"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
ITT: God-tier advice
ITT: Posters you hate
>pseudointellectual faggots who post busts of greek niggers
>tradcucks and /sigfags/
if you wanna see "God Tier Advice" read The Bible
brainlets detected
In other words, you're a degenerate with no interest in anything of substance nor bettering yourself in any way
Tell me, OP, exactly what guidance does this quote offer for my future?
I'll just give myself advice, "don't be a dick."
>[backs out slowly]
Ancaps, anti-state libertarians and generally anarchists of all colors should have this saying tattooed on their forehead to remind them daily what happens to those who refuse to submit.
Become powerful.
I wouldn't say they need to submit, but spamming vapid platitudes like "property is theft" ain't gonna change shit.
Look up Dunbar's number
Don't be fat.
"Suck cock but don't be such a faggy faggot about it, you faggot"
- Immanuel Kant, Treatise on Transcendent Ethics (1782), p. 285, ยง44
It means that the winners get to decide what is right and what isn't and force all of the subservient masses to believe it.
Like the burnings of books in China and the LOLOcaust.
Pic related, also:
With Jews, you lose.
The quote was taken from the Melian dialogue which was held between the city-state of Melos and the Attic Republic.
Athens argued that Melos should submit to them. Melos argued that it wouldn't be right to do so and Athens replied to them that rights only exists for those with the power to enforce them. Soon after Athens razed their settlement, murdered their men and enslaved their women and children.
The quintessence is that the NAP has no binding power. The strong will murder you and take all that is yours without any repercussion. Strength is not with individuals but with the masses who submit to greater order to in order exert force over those who don't. The Libertarian dream of the small-scale state that wanted to live in peace and do its business was mercilessly crushed by the larger Republic of Athens through overwhelming military force.
$ == jewish invention
Well said.
He's not wrong, it is a landmark of our culture and literature. A Quintessential but of everything we are in the West.
since you don't want to think for yourself:
- being powerful lets you do whatever you want
- being weak have no control and (usually) suffer at the hands of the powerful
- discussion of what is 'right' is a bargaining mechanism for people not powerful enough to enact their own will
If you had to choose between strong, 'equal' and weak - the obvious answer is to be strong. SO the guidance of the quote is to become as strong as possible, unless you like squabbling for power or completely submitting to someone else's.
>t. euphoric cucks
That's a terrible translation.
>love your enemies
>turn the other cheek
>meek shall inherit the earth
>give your enemy your cloak
>be a fag cuck