get the women we're on our way to victory.
She's a dumb bitch. No original thoughts, and her lethargic speech makes me want to force feed her cocaine. Worst of all I often see her fall back on excuses whenever someone calls out her ignorance on a topic. Oh yeah, recently she has been retweeting bullshit Holocaust revisionist crap to appease her mindless fanbase after they threatened to stop their donations due to her ancestry's sufferings in the Holocaust. It's fascinating that she's so quick to betray her anncestors while promoting white nationalism because of 'muh ancestors' or some bullshit.
White nationalism? In her case white supremacy is more appropriate. She has an obvious complex where she denigrates non white cultures and ethnicities constantly. She actually wrote that Japanese people are less civilised because they can't stop jerking off to hentai on trains. What the fuck is that based on?
Fucking retarded purity signalling again. Even according to the Nuremberg laws she would have passed as a non-jew.
In Nazi Germany you only were a jew if you were 3/4th Jewish or 1/2 + follower of Judaism.
This shit calling out people is intended to cripple the Alt Right. Every single public person with a following that is part of the Alt Right is constantly being attacked here for being a jew, gay or some other kind of degenerate.
The goal is to make you all give up by making you believe that everything is a psyop controlled by the CIA or Mossad.
That's the face of a frog who has some stories m8
shes a fake.
her whole rambling diatribe was some weird form of I cant be racist, I have nigger family members + holocaust. to appeal to normies. unfortuntely she cross the line so far she proved her fakeness. gbye. Sage.
Awww poor weeb got triggered by an alt right qt
I'm not interested arguing with someone from the race of the Antichrist. Go back to sucking the blood of some Palestinians child.
I'm letting white people know what you people are up to here.
controlled opposition kike
>all of these incels expecting women to keep their emotions in check and respond appropriately to adversity
The biggest problem with the anti-thot crowd is they treat women the same way feminism tries to frame them: as an inferior man. Once you realize that a woman is not a man, and should not be handled in the same way a man would be, then you can actually start to approach women in a sucessful manner. My grandfather used to tell me: Treat your wife like the most important child in your home.
Should the thots be in leadership positions? No. Should you look to them to consistency or moral guidence? No. This is true of all women. But, the thots are still useful. A moderately attractive woman like Tara, when handled appropriately, can reach audiences that traditional right wing figures will never have access to. Although JWOKE alt-lite autists like Fuentes get 500 views on a good night, the tradthots regularly get 50,000 for poorly produced videos that just restate alt-right talking points last year. This is useful because once young men are exposed to our rhetoric, they inevitably begin moving father right and eventually get bored of the tradthots.
Look for Spencer's casual, Socratic, put-down of Lauren Southern after she countersignaled America's status as a white nation for a model on how to sucessfully point tradthots in the right direction. Did he sperg out about how whores were ruining the movement? No. He just asked her questions until the flaws in her logic were apparent, after which she backed down and made nice. Spencer, a handsome, wealthy, intelligent, man, conveyed power during the conversation. Women follow power more than anything else. Complaining about tradthots because they said stupid shit or were degenerates only appears weak, especially if it is coming from a low status (read: sexually undesirable) man. You don't have to marry them or take your marching orders from them, you just have to let them help you as you provide guidence along the way.
And Roosh is a fucking degenerate sand nigger infiltrating white countries solely for white pussy, benefiting from the very kike degeneracy he claims to rail against.
Your point, nigger?
>That's the face of a frog who has some stories m8
The frog that will pass on a legacy to future tadpoles.
Started out well but has been acting holier than thou and showing she doesn't seem to actually care, or reverting to old behavior. Either way she's a nonfactor and hardly gets any attention, especially for a female jewtuber
The 4th gen holohoax survivor shit was especially stupid and I don't know how the whole stream didn't burst out laughint
She tells america who to let in and who to kick out.
Shes not even american
In fact shes trying to get legal status by marrying a US citizen
Shes such a fucking hypocrite cunt i hate this bitch.
>Your point, nigger?
Ok.... a simple "I don't agree with Roosh's opinions on Tara McCarthy" would have been sufficient.
Tarasita did nothing wrong.
It's really obvious why she only films herself from certain angles now.
I mean, if she's 3/16 nonwhite, we can have a conversation about that (although if one buys into the whole 'aryan' thing, wouldn't Indian admixture be less damaging than black?)
But I don't blame her for changing her mind from being a vegan childfree. I myself was a Bernie Bro back in 2016.
We don't all jump out of PreSchool in an SS uniform.
Actually, that "sand nigger" you are calling Roosh has a point on phony "trad" women.
^This. This was Tara's views shortly becoming so called "Trad"
100% Thot.
If you want an Alt-Right Waifu go watch Rational Black Pill, at least she seems to have her own opinions.
Right wing virtue signalers are just as bad as left wing ones. Your views stand up to scrutiny or they don't.
Or maybe you can't tell the difference between legit beliefs and fake ones when tits are involved?
>Actually, that "sand nigger" you are calling Roosh has a point on phony "trad" women.
The sand nigger I'm calling Roosh has also posted on his ROK site in the past, asking why he should care about white civilization since he'll never be considered white.
His whole shitty e-business also completely relies upon the kike degeneracy of mudfucks and baboons like himself being able to travel the world and have easy access to white women, helping to infect those countries with the very Jew-promoted emptiness he claims to be against.
So it's just funny, and a bit suspect to me, to see this guy going out of his way to stage a one-man jihad against the very idea of his most coveted fantasy suddenly speaking out in favor of ethnonationalism and traditionalism.
I mean, it's not like a mudblood with a fetish for defiling European women would have anything to lose from a return to hard nationalism and tradition, right?
Not white, 1/8 is where you start being white again.
>Why does everyone hate Tara?
We get it, Roosh isn't invited to the ethnostate. That doesn't mean he's wrong about women, because he's not.
Rational Black Pill doesn't even believe in the fourteen words, she doesn't want to have kids or fight. She's demoralization (organic, I think, but the effect is all the same).
Literally who? On second thought don't tell me.
>something bad might happen in my childs life
>so it's better to not have one at all
Women "logic".......
She might as well just kill herself now because something bad might happen to her in the future.
yeah a le 56% from bongistan
Her boyfriend is a soyboy. No kidding!
First good post in the thread.
Some of you guys here claim to understand social dynamics and hierarchy but really you don't. Everything becomes much easier when you realize that women, especially young, childless women, never quite grew up. They don't mature with age and experience the same way as men do. A 26-year-old woman is effectively just like she was five years ago. Tara acts with entitlement and tantrums because she's really just as lost in life as any childless broad.
Shut-in incel KHV NEETs
I love your women.
t.Italian Stallion in Jersey that dated one
it's binary
you either have the damaged genes or you don't
Fuck that's retarded
she has at least 10% indian dna, therefore a poo not white
Jesus christ all of you guys take women's opinions way too seriously. Appear powerful so she wants to fuck you and then be a good lay and she will begin to adopt your political views in an attempt to make herself appear to be marriage material. Seriously, it's that easy.
> in med school
> go on date with very attractive female classmate who has outspoken SJW views - tranny bathroom tier shit
> on our first date i literally say that the country was better when it was 95% white, that I want to deport all immigrants without due process, and that doctors who give kids tranny surgery/hormones should be hung for child abuse
> she feigns offence but doesn't leave
> we argue for most of the date
> she invites me to her place afterwards
> fuck her brains out
> she babbles on about her relationship history - the usual carosel of DC and San Francisco bugmen
> mentions something about sexual liberation and how important it is to grafitti clitoris everywhere
> tell her that's degenerate and people who do it should have rocks on them
> she says that a lot of people don't know about the clitoris in that I'm the first person who has ever made her cum
> now she constantly stops me in the hallway to mention about how she's started going to church and left her partying lifestyle behind
> mfw I will never call her back because I'm too busy courting an 18-year-old tennis instructor I met at my local Orthodox church
* rocks thrown at them
fuck I'm tired
I'm 1/16th black, but I am still White. Stop shilling ricecuck
Because women like her are ultimately harmful to the movement. These people do not bring in people into the movement. They bring in men who will fall into their cult of personality.
>A 26-year-old woman is effectively just like she was five years ago
This is an excellent point. Tbh faggots who obsess over tradtrots do so 100% because they are incels. Anyone who suggests otherwise should provide proof immiidately that they have a wife or gf.
This goy gets it
Exactly lol. The only people who like Roosh are degenerate nihilists who have a bitter hatred of women. Modern white women are deeply flawed but the solution is to improve them not encourage their behaviours even more and then complain about societal breakdown and whoredom.
Roosh is a nigger.
Ugly kike poo in loo
all these girls aren't trad but I don't care - lucky for them "being trad" or even falsely appearing as "trad" isn't nearly enough to defeat modernity... like flicking a penny at a battleship
>mfw encountering supposedly red-pill white men who let a bitter Persian wookie convince them to shun white women whose visibility and mass appeal could do wonders for the right in the coming years
>The only people who like Roosh are degenerate nihilists
This. The Persian may occasionally have some good takes about women, but he truly doesn't care about anything beyond expanding his brand.
It's like the difference between the ironybros and Sam Hyde, although their two styles are superficially similar. The ironybros are just in it for a laugh. They don't care about anything and will attack anything that can be attacked. But you can tell that Sam's humor is motivated by a desire to actually make the world better. He genuinly wants things to improve - why else would he have kept fighting for 10 years.
But is he wrong? You don't have to invite him into your country to actually listen to what he is saying.
It doesn't matter whether I hate someone or not, a good point is a good point.
>But is he wrong?
He's right for the wrong reasons. He may point out perfectly valid criticism of Tara McCarthy, but he doesn't actually want things to improve in white societies (being a nihilist) so he will never make tactical decisions. Sometimes being "right" about a person just isn't important. Do you friends have flaws? If they do, you probably don't roast them all the time with very personal attacks.
When criticising someone publicly, rather than asking yourself "Am I right or wrong?" ask yourself "Am I helping the movement or hurting it?" Attacking the tradthots, who despite their flaws are very useful, is not helpful. It's especially unhelpful from even people who don't care about the fate of the movement and people whom the tradthots should have reasonably been able to count on for loyalty in a tough time (i.e. people they had worked with and helped out in the past). Fuentes was a faggot, despite correctly pointing out that McCarthy was a degenerate, because he backstabbed her after she helped him in so may different ways. Loyalty is a critical virtue in right wing movements.
He's not wrong about the general nature of women, but he's being disingenuous about the obvious good that having young, attractive (or at least pleasant-looking) women as mouthpieces can do for a movement. It brings in the normies and convinces them that maybe a movement is worth listening to, since society places so much value on the public approval of women.
And the reason for this is that white women turning toward tradition and ethnonationalism kills his brand and leaves him out in the cold.
She has Indian and Jewish ancestry and it shows. The fact that someone (mostly American mutts and thirsty betas) will defend her shitskin ass just shows that the entire "movement" is filled with people who can't be honest.
Tara does not look like a white person, she has a headshape that is completely foreign to Europe. She should be kicked out of the movement, and preferably move her disgusting face to Israel or India.
Says she'll leave the movement if people aren't nicer to her. How can I respect someone who's asking to be treated with kid gloves?
Those are some large air intakes...
> respecting women to begin with
Just read this post . I guarentee that you are offended by Tara because you are unsucessful with women due to your lack of understanding of their true nature.
Literally (((who)))?
>Ugly cunt begging for attention
I wonder why I hate her...
Is this kike bitch connected to that NazBol Kali?
That's Anthony Wiener in drag, right ?
Also this
I barely ever watched her content. I just know other people I watched interacted with her and I watched her reaction to "Thotgate". You can keep your analysis to yourself.
You know, there was a time when we had people who were highly visible, who were bringing lots of people into the movement. They didn't line up enough overall, but it was thought that they could be tolerated. That the good they did outweighed the bad. They were useful.
We now call them the Alt Lite. People like Milo and Cernovich, who used the movement to raise their own brands, and then not just cast it off as soon as it became inconvenient for them, but attacked it and further demonized it.
Thats what is happening now. Many of these women, like Tara, who have the lined interest in the immigration debate, but will never truly line up because one of the things that must be done eventually goes directly against their self interest, and that is ending what the old feminist movements achieved. These women who claim to be trad, but don't really want to give up the rights they enjoy thanks to feminism that are ultimately very anti-male at their core, as was intended by the (((originators))) of the movement.
And these women are even more dangerous than Milo or Cernovich because thirsty men, beta orbiters and the types that literally throw their money at these women become far too attached to them, and because of the way the male brain works, when these women react in the way they did, you have people who will blindly defend them, even in the wrong.
I'm not saying we need to run to every women and just bully them off the internet. I know that won't work. But using these women as figureheads is a horrible idea. That will cause far more damage to the movement down the road the longer this goes.
tl;dr: Women are welcome in the movement but they need to stay out of site.
she's literally a nazi. i do not like nazis.
Shes a Poo in Jew
She's a German in an ethnic-German worker's party in the 1930s?