Religion is nothing but a fear of death

Religion is nothing but a fear of death.

You are going to die one day and after you die, you will cease to exist.

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Look up eternal return. There's no reason this universe won't recur given an eternity.

There’s no point really looking that up, when you die, you’re dead. Humans aren’t special snowflakes. We are like every other living being on earth. We live and die.


Furthermore I'd say that if you don't understand eternity you're pretty much a nigger. You know a nigger doesn't know the difference between a million, a billion and a trillion.

And you don’t understand the difference between life and death. When you’re dead, you’re dead.

People think anything can happen and people are wrong. There's a finite amount of things that can happen and everything that happens now we know for certain can happen.

You have to be pants-on-head retarded to think that given an eternity an event will happen only once and not infinitely.

when you die there is nothing

Prove it.

You are delusional. You are holding onto a dream that you are worth something and you will continue to exist after your death. You must have a hugely inflated opinion of yourself and/or other human beings

Nothing special about me or human beings. Every single event will recur.

I don’t have to. When your dead, you’re dead.

So do you believe worms will get an afterlife?

I didn't say anything about an afterlife. Everything will repeat exactly with no difference.


Oh, you are a retard who just says things. Gotcha.

I do t deny that things can repeat. I am just saying that when you die, you will no longer be a conscious being. You will die. That will be the end. Like sleeping, except you’ll never wake up

Religion is mind control.

Oh hey Jesus!

Non-existence is nothing like sleeping. You can't even win at being a diehard atheist.

But your legacy will live on!

I agree. It’s mind control through fear of death. If you do this or that then you’ll get this of that when you die. You’ll get fuck all. You will die and that’s just the end. No fantasy living in heaven or hell or reincarnation. They do not exist. They are fantasies to help you deal with the fact death occurs.

Ok. Enjoy your delusional life.

You haven't even understood anything I've said. I'm not religious and I don't believe in an afterlife.

Ok, I’m game. Explain it to me, I’m open to this

It's called eschatology and all the religions admit it. Religion is also about explaining the existence of noumena, as human can only grasp phenomena which he can define, this doesn't mean that there aren't things man cannot define - noumena, as called by Kant.

"Other planes lie beyond the reach of common sense or normal words, but they are no less real than what we see, or touch, or feel" - Varg Vikernes

Death is just the back cover of your book, user. There's nothing to fear. You're a 4 dimensional entity who experiences himself in 3 dimensional cross sections. You shouldn't fear death any more than you fear the ends of your toes or the tips of your fingers. It's just another boundary. It makes you a finite creature in a temporal sense, just like you're finite in a physical sense.

I like that. It makes life sound sweet.

Your consciousness remains in the void, no way to prove it except through testimony. When you die your soul may cease to exist but you are forever. There's no getting off this ride Mr Bones, there is no end.

I'm very drunk but I'll try.

First we assume things will continue to exist eternally. Whatever circumstances caused our universe can happen again after our universe dies. I think this makes much more sense than all of existence just being our universe for a limited time.

We're certain that our universe, everything we know exactly as it is, is possible. If universes will be born eternally then an infinite amount of universes will be born.

I think that there is not an infinite amount of possible universes. I think that there is a finite (but extremely large) amount of possible universes that will recur an infinite amount of times.

After we die we will live the exact same life we are living now, forever.

I was declared dead in a car crash. Resusitated at hospital. Took 13 hours to puy me back together. Christians are wrong, but so are you.

the death will kill the ego, because it's wired into the brain. without ego there is no death, only a body shutting down and recycled by nature.
Sup Forumsfags will never understand, because they are identified with their ego to the core. they aren't intelligent (conscious) enough to figure out that they can't control their thoughts.

>Religion is nothing but a fear of death.

"Honor thy mother and father."

Yep, that has fear of death written all over it.

Atheism is nothing but a fear of religion

what if I already died ?

the "I" only exists in your brain. it's programmed by society, internet, family, school etc.
when the body dies, the brain shuts down and your ego is gone. your ego can't exist without a brain, so tell me what do you think will happen after death?

What if there is something worse than nothing?

we get shuffled to a nearby reality.

If you're still alive you obviously haven't died

By the way prepare for me to get a nobel prize just to prove your statement wrong.

If that's the case, why did the crusades happen?
If they all feared death.
Flawed logic

so your ego-program gets transfered into a different brain? do you really believe that.
if you consciousness goes into another human being in a different universe, how do you know that you still are "you"? your ego will not be inside the new human brain and therefore you wont remember.

>yfw you think people who are religious are more afraid of death.

Im religious yet I'm not scared of death. Op not everyone has your childhood fear.

It is the same brain just different parts are 1 and other parts that where 1 are 0
If you are of sober-mind you can witness the transfer itself.
Do you know anything about bearenstein vs bearenstain ?
Or Bond 1 ?

Describe your experience

>After we die we will live the exact same life we are living now, forever.
oh god please no

you can have more than one orange in a bag.

t. faggot that will reincarnate as a dog in china

Of course people who are religious are less afraid of death. Think about it. Have you ever met an atheist who's willing to give their life to their country?

when you finally die of old age you see the tunnel of light then pass through it and your a babby who is losing its memories.

no religion is not a fear of death, originally religion was based entirely on science and told us how to find the architect but none of you will understand any of the truth so I won't bother even trying to explain it to you unless someone asks

but the original one world religion came from the Atlanteans


ITT: 14 year old bongistani gets lost on his way to reddit and decides to share his enlightened wisdom

Jesus came to overcome death. As a Christian I know where my spirit will be at the moment after I die. Do you?


One of the final red pills that is actually a black pill, most refuse to swallow.

They need to do way instain mother>

>cus da jew free masons wrote it in dis here book
gas yourself you retarded hick

the rapture and tribulation happened thousands of years ago, This is Hell.

>Religion is nothing but a fear of death.
>people who believe in life after death are more afraid of death
Rationale of a 12yr old. Tip harder faggot.

I know what fear is: it's OP worried that someone else can get the answers from faith, whereas he hasn't any.

And OP leaves a troubling post in /pol, saying as much, never taking that step.

You don't have to, but others find solace. What's wrong with that?
How do you find peace? Do you just an hero?

It actually does, look more closely.

>Religion is fear of death
>Except religious people are more willing to lay down their lives for ideals and communities than coward secularists
Naruhodo, so the ones who aren't scared of death are the ones that would eat their own mother to survive at any cost and the ones who are scared of death are the ones most willing to die for a cause.

actually it just began but it has nothing to do with Cuckstiainty it is an ancient science that determines this that takes a long time and a lot of effort to understand which leaves out 99% of the fools here

>923 and 33 are the two most important numbers in free masonry
>Illuminati founded in 1776
>United States founded in 1776
>1776 is used to calculate 923 in free masonry look up what this means yourself
>The last eclipse like the one we just had was in 1776
>9/23 is 33 days after the eclipse
>The next one is 7 years away
>Tribulations in the book of revelations last 7 years
>Revelations written by the free masons
>Revelations is not prophesy it is an eyewitness account of the celestial event that caused the floods in the bible and Epic Of Gilgamesh - The Black Sun
>The pyramids mark this exact date not just the Egyptian ones but all over the world including Antarctica
>Free masons built the pyramids
>Israel founded in 1917 because of the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely for 9/23
>Mayan calendar ended in 2012
>Polar shift in 2012
>Antarctica is Atlantis home of this knowledge and technology which they are desperately trying to cover up

>implying implications

But 'we' wouldn't live it right? Like someone like us but not exactly us. Like watching the same movie over and over with different actors.

I know, but it goes even deeper than that.

>Israel founded in 1917 because of the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely for 9/23

kek. why do you need prophecies when you have to fullfil them on your own? sounds more like an instruction and sort of an ideology.

>After we die we will live the exact same life we are living now, forever.
No, someone else like you in a reproduced universe lives a life like yours and you both die at the end and there is nothing else, but even if you did get reincarnated over and over, you would only experience one life and it will always end in death and nothing else.

I agree with that potential. So I will choose to belief as I have nothing to lose from it if you're right, but if I'm right you're fucked heathen.


everything in this reality is math, if you m,aster the numbers you master everything. Don't worry if you don't understand you will have indite chances to get it right

Well of course but they don't even understand this why go any further

Nothing is perfect.
If we call the the greatest most perfect force in the universe God, then nothing is still greater and more perfect than god.

i dont fear death . i will simply end up in the white room again. then i will make adjustments and make you all pay as i have in the past. nigs will be to dumb to survive by the middle ages and whites will be scared of their shadows and the middle east will be to dry to support life. i know what your saying its a desert. well its got shrubs and they wont have livestock without them shrubs and poos will fucking wash their god damned asses for fuck sake

it is not prophecy it is math and science and an understanding of how this reality really works, look into the ICHING, this is not easy to exp-lain in way you will understand

yeah I am not going to waste my breathe with people that refuse to believe the very simple fact of even if they themselves don't believe these other people do and are acting on it to enslave people.

>why did the crusades happen?
The crusaders were led to believe they were trading their earthly lives for a guarantee of eternal heaven that allowed them to transcend death.

Tru dat...

The heaviest weight. - What if some day or night a demon were to steal into your loneliest loneliness and say to you : 'This life as you now live it and have lived it you will have to live once again and innumerable times again; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unspeakably small or great in your life must return to you, all in the same succession and sequence - even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned over again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!' Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god, and never have I heard anything more divine. ' If this thought gained power over you, as you are it would transform and possibly crush you; the question in each and every thing, 'Do you want this again and innumerable times again?' would lie on your actions as the heaviest weight! Or how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to long for no thing more fervently than for this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal?

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, translated by Josefine Nauckhoff

nice good stuff

are you the user from the ufo thread?

maybe maybe not?

kek, it is easy to spot each other I guess

>life after death
They don't really believe in death if they don't believe its the end of life because they are afraid of even admitting life comes to an end, so they choose to live in denial instead of coming to terms with that level of fear.

I barely understand any of this myself I just copy pasta that info off bodhi's comment on the revelations stuff kek

>get the answers from faith
You can get answers from superman too, that doesn't make the answers demonstrable or reality based.

>i doubt that God is into while you can...sips cognac.

A large part of religion is alleviating psychological anxieties, yes.

Religion says what happens after you die, religion says where the universe come from, religion says you have a father figure looking out for you in adulthood...

It was skillfully crafted to alleviate psychological anxieties that are part of the human condition.

It's totally not true at all, though, and I look down on people for believing in it.

There was this one Australian user I saw in a thread with Bodhi one time that had worked a lot of this math out by hand was really interesting was that you?

Kind of like how children who don't actually understand the realities of fire or poison are more likely to try to touch fire or drink poison.


You're retarded. Until you can explain the physics behind how the universe just appeared out of nothing, your conclusion is incorrect. It is far more likely that a creator, who exist in a space absent the existence of time, created a world with sentient beings that exist linearly with a beginning and end. In fact, our solar system does not operate infinitely and the sun will ultimately burn out billions of years from now. The universe is infinite, given that it constantly expands.

Your brain is just too small to consider abstract thoughts that can't be reduced to science, because scientific conclusions are based on our experience. You must be a nigger.

I'll disagree but it doesn't matter.

It's the same thing when you get down to it.

Cryonics and life extension are the only ways of attaining any sort of afterlife that have any chance of actually working.

>It's the same thing when you get down to it.
No one is logical based on observable phenomenon and the other is something you tell yourself without ever being able to demonstrate as a coping mechanism so you can live in denial of death to avoid confronting your fear of dying.