Remember NOT to cum inside Hisu!
Shingeki No Kyojin
Leave humanity to me.
Terrible advice. Also a reminder that snk works much better as an anime since this is nothing more than a mindless action flick with unlikeable characters and shitty plot but an interesting premise.
>action flick
I wish. There's barely any action even in the manga. Shit is all exposition and world-building 98% of the time
>Stop cumming inside Hisu.
I have been reading the manga keeping pace with the anime and I can't really enjoy it. The story was never strong enough to carry this thing and the anime is pretty good in movement, some shitty stills don't bother me since this is seasonal trash.
I think titans as enemies is great and the mysteries were genuinely intriguing.
The answers to the mysteries are fucking retarded though. And the whole "Ymir's souls split into 9 beings" was really uncreative. The coordinate bypasses time and space, Armin doesn't die from falling 10 billion feet in the air, licking spinal fluid shit turns you into a giant, yeah it's really dumb.
I still enjoy some of SnK's moments, and I do think Isayama had some good ideas. But overall yeah it's pretty shit. That's why I WANT it to be just an action flick now. I just want more titan wrestling
Endgame right here, brothers.
What was going through his mind during this scene?
How did this scene make you feel?
Ymir is 100% female and there's nothing you can say otherwise!
I wonder if Jean got a vouyerism fetish from this.
I'm dying here waiting for the nips to post pics of BR and YH's routes
SnK is basically how to take a cool premise and ruin it: the manga.
>Mountain-like questions!
Is she mocking the midget or talking about his dick?
Same. I think there is definitely one nip that will post pics, since she was impatient and wanted to get their route already.
Next episode is gonna be 10/10 right?
There will be no stills, there will be no filler, the pacing will be great, not much censorship, fluid animation right?
She is talking about touching Eren that´s why he is so angry
you now want to rewatch this
>Mankasas face
Eren is too innocent for that shit
>that hand
He fap too much thinking in Historia
For which route?
poor Bert, he died as he lived - crying and sweating
I need to breed Historia
>Eren once again whiteknighting
He can't stand bullies
Mikasa just wants Eren to fuck her already.
all of BRA has died as virgins, just let that sink in
>Implying evil dictator Armin wouldn´t breed Annie to have titan kids and marry Hisu to rule Paradis
Reiner still has time to fuck Gabi.
It's very unlikely that Annie will die virgin.
Titan Eren will OnePunchMan all Reiner´s group.
It's a shame that you're forced to play Manlet or Mikasa routes before getting to the good ones.
>Annie wakes up
>her mind is all messed up
>she lost much of memories
>acts like an imouto to Eren
>Eren and Annie train together
>Eren and Annie recruit Reiner
>They do wrestling moves on their enemies
Fug, I really hope they post pics
It seems like you generally have to play them one by one. In that post the nip posted a pic and apparently at that moment she only got LAME so far.
Will Connie ever turn into an actual character?
but it's all gonna be in CGI
you mean they didn't participate in orgies during their warrior training?
even if warriors did have orgies, BRA surely didn't participate - Annie is an autist, Bert likes Annie and spent too much time sweating and crying to stick it in, and Reiner seems like that guy who always brags about shagging girls, but in reality has never even seen a vagina
besides, imagine fucking Annie, breaking her hymen and suddenly she transforms and crushes you
BRM most definitely all fucked Annie at some point.
"Ha, gay!"
Reiner was an alpha male so he probably destroyed many teenage wombs.
>S-she totally liked me guys, Krista wants my benis I swear
>we want the Otome audience
>Not each other
You don't know shit about warrior brotherhood, do you?
2 tents
Isayama said that girls and boys pretty much avoided each other during training camp. I guess that's why Hannah and Franz stood out.
>imagine fucking Annie, breaking her hymen and suddenly she transforms and crushes you
Well, that IS a boner material.
Fucking Ymir ruined everything. Marcel would have lived and BRAM would have been victorious if not for her.
How hard do my workouts have to be to get a belly like this?
Not really, it's not like they lost because of lack of manpower. They went full retard and didn't coordinate.
Why is she wet?
>Jean blushing
Mikasa cucked.
Almost everyone in this series has an 8 pack, it's unrealistic, this isn't dbz
Extreme. That's the result of years of core training.
That wouldn't have happened if Marcel lived. We know that Reiner was just imitating him when he tried to be the leader.
People with 8 packs:
Armin (?)
Especially considering that all they eat is bread and vegetables. Even fucking Armin has a 8 pack.
EM : nearly 3000 entries on pixiv, dumblr fanbase usually love it, a lots of nips love it,"main couple" of this manga (but much less popular than EL fujoshit in nipland and dumblr)
AM : nearly 160 entries on pixiv, a lot of people find this cute on dumblr, not very popular in nipland
EH : nearly 280 entries (with Erekuri tag) on pixiv, very unpopular on Dumblr, unpopular in nipland but nips find it cute
Yumikuri : nearly 4660 entries on pixiv, very popular on Dumblr, very popular in nipland, almost everyone find it cute (especially the nips), almost the only canon couple in this manga
the colossal nuke ability is quite cool, I wonder if Erens coordinate means he can set of wallcolossals as nukes as well
>Bert got some
Believability: lost
Good taste nipland
Why do people even "SHIP" in a series like this? I guess characters say they want to marry Historia but other than that there really is no romance. It's all gay headcanon bullshit by overweight legbeards.
They're just friends, families, comrades. Not lovers.
Bert should have won.
Post LH cunt.
Bert was OP. Seriously, being able to use 3DMG AND be the colossal titan was too much. They had to give Armin a bullshit fake death just to beat him.
Post top ten ships pls
Actually there is a little bit romance between Ymir and Historia but it remains in the background.
The art ruins the cartoon. The character's expressions are much weaker in it.
Armong sucks at both. I'll never understand why nobody brought up how dumb it was giving the CT to their weakest soldier.
>giving the strategist a bird's eye view of the battlefield
Shit on Armong all you want but don't pretend their aren't advantages to him being the CT.
More like they had to give him the CT, because giving him a powerful titan like that was the only way to make him a useful soldier in battle.
This. Fuck Reiner for ruining the plan.
If only Bert didn't have to save Reiners sorry ass, then he could have nuked all the scouts legion when he came out of the barrel.
Fuck Reiner, he got Bert killed.
It was Levi's fault. Levi just wanted to kill Erwin. He couldn't do it directly so he waited for his chance to stab Erwin in the back.
I doubt the next episode will cover any of the good scenes. It'll mostly just be Eren fighting Reiner.
No, not the reason why he was CT. I'm just saying how Bert was OP.
This guy can do the smoke thing which makes him invincible against the soldiers. He's physically the largest and strongest. And Bert can swing around and just drop on people. He was GOD tier. Everyone else were just scrubs compared to him. Bertholt is in his own way an alpha male just like Reiner (when it comes to strength at least)
Except Erwin was a better strategist on top of being an actually experienced combatant.
Isayama-sensei will make the unpopular possible.
By that you mean flashbacks, Hanji failing to kill Colossal, more flashbacks, then two titans hugging on the floor for 5 minutes
Fuck off
>alpha male
Nah, he was too much of a pussy.
Erwin was also really tired of fighting.
Are people really still mad about this? If you actually thought it was gonna be Erwin over Armin you have no idea how narrative works.
This, even the manlet has more expressions in the manga and Mikasa doesn´t look like a princess.
Isayama made all the warriors go full retard because that was the only way the SL could win.
Endgame right here
Too late, dyke.
That was an ordeal
can someone post japanese kanji for escape from certain death
Why didn't Reiner just roar right away? All the people they wanted to get were already there swarming in on him from the start, why even bother fighting with Eren? He took a big risk for nothing
Try saying that to his face. He's 8 feet tall and is a soldier. No one on Sup Forums can fuck with Bertholt. He probably has an eight pack just like Reiner, Eren, Mikasa, Levi and Zeke. Bert is in his own way, alpha as fuck.
進撃の巨人 死地からの脱出
I don't know the kanji, but here is the katakana
Plot convenience. The only way to make the SL win was to turn Reiner into a bumbling retard.
But that means "shit"
>incest headcanon
Mikasa loves him as a family member. I can't believe some people still don't see what the point of her backstory was. Eren also loves her as his sister. Eren is likely going to impregnate Annie, Historia or any other blonde instead.
>muh popularity
EMfags and YHfags sure are insecure if they're this threatened by "unpopular" pairings.