Post anything that makes you proud of being white

Malaca Malaca
(Malaca, Malaca)

A guerra é a guerra
(War is war)

No céu e na terra
(In Heaven and on earth)

Nos dentes a faca
(Knives in our teeth)

Avanço avanço
(We advance, we advance)

A guerra é a guerra
(War is war)

No céu e na terra
(In Heaven and on earth)

Balanço balanço
(We swing, swing)

Cruzado cruzado
(Crusaders, crusaders)

A guerra é a guerra
(War is war)

No céu e na terra
(In Heaven and on earth)

O mais enfeitado
(The most decorated)

Largar largar
(Release, release)

O fogo no mar
(The fire of the sea)

Other urls found in this thread:

One day we will do it again.








leftists want this extinct

leftists and neocons want to nuke this




why would anyone be proud of skin color instead of personal accomplishments?

Why not both?

she and that coal baby would be out on the street so she could go be with her nigger.

No, you don't understand. She together with her husband wanted this, they have cuck fetish and he took the pictures. The woman holding the coal baby on the bottom right is her sister who doesn't understand this shit. Just look at her face.


Poor women he will be gone in 9 months

She is burning the coal, the bill must come soon enough...

Inb4 sheep niggers, we wuz elves n shiet

You can be proud of your culture and its accomplishments. That is tied to skin color.