When venezuela collapses who will accept the millions of refugees?
i think that america should take them.
europe has already accepted millions of refugees that only exist because of wars that america started.
why do you make this thread over and over again?
>the absolute state of samefag shills
neck yourself
also sage
You keep making this thread over and over. You samefag every time. Kill yourself. We don't want your ugly brown commies.
Im hoping we can invade and annex
unironically and shitposting aside America should take them
they could use some Venezuelans to try to whiten their mutt population a little bit
I'll take her in
Nobody will have to leave. They'll stay and rebuild their country. USA might send some food aid but that's about all they'll require.
Fuck off they're ours.
Seems about right. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out that the US had a hand in this as well.
no, canada gets the haitians Trudeau loves them
My girlfriend is a Venezuelan QT, she graduated and lived in NY and Atlanta for 10 years, she's the most intelligent and reasonable partner I've ever had. She's not a fan of third wave feminism which is a huge bonus.
I don't know the quality of the average Venezuelan citizen but if they're all like her, they're absolutely not comparable to the current shit-tier refugees threathening our culture and sovereignty.
no one.
t. Colgate shill
I've been talking to a 19 year old girl who lives with her unemployed alcoholic parents and is desperate. Her English is so-so but I took Spanish in both high school and college so it's fine. The main problem is the legalities. We've discussed marriage but that's a big commitment.
A gay acquaintance imported an aspie Venezuelan dude and they seem happy.
Samefaging faggot off urself
Haiti, maybe they can turn that shit hole around
If I am understanding your question right, mainly hell but heaven as well.
>implying anyone will have the chance before Trudeau gets to them
Who the fuck do you think?
Thoughts guys?
The Caribbean's deep soothing abyss
I'm not sure if that's a man or a woman, but I'd probably let them suck my dick regardless
They'll stay in South Florida, which is a third-world containment center anyway.
I don't know what 't.Colgate' is, but I'm not shilling shit. In fact, one of my greatest fear is that the kike's control over world assets and goverments is already too great to reverse.
I am merely pointing out that importing Latins is very different from allowing in millions of niggers and sandniggers, they come from a different culture with different values.
I'm not advocating refugee immigration at all, I wouldn't take anyone in if I were the big boss.
Don't take people from shitholes US.
It's going to blow up and end in flames because your relationship was constructed artificially - not naturally, not organically. Whatever you do, just don't bring any more broken children in the world. There are far too many already.
Watching what Europe is doing to itself is the #1 reason why I plan to vote mostly Republican for the foreseable future. Your human rights might be gone in 100-200 years.
- marry her
- have kid, she really wants it
- sign divorce papers
- listen to judge enslaving you to her for all your remaining life
- kill yourself
Syria. They can use the women as sex slaves and kill the rest if they choose and they will.
Fucking hell, this is embarassing.
samefagging this hard
i love you
why is it whenever some shithole implodes its always on the white man to tend to their ruins and take in all the trash?
You should send them to Haiti, since that country definitely isn't a shithole.
The Vatican
No one I hope. Send the message that the West will no longer be there to save you when you ruin your country. Remind me, how many years did they have living off their oil reserves to build a functioning society? It's the equivalent of a trust fund baby running out of money at 22 after snorting cocaine every day for years.
Not fair trade. Europe should give muzzie pedophiles to america and take latin women.
Why are you talking to yourself? Are you schizophrenic?
Latina women is best wife tier , just dont let her to spoil your kids
Force Israel to take them
No you should take them Eurocuck. We don't want them. They are communist. I literally can't wait until all of your Eurocountry is run over with Mexicans from Venezuela
communists are in charge, the “collapse”would actually be an improvement. no refugees
you guys are such naive idiots lmao. grass is greener is so dam accurate.
I don't think if this is right but last I remember the US has a wet feet policy for all communist regime refugees right? I know they got rid of the cuban one which is odd but doesn't the same still apply for all refugees escaping political persecution ?
in other words venezuelans can legally come here if they're being prosecuted politcally
Me! not you, not you. not you and not you!
>Your human rights might be gone in 100-200 years.
More like 10-20.
anyone from a post communist country will be a strong line of defense against neo marxism. not to mention that a catholic people would be great against the relgion of cuck.
Most probably Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, and Chile.
Most of the time crisis like these happen in Latin America other Latin American countries take the burden, like peronism and the recent emigration of argentinnes to Mexico and Chile, or the Chilean dispora during Pinochet.
Another example would be how when Colombia was dealing with Escobar tons ran to Venezuela.
Fucking samefags
But I think we should reward America by giving them salsa milkers
the us did not bomb libya to hell , that was the eu.
Most of the refugees are also not from syria but even then the us did not bombed syria , neither israel.
A bombing every 3 months is not a civl war.
The eu created the refugee problem.
Relationships were constructed artificially through the good part of human history. It's only now that with the "organic" approach to marriage that we have a record number of divorces and infidelity.
Lol let them fight for their countries. their ancestors did it so why can't they?
they'd already fit right in since everyone is a mutt
let em rip
The ocean has plenty of space
Fuck off, we're full
Yet ypu let your government do all of these thigns and mount to concerted opposition. There is a reason the goveenment runs your life without representing your interestd. You want it to
I, for one, welcome any Venezuelan qts
stop hans seriously , stop thinking , we in south murica are already doing that don´t you steal our anticommie venezuelans.
Colombia is fucked tough they are going to get the commies that can´t get 20 usd to buy a bus ticket.
send them to israel
>millions of Venezuelans that hate gommunism and socialism
Marx was born in Germany so send them there
Where did you find said anti commie qt? A women that has a visceral hatred of socialism, for logical reasons or not, is very attractive to me. I haven't been really following the Venezuelan collapse, are the Venezuelans actually aware, and blaming socialism for the destruction of their country? or are you fgts just projecting?
I wouldn't mind a couple of hot Venezuelan housemaids.
Only if they look like Veronica Rodriguez
t. lost his job to a venezuelan
i only hire venezuelans now
best workers ever
[citation needed]
Anywhere but here.
The white niggers need to go home, seriously 99% of them are fucking worthless.
who would want to fuck this guy?
let this gay nigger starve in his socialistic shithole
>people thinking they're getting qt Venezuelans
I'll let you have your fantasy
to be this fucking new.
meme flag. not even once.
the ocean floor has plenty of space
>When a failed socialist state collapses will we take in millions of socialist
>6 months later
wtf these assholes unionized and now i'm broke
We have enough spics thanks!
This is a lie, those morons are so brainwashed they want "other" socialists to fix current socialist utopia. Most non socialist venezuelans already left