You HYPOCRITES wouldn't oppose illegal immigration at all if those pouring across your border were German-Brazilian.
Don't say it's about "illegal immigration." It's about race.
You HYPOCRITES wouldn't oppose illegal immigration at all if those pouring across your border were German-Brazilian.
Don't say it's about "illegal immigration." It's about race.
Anti-race ist is a code word for anti-white.
>It's about race.
yes, nobody is denying this
>implying there is a difference between Brazil and mexico
>a fucking leaf
99% of non-autistic conservatives are denying this, but dog whistling.
No shit dude. Don't tell me this is your eureka moment. Sad.
German-Brazilians wouldnt come here because they wouldnt build a shithole and wouldnt be corrupt
well it's time to stop denying the fact that shitskins are low IQ savages that have no place in this country
What is hypocritical about wanting whites in the country and not wanting non-whites in the country? Of course it's about race, although any functional state still needs secure and monitored borders even if you're open to certain immigration.
>painting a larger-than-life sculptor of myself as a centuar
Russians tend to do that.
OP is low IQ reasoning skills. It's only about race BY PROXY
>hurr durr conservatives don't care about illegals from the north, just the south. Racists.
Well yeah, the northern border is not being flooded by retards because hey, the northern country is smart and white(kek).
You mean, whites build a whole fucking civillization and brownshitskins only piggy-back on everyone in it + rape?
Yeah it's about race. Now leave shitskin
Then why are you here telling the autists this? Go tell them instead.
fucking LEAF
You're right. Germans wouldn't be societal leeches. so I guess it is about race
No shit. That's called being politically smart.
it's about both you nigger leaf
don't want illegal slavs over here or polaks either fucking dirty pols
but legal ones, ok
lol wtf
Irony being that noone's inviting us and instead you're all receiving millions of Africans and Chinese.
What makes you think I want legions of cucked Eurofaggots coming here?
I'd rather whites than non-whites but those whites are still gonna cuck the country to hell and back
WTF? Your point would have been made clearer if you had just said Germans. No non-whites should be allowed into white nations.
You don't get it.
When white people migrate to a country, they are typically a force of good.
When is the last time that you have heard of white migrants going on rape and rioting rampages, or living off of welfare enmasse?
They instead become poster boys for the nebulous concept of immigration, because they do well.
It's about quality of life
ya cuz this is a puritan-European nation you fucking cuck
It's both but mostly race. Non-whites (besides asians) bring a country down it's just a fact that people don't want to accept.
>you wouldn't mind having a neighbor, if he were a tax-paying, upstanding engineer or lawyer, but you wouldn't want a welfare-recipient or drug dealer as your neighbor
>you discriminate between people based on their quality as human beings, you HYPOCRITE
It's about assimilation.
I don't mind Catholic blacks or Europeans. Fuck man, lots of Haitians and Brazilians have a Catholic cultural heritage that can be used as a foundation for assimilation.
For idiots like yourself, there is no way to peel back the thin veil of skin color. Forever you will be a brainwashed pawn of simplicity that will continue to dull the minds of youth through willful ignorance. Think deeper than skin and recognize that Americans want to work and live with those who can be considered distant kin.
This is about culture. This is about the bonds found between men that have been forged in the fires of spiritual likeness.
Leave your crayola straw man at the curb.
It's about lowering wages and voting for Democrats
This is the less aspie version
W-what the fugg is a German-Brazilian bros?
Thicc blondes are usually just fat asses kek.
of course its about race. germans bring Germany with them and the us is already pretty german. Contrast that with Mexicans bringing Mexico with them, Haitians or other clear and obvious burdens.
quit shilling fir parasite cultures, cuck
Brazil had large waves of immigrants from Germany, Italy and Eastern-Europe, hence "German-Brazilians" are Brazilians of mostly or substantially German descent. There are even small towns in Brazil that still speak German.
>if all the illegals flooding your nation looked just like you and acted just like you and were not burdens on social services
No because we would just fucking annex them.
who's the fat chick
>"illegal immigration."
No you stupid leaf it is about that very thing.
Would you let anyone walk into your house?
Why not?
Because you will end up criminals, perverts, and nut cases showing up.
I don't have a problem with Mexicans who are here legally. I have a problem with people who invade our country illegally and then act like they are entitled to the benefits of living here. The sheer arrogance of these people is galling. I read an article today about how some human rights watchdog group was complaining about how the US border patrol and even random fucking hikers were destroying water caches and other supplies left in the desert for illegals crossing the border. And all I could think about is "isn't that their job?"
What's more it turns out these caches are actually left by "aid organizations", who in my opinion should be locked up for treason.
Wut kinda shit pic is dat?
It does not matter. The reality of the situation is that millions of people from a shithole country have come into this country illegally. They broke the law. Many are collecting benefits that are for US citizens alone. This is wrong, and has well surpassed a time if negotiation on their behalf. If they all got deported tomorrow, I think much of America would breathe a sigh of relief.
I don't get this fucking meme at all. How the fuck can you support ILLEGAL immigration? Boggles my mind.
Whiter than you Mohammed.
The mental disease called liberal thinking.
Marbles status: gone.
Yes, if I had a button to kill every spic in the world I wouldn't hesitate to press it, where do you think you are
Have you ever interacted with Haitians or Brazilians? They are low IQ tribal criminals. I once had to fire 4 Haitian employees of mine because they would show up to work on Sunday, punch in for work, and then go to church while being paid.